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British Drug Trafficker Sentenced to Death despite UK Government Pressure

British citizen Akmal Shaikh was executed on December 29, 2009 in China. Shikh was found carrying four kilograms of heroin into China in 2007. According to Chinese law, the death sentence is given to people smuggling 50 grams or more heroin.

The British government, the media and other international human rights organizations appealed repeatedly to the Chinese government to reduce his sentence, citing psychological sanity concerns. The Chinese government stated that Shikh didn’t show signs of mental disorder, and that the trial was carried out following Chinese law and judicial process. Chinese media and judiciary experts consider the effort to save Shikh an attempt by the British government to exert undue influence on the Chinese judicial system.

Source: Xinhua, December 24, 2009

Wen Jiabao: No RMB Appreciation under Pressure

In an interview on December 27, 2009, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao commented on the RMB’s value. Wen confirmed that the RMB will not undergo any appreciation as a result of outside pressure. He suggested that protectionism is rising rapidly against China. Some countries are coming up with a large number of trade barriers, even in the name of environmental protection. Wen believes keeping a stable RMB value is China’s contribution to the world economy. Meanwhile, he is not optimistic about next year’s trend of Chinese exports.

Source: Xinhua, December 27, 2009

Official in Deputy Minister Grade: I Cannot Afford Housing Either

Professor He Keng, who is a National People’s Congress Standing Committee member, Vice Chairman of Congress Finance and Economy Committee, and Chairman of China Statistical Society of Education, recently commented that he could not afford an apartment based on his salary. The professor pointed out that there is a bubble in the Chinese real estate market, which is primarily caused by government speculation on both land and housing. He believes that local governments and some “experts” favor the existence of the bubble, because it has brought them profit. He also believes that sooner or later the price will drop.

Source: Global Times, December 15, 2009

Chinese Internet Scale Tops the World

According to CCTV (Chinese Central Television), by the end of November, the Chinese netizen population reached 360 million – an increase of 20.8%. This number tops the globe. Meanwhile, related statistics show that, by end of June, the Chinese Internet covered 25.5% of the entire population, which is above the global average of 21.9%. The number of Chinese owned domain names reached over 16 million, among which .cn domain names are around 13 million. That makes .cn the largest country domain. According to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chinese broadband users passed 100 million by the end of October.

Source: Global Times, December 15, 2009

China Introduces Five New Internet Domain Restrictions

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently announced five new administrative rules on .cn domain names: (1) Enhancement of the blacklisting mechanism for domain owners; (2) Firming up the requirement on domain owner’s real identity registration; (3) Domains without owner registration will not be resolved (meaning the users won’t be able to visit pages on that domain); (4) If a domain was under government investigation for violating rules, domain resolution for all domains registered by that domain owner will be suspended and the domain owner will be put in the black list; (5) Improving the administration of companies that provide domain registration services.

Source:Xinhua, December 17, 2009

China Establishing Energy Resources Committee

The Economic Observer Newspaper recently reported that the State Council is forming a committee to oversee all Chinese energy resources related management issues. The pending government body has been named the "National Energy Resources Committee." The director of this committee is likely to be a deputy prime minister or a state councilor. Members of the committee will come from the National Development & Reform Commission, National Energy Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection and State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision. The move comes as a result of past poor coordination of various government branches that have a say in energy policies.

Source: Economic Observer Newspaper, December 14, 2009

Bank of China Enhancing Research on New Industries

Xiao Gang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Board Chairman of the Bank of China, recently advised that the bank is enhancing the research of strategic new industries. It will also support the development of a "low carbon economy." Xiao pointed out that the Bank of China should optimize the structure of its loans to be positively in line with the restructuring process of the economy. Its research is aimed at new financial products and service models. Mr. Gang also commented on the needed improvements in personal financial services, integrated domestic and international business, and risk management.

Source: Xinhua, December 7, 2009

State Council Enhancing Consumer Spending Stimulus Policies

The Chinese State Council Executive Meeting held on December 9 came up with several policies designed to stimulating consumer spending: (1) Continuing of the policy of "Home Appliances to the Countryside"; (2) Extending the "Automobiles to the Countryside" project through the end of next year; (3) Continuing the "Home Appliances Replacement project"; (4) Increasing the subsidies to farm machinery purchases; (5) Expanding the scope of the "Energy Savers’ Project"; (6) Extending the reduction of the sales tax on cars below 1.6 liters; (7) Extending the waiver of business taxes on "individual housing transfers" from 2 years to 5 years; and (8) Deferring various insurance payments by companies with financial difficulties.

Source: Xinhua, December 9, 2009