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Decline in Economic Growth Seen as Main Foe

Government think tanks are gathering in Beidaihe seeking solutions to contain inflation and curb the decline of economic growth, said Nanfang Daily August 22, 2008. Sources reveal that the think tanks have unanimously agreed, “Decline in the economic growth is worse than inflation.” “The government will be able to stand a 6% annual inflation rate, but if the growth reaches below 10%, bad debts of financial institutions would be appalling.”

Source: People’s Daily, August 22, 2008

Problems in Central Government Budget Implementation Reaching 29 bn Yuan

2007 Annual audit of the central government budget implementation shows problems in the amount of 29.379 billion yuan, said Auditor-General Liu Yi of China National Audit Office on August 27, 2008. The audit covered 368 work units under 53 central government departments. Of the 29.379-bn yuan problem funds, 98% resulted from mismanagement, while violations of law and regulations account for 2%.

Source: China National Audit Office, August 27, 2008

Chinese Commodity Prices Increased by 9.4% in July

People’s Bank of China announced that July’s commodity price rose 9.4 % compared to July 2007.  Agricultural produce prices increased by 6.8%.  Mineral products and thermo electricity prices went up by 18.3% and 26.7% respectively.
Source: Xinhua, August 20, 2008

No Protest Permits Issued During the Beijing Olympics

The Beijing Public Security Bureau admitted in a press interview that it has not issued protest permits to anyone since August, Xinhua reported.  Of the 77 applications, “74 were voluntarily withdrawn,” 2 had “incomplete documentation” and 1 was rejected according to the law.

Since August, the Beijing Public Security Bureau has received 77 applications (149 persons), of which 74 applications (146 persons) were from Chinese residents while 3 applications (3 persons) were from people residing outside China.   In addition, the authorities received 22 inquiries (24 persons) about matters of protest permits, 13 (14 persons) from Chinese residents and 9 (10 persons) from residents outside China.
According to Chinese law, one must apply for a permit before taking to the streets. 

Source: Xinhua, August 18, 2008

Olympics: IGF Investigating Age of Chinese Gymnasts

New evidence of fraud pertaining to the age of two Chinese gymnasts has prompted an Internatioanl Gymnastic Federation (IGF) investigation into the matter, said the International Olympics Committee (IOC) on August 21, 2008.

The new evidence includes an official document prepared by the central government in February 2006, entitled “2006 Registration Table for National Gymnasts” that contains information on the age and birthplace of several hundred Chinese gymnasts.  Line 811 shows that Yang Yilin is a female, born on August 26, 1993 in Guangzhou.  Line 1040 shows that He Kexin is a female, born on January 1, 1994 in Wuhan.  A similar list for 2005 contains the same information for the two gymnasts. The two lists were found through an online search and the links have since been removed.

Source: Epoch Times, August 21, 2008

Applicants of Protest Permit Sentenced To One-Year Forced Labor Camp

Two elderly women who applied for a permit to protest in the newly established protest park during the Beijing Olympics have received notification of a “Decision on Education through Labor” from the Beijing Municipal government, BBC reported.

Between August 5 and August 18 Wu Dianyuan of 79 and Wang Xiuying of 77 had applied 5 times with the Beijing Public Security Bureau seeking permit to protest.  Both were detained and interrogated for 10 hours during their attempt on August 5 at Beijing’s Public Security Bureau.  The two went to Beijing’s Public Security Bureau again on August 18 and were told that since both had received the notification “Decision on Education through Labor” on August 17, they have no right to apply for a permit to protest.

Education through forced labor (laogai) is an administrative form of sentencing issued at the discretion of the government or police without a trial.

Source: BBC, August 21, 2008

Obituary: Former Chinese Leader Hua Guofeng Dies

Hua Guofeng, a former leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC), died on August 20 at the age of 87, Xinhua reported without elaborating.  In a short official statement, Hua was praised as "an outstanding CPC member, a long-tested and loyal Communist fighter and a proletarian revolutionary who once held important leading posts in the CPC and the government." Hua Guofeng succeeded Mao Zedong in 1976 as China’s Communist Party chairman and the nation’s head of state.

Source: Xinhua, August 20, 2008

Rights Website Shut Down Due to Content on Olympics

On August 20, 2008, the Chinese authorities indefinitely shut down a popular website dedicated to the advocacy of rights of citizens in China,  For the over 200 days that it was active, the website was shut down repeatedly because of its content, but was generally allowed to be up, until August 20.  The last articles that it posted and which apparently led to its final closure were a story titled “Olympic Gold Medals Will not Determine the Happiness of the People” and a poem by a policeman.

Weiquan (wq) is a Chinese phrase meaning “safeguarding rights.” 

Source: Boxun, August 20, 1008