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Xinhua: Chinese Navy Must Maintain an Offshore Presence

To establish China’s naval strategic offshore support points has become increasingly important, says Xinhua. "Whether for anti-piracy, anti-terrorist attacks, or strategic deterrence, reliable anchors overseas are indispensable. Even for aircraft carrier groups, and their replenishment of supplies and crew, these support points are indispensable." "From a strategic perspective, in the past year, the convoy operations in Somalia and the Gulf of Aden were merely the Chinese navy’s ‘ocean display,’ and were far from a real offshore presence. China has a long way to go to build strategically secured offshore channels."

Source: Xinhua, October 27, 2009

China’s Income Disparity Widening

According to China Economic Weekly under the People’s Daily, since the opening of the economy began, China has transitioned from a country with a narrow income disparity to being one of those with the largest income disparity. “On the surface, it is a matter of the economy, but at a deeper level, it is a matter of system and policy.” A proposed guidance on redistributing revenue was submitted to the State Council for approval close to six months ago and it remains pending. The guidance was meant to “smooth the distribution structure among the State, enterprises and the people.”

The BBC reported that China’s disparity "has gone beyond the reasonable limit" according to many commentators. There is a strange situation existing in China. That is, while the poor have increased hatred and dissatisfaction, the rich are also complaining about society due to the increasing violence and crimes.

1. Chinese Economic Weekly, 41th Issue, 2009
2. BBC Chinese, October 27, 2009

Outlook Weekly: Tit for Tat Against Trade Protectionism

China should proactively strive for fair treatment, tit for tat, says Outlook Weekly a publication under Xinhua. The statement was made in reference to an October 8 letter from the U.S. Alliance for American Manufacturing to U.S. trade officials that the Chinese government spends billions of dollars subsidizing the glass industry’s energy costs. The contract to manufacture blast-resistant glass for the new World Trade Center’s first 20 stories was awarded earlier this year to a Chinese company that underbid U.S. competitors. Song, director of a government think tank, the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is worried, “The U.S. has set a bad example and other countries will follow suit.” Song recommended enforcing and expanding diplomatic and cultural ties to reduce trade friction to the maximum extent.

Source: China News Service, October 20, 2009

State Gets New Funds to Expand Overseas Chinese Teaching

The Chinese Language and Culture Education Foundation of China (CLEF) received a corporate donation of 100 million yuan from an Indonesian company at a ceremony held on October 19, 2009. CLEF indicates that the funds will be for overseas expansion of Chinese language teaching of overseas Chinese. Politburo member Wang Gang attended the ceremony. CLEF was founded in 2004 and is operated by the State Council Overseas Affairs Office. Its council members include the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party, the International Communication office of the Communist Party (State Council Information office), the State Development Planning Commission, the State Administration of Radio, Film And Television, the State Council’s office of Overseas Chinese Affairs, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Xinhua, October 19, 2009

Chinese Language Newspapers Facing Tough Times

From October 16 to 17, over 200 representatives from Chinese language newspapers in 12 countries and regions held their 42th annual meeting in Chongqing, Sichuan Province to discuss the challenges facing them due to the expansion of electronic newspapers. Zhou Xisheng, Deputy Director of Xinhua urged them to "adapt to changes in the world media and develop Chinese newspapers hand in hand." He stated that the traditional newspapers cannot step back, but to adapt to the what young people like, and strive to transfer the contents of the newspapers to electronic versions. Currently Mainland China publishes 1,943 newspapers with a daily circulation exceeding 100 million copies. However since 2003, the number of newspaper has declined by 10% as a result of the expansion of electronic newspapers.

Source: People’s Daily, October 19, 2009

Study Times: Three Major Changes in China’s Socialism Practice

The Party went through three transformations in its understanding of socialism, says Study Times. The first change was from building a new democratic state and society to a socialist model following the Soviet Union (1949-1956). The second shift took place in 1957 with the goal of surpassing the Soviet Union (1957-1978). The third occurred in 1979 with socialism with Chinese characteristics (1979-2009). The article states, “during the ten year catastrophe of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, the State and nation suffered from an unprecedented disaster with in its extent and damages far exceeding the purge in the Soviet Union in the 1930s.”

Source: Study Times, October 5, 2009

Politburo Member Urges Unity under the Party’s Leadership

The Symposium in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Council (CPPCC) concluded in Beijing on October 14, 2009. Wang Gang, Politburo member of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC spoke at the closing ceremony. Wang stressed the need to effectively bring thinking and action in line with the major plan that the CPC set for the CPPCC. He called for closely following the agenda and the interests of the CPC and State under the themes of unity and democracy.

Source: Xinhua, October 14, 2009

Lessons Learned from Past Military Tasks

China should establish a new national security concept in light of development and changes in the national security situation, says a Study Times article discussing lessons learned from military operations in the past 60 years. Specifically, the new concept should reflect the security concern of being a major power in the world, and to effectively defend the national interest beyond the traditional military scope, including non-military operations, crisis defusion and response, containment of war, and playing an active role in the world.

Source: Study Times, October 12, 2009