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Red Flag Manuscript: Urgent Need to Maintain Weibo Ideology Security

Red Flag Manuscript, a journal under Qiushi, published an article in its 2014 Issue No. 23 on the security of ideology on weibo (microblogging), titled, “Several Trends Must Be Corrected to Maintain Microblogging Ideological Security.”  

The article stated that in the open forum of weibo, various ideological views are in competition with one another. “Views that discredit China and deny the Party’s leadership and the socialist system have gone viral on weibo. Not only do they create a variety of discourses which include violence and rumors, but they also have had a serious impact on the mainstream socialist ideology. It has become urgent to maintain weibo’s ideology security and, in particular, to be vigilant and correct the following trends.” 
“1. To prevent being deceived by Western ideology cloaked as ‘universal values.’ 
2. To prevent being a ‘nice guy’ on major issues that are spread on weibo
3. To prevent hostile forces from using social emergencies to manipulate public opinion on the weibo platform. 
4. To prevent the ideological development work from being disconnected from weibo users.  
5. To prevent the privatization and marketization of weibo and other new media."   
Source: Qiushi, December 12, 2014

Xinhua: China has the Largest Number of Students Studying Abroad

Xinhua reported that from 1978 to 2013, a total of 3.06 million Chinese students studied overseas. The United Nations has ranked China as No. 1 in the world for students studying abroad. 

According to Xinhua, at the beginning of the open door policy, most Chinese students went to the United States, Japan and other developed countries. Now they are in over 100 countries. More Chinese students who have finished their studies have returned to China. In 2013, the total of such returning students reached 350,000, 30 times the number from the beginning of this century. 
China now has over 360,000 foreigners studying at over 700 universities and colleges in China. These foreign students are from more than 200 countries, compared to three countries in the 1950s. 
Source: Xinhua, December 13, 2014

China’s Economic Roadmap for 2015

Xinhua reported that the Central Economic Work Conference, held from December 8 to 11, 2014, set new economic targets for 2015.

Xi Jinping spoke at the conference, giving an overview of the current economic situation and outlining the economic goals and tasks for 2015. Li Keqiang discussed the implementation of the economic priorities for 2015. 
Xinhua said, “Our economy still faces many difficulties and challenges. There is a strong pressure pushing the economy downward. We face growing pains from the economic structural adjustments, increasing difficulties for businesses, and a surge in some economic risks.” 
The major tasks for the economy next year are as follows: 
1. Strive to maintain steady economic growth. 
2. Actively search for and cultivate new growth points. 
3. Accelerate the transformation of the agricultural development mode. 
4. Optimize the pattern of geo-economic development. The overall strategy for regional development is to have the east lead, to develop the west, to revive the northeast, and to rise in central China. 
5. Strengthen the protection and improvement of people’s livelihoods. 
Source: Xinhua, December 11, 2014

Reform: From Business Tax to Value Added Tax

Economic Information Daily reported that real estate and construction may implement a reform from a business tax to a value added tax. 

The State Council set forth the goal that the reform from the business tax to the value added tax should be completed by the end of the 12th five plan period, which is 2011 to 2015. With one year left, the value added tax may be put in place in real estate and construction starting as early as next March. It is anticipated that the tax rate will be 11 percent. Based on preliminary estimates, analysts predict that the reduction in taxes may reach 500 billion yuan. For most companies, implementation of the valued added tax means that accounting and taxation need to be handled by two separate departments, rather than the current practice of using one department. 
Source: Economic Information Daily reprinted by People’s Daily, December 8, 2014

Over 40 Percent of Listed Companies Are Found to Have Environmental Violations.

On December 9, the Beijing based Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) and two other environmental organizations published a report that listed the publicly traded companies in China that had environmental violations. 

According to the IPE report, as of December 5, 2014, 1069 listed companies, which is over 40 percent of all listed companies, were in violation of environmental standards. For example, over 200 companies had instances of noncompliance with emission standards. 
The IPE statistics showed that the largest companies that pollute the environment are power plants, cement companies, non-ferrous metal smelting plants, steel mills, and chemical manufacturers. They account for between 83 to 93 percent of pollutant emissions. Of the 36 listed steel mills, 34 were in violation of environmental standards. Further, the 63 power plants, which account for 80 percent of the listed power plants, have been cited  for violations of environmental regulations a total of 738 times
Source: Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, December 9, 2014

What State Secrets did Zhou Yongkang Leak?

One of the findings that the Communist Party Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) made in its investigation report against Zhou Yonkang is that Zhou leaked Party and State secrets. As China’s former security czar, what State secrets did he leak? 

Some analysts believe that it refers to Zhou’s leaking information about the corruption of his opponents to the media. It may also include Zhou’s attempt to create chaos and organize counterattacks against his opponents. It could also refer to his immediately giving information to Bo Xilai about Wang Lijun having sought refuge in the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu. Some others thought that the findings referred to Zhou Yongkang leaking state secrets to North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in order for them to collaborate in creating international tensions. 

Source: Epoch Times, December 7, 2014

Zhou Yongkang Expelled from the Party and Under Arrest

On December 6, 2014, People’s Daily reported that Zhou Yongkang was expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC), and is now under arrest as the prosecutors launched an investigation against him. According to People’s Daily, on December 5, 2014, after reviewing the investigation report of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) against Zhou, the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee reached the decision to expel him. 

Back on December 1, 2013, the CCDI briefed the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee about the indications pointing to Zhou’s disciplinary violations. They made a decision to conduct a further examination. On July 29, 2014, the Politburo filed a case for investigation. 
According to a statement that the Politburo issued on December 5, 2014, the CCDI investigation found “Zhou has been in serious violation of the Party’s political, organizational, and confidentiality discipline. He used his official positions to seek personal gain for himself and others and accepted huge bribes personally and through his family. He abused his power to help relatives, mistresses, and friends make huge profits from business activities, resulting in significant losses of state-owned assets. He leaked the Party’s and State’s secrets. He seriously violated self-disciplinary regulations and accepted a large amount of money and property personally and through his family. He committed adultery with a number of women and traded his power for sex and money.” The statement added that the investigation uncovered leads indicating he may have committed other crimes. 

On December 6, 2014, China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate issued a statement that it has opened an investigation into Zhou’s suspected crimes and decided to arrest him according to the law. 

Sources: People’s Daily, December 6, 2014

Registration of Real Property Rights to Pave Way for Taxation

China Securities Journal under Xinhua reported that the authorities have started a pilot program in several cities to register real property rights. Nation-wide implementation may unfold next year. 

Real property rights that must be registered include usufructuary rights. The owner of a usufructuary right has the right to possess, utilize, and obtain the profits from the real property owned by others. Generally, land in China is owned by the State. The usufructuary rights include the right to use state-own land, the right to occupy buildings, as well as the right to use farm land, pastures, forests and seas. Earlier this year, it was announced that all real property rights must be registered within three years. 
Analysts observed that the registration is a fundamental component of China’s land reform. Further, completion of registration is a pre-requisite to legislation and implementation of real property tax. 
Source: China Securities Journal reprinted by Xinhua, December 2, 2014