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Xinhua: What’s behind the “Made in China” CNN Commercial

The Chinese government recently delivered a “Made in China” commercial via CNN. The 30-second commercial took one and half years to prepare. It was paid for by multiple government-controlled chambers of commerce and reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Commerce. CNN was selected to run the commercial because it has the “biggest influence.” The total cost of the commercial was estimated to be tens of millions in RMB. The idea is to cleanse the image of “Made in China,” especially after western media’s widespread reports on the poor quality of Chinese products.

Source: Xinhua, December 3, 2009

Xinhua: Hollywood Changing Attitude

Xinhua Net recently republished an article by Globe Magazine, which is a branch of Xinhua News Agency, on recent changes in Hollywood. The article stated the belief that the recent popular movie 2012 signals Hollywood’s changing attitude towards China. The change started from Kungfu Panda in 2008. In both of the movies, China had a positive image. The article concluded that there are three reasons for Hollywood’s change: (1) China is a rising world power; (2) The U.S. is facing challenges around the globe; (3) Hollywood cannot ignore the Chinese market.

Source: Xinhua, December 1, 2009

Wen Jiabao: Some Countries are Restraining China’s Development

Xinhua Net reported on Nov. 30 that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao commented on international trade after the China-Europe Summit. Wen said that it was unfair to ask China to increase the RMB exchange rate while applying protectionism against China. He believed the request was actually an effort to restrain China’s development. Wen also suggested that keeping the Chinese currency stable benefits the Chinese economy as well as the recovery of the world economy.

Source: Xinhua, November 30, 2009 

Study Times: Protectionism in US Trade Policies

Study Times, a newspaper of the CCP Central Party School, recently published an article on the U.S. tendency toward protectionism in today’s trade policies. The article listed supporting cases like “Buy American” (Article 1640), the Chinese tire tariffs, and China steel pipe anti-dumping duties. The article also stated the belief that, as part of its strategy, the U.S. is stepping up the volume on issues like intellectual property protection and the Chinese currency exchange rate. The article expressed concern about “discrimination” against “Made in China,” but it also said trade friction has not yet “lost control”. 

Source: Study Times, November 9, 2009

Global Times: New Shielding Cloth Reduces Electromagnetic Attacking Power by 99.9%

Shielding against electromagnetic weapons is the key to protection of commanding and communication systems in modern warfare. Previously, the Chinese Army did not have the technology in this critical area. In 2001, the Construction Engineering Institute of the Army’s General Logistics Department started research work. With help from the Nonferrous Metal Research Institute, the project team delivered the shielding cloth after six years by utilizing technologies from areas of camping construction, special textile, electromagnetic shielding and environmental control. The distance for information leakage was reduced from 1000 meters down to 1 meter.

Source: Global Times, November 20, 2009

Chinese Broadband Users Pass 100 Million

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently published numbers about the communications industry. The total number of telephone users has reached 1.1 billion, among whom are 0.7 billion cell phone users. Broadband Internet users passed 100 million for the first time. This October, the number of landline users declined by 2.4 million, while mobile phone users increased 9.7 million. Dial-up Internet cusomers declined by 3.4 million.

Source: China News Service, November 23 2009  

CCP Sent Representative to Congress of United Russia Party

The Chinese Communist Party Central Committee sent the Deputy Director of the International Liaison Department, Chen Fengxiang, to attend the 11th Congress of the United Russia Party held on November 21 in Saint Petersburg. Chen also delivered a speech in the forum entitled “Party Responsibilities During A Period of Crisis.”

Source: People’s Daily, November 21, 2009 

Xinhua: Chinese “Culture Deficits” Do not Match China’s World Position

Wang Chen, Chief of the Information Office of the State Council, recently suggested that China has a very large “culture deficit” in its international exchange and distribution of culture. Chinese culture’s international power of influence is significantly behind China’s current world position and level of economic development. He delivered a speech at the Sixth Members Conference of the Translators Association of China. Wang believes translators have the “glorious” mission to deliver on the Party’s call for the enhancement of China’s “soft power” and the improvement of China’s international influence.

Source: Xinhua, November 15, 2009