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F-14 Fighter Made Its Maiden Flight in July 2008

China started to build a J-14 in 2006 and its maiden flight in July 2008 was a success, according to an Internet posting on a popular Chinese military web site. The posting comments on the features of the fourth-generation fighter: First, it maximizes flight time of combat aircraft during supersonic flights. Second, it uses a large number of stealth materials and technology. Thirdly, its taking off and landing performance is greatly improved.

The posting contains a photo of a J-14 under construction.


Olympics: Xinhua Claims China is Fully Open to Foreign Media

As foreign reporters in Beijing find reporting in China rather restrictive, on August 7 Xinhua published an article entitled “China is open with confidence and treats foreign media kindly according to the law.” The article states that China is more open during the Olympics and everything is conducted according to the law. It further states, “foreign media has been given freedom to fully report about China,” and that some foreign TV broadcasters are even allowed to broadcast live from Tiananmen Square.

Source: Xinhua, August 7, 2008 content_8999765.htm

Power Shortages Widespread

As of August 5, of all the 541 power plants in China, 219 have less than 7 days worth of coal inventory. Power shortages have occurred in provinces such as Shangxi, Henan, Hunan and Liaoning where local authorities have implemented planned blackouts. On July 29, the shortage hit 10.22 million Kilowatts in Shandong Province, close to one-third of the power requirement in the province.

The power shortage was attributed to lack of quality coal, which has forced the shutdown of some major power plants.

Industry experts fear that the shortage will spread to more provinces and regions including Jiangsu, Fujian, Hubei and Jiangxi and Chongqing. 70% of the power consumed in Beijing depends on power plants outside the Beijing region. Two of them, Shalingzi and Wangtan Power Plants have their coal inventory hovering at around a 2 day level of reserves.

Source: Xinhua, August 6, 2008

Olympics: Internet Data Centers Ordered to Freeze

All Internet data centers throughout China were ordered to suspend work including network buildup, connection and upgrades starting from August 1, according to Nanfang Daily. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the mandate ordering the freeze to be in effect until after August 25 when the Olympics closes. Websites closed down due to content cannot apply for re-open during the freeze.

Source: Nanfang Daily, July 30, 2008

Olympics: Shanghai Buses Install Surveillance Camera

Security surveillance equipment are being installed on board a total of 68 bus lines with more than 1,620 buses in Shanghai, Xinhua reported. The system has real-time monitoring functions with two infrared cameras at each end of the bus. The installation will be completed on August 5, in time for the Beijing Olympics on August 8.

Source: Xinhuanet, July 25, 2008

Olympics: Chinese Internet Report on Team Darfur Member’s Visa Denial

U.S. media reports about an American reporter being denied a visa to China is spreading on Internet bulletin boards in China including those of the state-run media. The Chinese posting cited Radio Free Asia and San Jose Mercury News reporting that Kendra Zanotto, a 2004 bronze medallist from Los Gatos, California was to work as an expert synchronized swimming reporter for the Olympic News Service, an official arm of the Beijing Games. But the Chinese consulate in San Francisco denied her application, apparently due to her involvement in her affiliation with Team Darfur, an athlete-driven group seeking attention to West Darfur. The Chinese Internet posting stated that representative from the Chinese consulate in San Francisco cited her intent to immigrate at the grounds for the rejection.

Source:, July 28, 2008
San Jose Mercury News, July 23, 2008

Olympics Security Driving People Out of Beijing – Example

As the Olympics is approaching, Beijing authorities has set up schemes that trap those who come to appeal in Beijing, reported Ming Pao on July 24, 2008 of the story from a reader, Mr. Fan Dingxian. 

Fan, a 68 year old retiree from Chongqing, Sichuan, waited for 4 hours before he was interviewed by a staff at the State Petition Bureau in Beijing. He complained about insufficient pension. He was then escorted into an enclosed area in the back of the government building, where armed police surrounded four to five hundreds of people like Fan. An officer announced that all must be on board the government chartered buses heading out of Beijing. Fan refused to go on board and was beaten black and blue.  In the end police carried him on board the bus. It was only after he attempted suicide that he was finally released outside Beijing.

Source: Ming Pao, July 24, 2008

Media in China Serving as Source of Military Intelligence

“China Threat” theory mostly originates from media inside China, says a Xinhua article on July 21, 2008. “Those in the West who advocate China Threat Theory quote largely the evidence from Chinese domestic media.” “To great extent, our own media has become the transmitter of foreign media disseminating others’ information.” The article warns that information posted at Chinese websites, once put together, can be very alarming intelligence on Chinese military, which include pictures of un-released munitions in transit and chattering by Internet users about military movement around their neighborhoods. The article posts online the cover of 2008 U.S. Annual Report to Congress on Chinese military power.

Source: Xinhua, July 21, 2008