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Qiushi: China’s Political System is Superior to Capitalist Democracy

Qiushi published an article that compared China’s political system with the capitalist system and proclaimed that China’s political system is far superior to capitalist democracy. According to the article, the capitalist democratic system has three major defects: money is in charge, as it is the capitalists who control the power; politics is driven by vested interest groups because the checks and balances system creates multi-centered and multi-layered decision mechanisms leading to short-term policies and conflicts between vested interest groups and the national interest; and the enormous amount of money that must be raised in connection with elections leads to political corruption. On the other hand, China’s socialist democracy is superior as it is conducive to 1) policies that benefit the entire nation because the Communist Party is the political representative of all the people; 2) a balance between the interests of various social groups through the use of the law and policies; and 3) political and social stability.

Source: Qiushi, September 27, 2011

People’s Daily: The U.S. Arms Sales to Asia Will Likely Increase

An article on the People’s Daily website anticipates an increase in U.S. arms sales to Asian countries. “The large sale of arms to Taiwan once again shows that U.S. arms exports are an important part of its Asia Pacific strategy. In recent years, the United States has increased its arms exports to the Asia Pacific region and, in particular, to ASEAN countries. Further it is trying to bundle its weaponry systems with these countries’ need for munitions so as to serve its own strategic goals.”

Source: People’Daily Online, September 23, 2011

Qiushi: Advocating Courses on Communist Party History in Universities

Qiushi published an article that advocates enforcing a requirement that, as a means of fostering loyalty, students at institutions of higher education in China must take courses on Communist Party history. “The Party history materials can enrich the content of ideological and political education.” Such courses, according to the article, will help students establish a firm belief in communism, patriotism, nationalism, and revolutionary traditions.

Source: Qiushi, September 22, 2011

Xinhua: The Continuing Decline of U. S. Political Credibility

A Xinhua editorial states that the United States will end up harming itself by selling arms to Taiwan. “The Obama Administration of the United States decided on September 21, 2011, to sell arms to Taiwan. Thus, one more time, it ate its own words on an issue involving China’s core interests. … Only when the United States keeps its promises, adequately handles the Taiwan issue, and stops arms sales and military exchanges can it promote healthy and stable progress in the Sino-US relationship. Otherwise, the political credibility of the United States will continue to decline. Eventually it will wipe out its credit and the United States will be its own victim. This is not a threat.”

Source: Xinhua, September 22, 2011

Securities Times: A Rare Opportunity for Chinese RMB Internationalization

An editorial in the Securities Times states that the economic crisis in the United States and Europe has brought a rare opportunity for internationalization of the Chinese RMB. In early September, Nigeria announced that it had a Memorandum of Understanding with the People’s Bank of China to convert about 5 to 10% of its foreign exchange reserves to Chinese RMB. China has already entered into agreements with Russia, South Korea, Mongolia, Myanmar, Malaysia and others regarding use of the RMB in settlement. The editorial states, “To internationalize the RMB is the only path for the rise of China. … From regional to global, this is the real path of internationalization.” "It not only expands the RMB’s influence but also reduces the exposure of Chinese foreign trade to the weak U.S. dollar." However, the editorial recognized that the RMB has a long way to go to become a true international currency, stating that the current situation is inadequate because China is the second largest economy and has the largest trade surplus and foreign reserves. “The current international environment has provided China with a historic opportunity to accelerate RMB internationalization.”

Source: Securities Times, September 9, 2011

PLA Daily: The Dual Character of U.S. Policy toward China

People’s Liberation Army Daily published a commentary on the upcoming U.S. arms sale to Taiwan. According to the commentary, if the U.S. proceeds with the arms sale to Taiwan, “it will seriously interfere with China’s internal affairs and will endanger China’s security and core interests.” It will further demonstrate the dual character of the U.S. position on major issues affecting China’s core interests. Such a dual character “has its root cause in its self-proclaimed global hegemony.” “On the one hand, it wants China to share responsibility and handle crises. On the other hand, it is afraid that China will challenge the U.S. It has thus been inconsistent to such an extent that it sells arms to Taiwan and sabotages its normal bilateral relationship with China. The white paper that China recently released indicated that any concerns the U.S. has about China amount to much ado about nothing.”

Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily reprinted by Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China, September 12, 2011

Beijing’s Golf Courses’ Enormous Consumption of Resources

China Youth Daily published a report about the enourmous land and water resources that Beijing’s 75 golf courses use. In terms of land, they use 132, 257.75 mu (about 881,713 acres), which is 0.5% of the total area under the Beijing administrative jurisdiction. The daily consumption of water is at least 168,700 cubic feet, amounting to 60 million cubic feet of water resources every year. Due to Beijing’s shortage of water, twice in 2010 Beijing diverted water from other provinces. In October 2010 alone, about 40 million cubic feet was diverted to Beijing.

Source: China Youth Daily, September 7, 2010

Qiushi: the Socialist System and the Party are the Key to an Independant and Powerful China

According to an article by a Party think tank in Beijing, the Chinese style socialist system provides institutional assurance of China’s development and progress. “The only way for China to become independent and powerful is to establish Chinese style socialist system and explore its own path of development. … Chinese people must fight against the overseas hostile forces and elements that antagonize and undermine China’s socialist system…. To accomplish anything in China, the key is the Party. To uphold and improve the Chinese style socialist system, the key is also the Party.”

Source: Qiushi, September 1, 2011