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Outlook Weekly: TPP û the Core of the U.S. Strategy to Return to the Asia Pacific

The State Information Center published an article in Outlook Weekly recommending that China join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact, an Asia-Pacific regional trade agreement. The United States, eight other partners, and Japan have announced plans to participate and are currently negotiating. “Once the TPP is implemented, it will most likely change the current pattern of economic development and trade, have a profound influence on global, economic, and trade relations and regional economic cooperation and impact other forms of the multilateral trading system in the region.” With TPP, the U.S. intends to lead the future in economic cooperation in the region and formulate the new economic order with the U.S. as the center. “TPP may be viewed as the core strategy of the U.S. ‘New Pacific Century.’” The article recommends that China participate as early as possible so that it can set the standards and position itself well strategically.

Source: Outlook Weekly, November 14, 2011

People’s Daily: Strengthen and Improve the Party’s Control of News Reporting and Public Opinion

People’s Daily published a commentary advocating that the Party do four things to improve its control of media and of public opinion. The first one is to strengthen the capability to lead public opinion. In doing so, the article stresses the importance of adhering to the Communist doctrine and the socialist banner. The second is to improve control of the Internet and of the new media. Specifically, the Party’s newspapers, news agencies, television stations, and radio stations must aggressively expand into the new media field. The third is to speed up the development of a modern media network. The priority is to upgrade the Party’s media, including newspapers, news agencies, radio, and TV. The fourth is to establish a large army of news staff members.

Source: People’s Daily, November 11, 2011

Guangzhou Daily: Understanding the Forces behind the U.S. Policy toward China

According to an article published in Guangzhou Daily on November 6, 2011, the United States is the factor that has the most influence on China’s international environment. “Only by strategically handling our relationship with the United States can China gain a better space in which to survive and grow.” The article categorized the many U.S. opinions into four groups: the cold war mentality, the rise-equals-threat theory, geopolitics, and transforming China through engagement. It suggested that U.S. foreign policy toward China has been the result of a balancing act between White House decision makers who want engagement and those who seek containment.

Source: Guangzhou Daily, November 6, 2011

State Media Chief on Expanding State Media to Increase China’s Influence

Cai Fuchao, the head of the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) discussed the development of a modern media empire to enable socialist culture to increase its influence. During an interview with Study Times, Cai stated that the stronger a nations’s capability of distributing its values and culture, the more powerful will its influence be in the world. “The Party’s newspapers, journals, news agencies, radio, and television are the main forces that the Party has for its news and propaganda. In our modern communication system, developing them must be a strategic priority.”

According to Cai, Xinhua has over 140 overseas branches. China Radio International has 32 overseas correspondents’ stations and 62 overseas AM and FM radio stations broadcasting in 61 languages. China Central Television has 50 overseas correspondents’ stations broadcasting in six languages on seven international channels. There are over 200 million local subscribers through cable in 141 countries and regions. China Daily (English) has different editions for the United States, Europe and Asia in addition to its domestic flagship edition in China. The overseas edition of China News Service covers 22 countries.

Source: Study Times, November 7, 2011

Wen Jiabao Reiterates China’s Proposal to Establish an SCO Development Bank

China’s Premier, Wen Jiabao, when meeting with heads of delegations attending the 10th prime ministers’ meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in St. Petersburg, Russia, renewed China’s proposal to establish a regional development bank. During last year’s meeting at Dushanbe, Tajikistan’s capital, Wen suggested founding an SCO development bank in a bid to promote the development of a regional financing system. In St. Petersburg, Wen hoped the member countries would attach importance to China’s proposal. He recommended that an expert panel be put together to study the proposal and formulate plans for the establishment of the development bank. Wen also made a series of proposals for regular meetings of the finance ministers and central bank presidents, expansion of cooperation within the SCO regarding trade and settlement, and building a multi-level and multi-channel financing cooperation system.

Source: China National Radio, November 8, 2011

Qiushi: Cultural Soft Power is Vital to Economic Development

On November 1, 2011 Qiushi published an article on the recent call that the Communist Party issued at its Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th Congress, which closed on October 18, 2011, to intensify efforts to develop socialist culture. The article explained that the second decade of the twenty-first century is a critical opportunity for the development of China’s culture. More and more, culture has become the source that unites the people, the factor that improves the country’s competitiveness, and the substance that serves as a pillar for economic development. As a distinctive feature of current and future domestic and international changes, “whoever commands the high ground in cultural development will have strong cultural soft power and hence will be strategically positioned to win in the fierce international competition.”

Source: Qiushi, November 1, 2011

Outlook: Socialist Values Establish the Direction of Chinese Socialism

Outlook Weekly published a commentary by a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. The commentary stated, “The socialist core value system is the soul rejuvenating the country and the essence of the socialist advanced culture. It determines the direction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” The Chinese Communist Party uses Marxist values as a guide to determine the values of everything else. The core value of socialism is to liberate mankind. The four basic elements that make up the socialist core value system are the guiding principles of Marxism, the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the national spirit and the spirit of the times, and socialist morality.”

Source: Outlook Weekly reprinted on the website of the Chinese Communist Party, October 24, 2011

More U.S. Investors Withdrawing from China’s Real Estate Market

The International Herald Leader published an article reporting that U.S. investors are withdrawing from China’s real estate market. The weather is getting colder, bringing winter to the Chinese real estate market. Housing prices in Shanghai, Beijing, and other cities have fallen up to 30%. At the end of September, the U.S. investment firm Blackstone sold its 95% ownership of the commercial real property, the Shanghai Shopping Channel 1, for 1.45 billion RMB to a Hong Kong investor, Cheng Yu-tung. Recently, over a dozen U.S. individual investors jointly sold over 70 suites in a Shanghai hotel for 126 million RMB. “The collective action of the U.S. individual investors to sell their property and the Blackstone’s divestment of its real property in Shanghai confirm the rumor that foreign capital is accelerating its withdrawal from China’s real estate market.” At an interview with the newspaper, Ye Chuhua, a financial expert stated that those who are withdrawing today have already missed the prime time and that those who still own real property are trapped and will have to sell at a loss.

Source: Xinhua, October 31, 2011