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36,000 College Graduates to Serve as Village Officials in 2010

On Aprl 29, the Central Propaganda Department issued the “Notice on Quotas of College Graduates for Village Official Positions for 2010.” The notice increased the target number of college graduates who will serve as village officials to 200,000 for the period from 2008 to 2012, with 36,000 in 2010. So far there are 159,000 college graduates working in villages, with 24% holding party or village official titles. The order also asks local authorities to keep these college graduates there after their term is over.

[Ed: In 2008, to solve the unemployment problem for college graduates and strengthen control in rural areas, the Central Propaganda Department started sending college graduates to serve as village officials. Their salaries are subsidized by the central government and their terms at the village are two or three years.]

Source: Xinhua, April 29, 2010

Xiong Guangkai: Chinese Military Should Have ‘Grand Security Vision’

China News Agency recently reported that Xiong Guangkai, former General and Army Deputy Chief of the General Staff, commented on China’s security situation. Xiong believes the overall positive security status remains unchanged, but the nation still faces many risks that require the army to remain alert. The “Grand Security Vision” is needed.

Xiong summarized three areas of “traditional risks”: (1) regional wars happen frequently; (2) international military competition intensifies around a core of new age military reforms; (3) nuclear proliferation and control are very much alive. However the Grand Security Vision includes six non-traditional risks: (1) the international financial crisis changes the development model; (2) anti-terrorism needs more attention; (3) information security stands out as a crucial risk; (4) energy safety is becoming a challenge; (5) food supply reliability is increasingly problematic; (6) climate change and public health issues are on the rise.

Source: China News Agency, April 29, 2010

Xinhua Authorized to Announce the State Secrets Law

On April 29, The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets. This law has six articles and fifty three clauses. State secrets are divided into three classes of Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential, with an expiration time of no more than thirty years, twenty years, and ten years, respectively. The law will take effect starting October 1, 2010.

(Chinascope Notes: Many believe there is a high probability that government officials will use this law to restrict human rights.)

Source: Xinhua, April 29, 2010

Minister of Culture: Culture Industry Growing Rapidly, Lacking Leading Enterprises

Cai Wu, China’s Minister of Culture, recently delivered a report to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on the development of the culture industry. He admitted that there are several fronts where the industry is facing challenges: (1) the culture industry is does not have a large enough scale and the development level is not high; (2) the industry lacks leading enterprises and well-known brands; (3) the culture trade deficit remains high; (4) blind investments do exist. He believes that, to improve the situation, increased government investment and support from the financial industry are necessary.

Source: Renmin, April 29, 2010

Corruption has increased in the colleges and universities across China

On May 3, 2010,  the website of reprinted an article from Beijing News ( regarding the increasing corruption in the colleges and universities across China.

For example, the number of the corruption cases among colleges and universities in Beijing has doubled in the past three years. Nearly 50% of the corruption cases are related to college admission and personnel hiring.

Last year, two top leaders at Wuhan University, the former Party Deputy Secretary, Long Xiaole, and the former Executive Vice President, Chen Zhaofang, were arrested for taking huge bribes. Guangdong Zhanjiang Normal College President, Guo Zeshen, was detained for financial problems. President Zhang Jiangang of Wuhan University of Science and Engineering and other people were forced by the Party to confess their infrastructure funding corruption in a specified place at a specified time. 

Source:, May 3, 2010

People’s Daily: China’s ratio at birth of male to female was 119.45 in 2009

On April 1, 2010, People’s Daily reported that China’s ratio of male to female births in 2009 was 119.45, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China. The recently released 2010 "Social Blue Book" by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences predicted that by 2020, the number of men at a marriageable age will be 24 million more than women of a marriageable age. There will be more “Inter-generational marriages” and “older woman and younger men marriages.”   

Source: People’s Daily, April, 2010

Xi Jinping: Strive to Master the Marxist Position, Viewpoints and Methodology

On April 1, 2001, the website of www.QSTHEORY.CN, the CPC Central Committee’s theory website, published Xi Jinping’s article titled, “Further Study the Socialist Theoretical System with Chinese Characteristics and Striving to Master the Marxist Position, Viewpoints and Methodology.” Xi Jinping is China’s Vice President, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee and Principal of the Central Party School. The article is based on Xi Jinping’s speech given at the Central Party School Spring Semester Opening Ceremony on March 1, 2010.

Xi Jinping requests the Party officials to “intentionally apply the ideological weapon of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to transform both the objective world and the subjective world,” and “truly unite most of the masses around the Party and the government.”

Source: www.QSTHEORY.CN, April 1, 2010

CCCCP’s International Liaison Department Briefs Foreign Diplomats

On April 27, the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCCCP) held a briefing on the “Chinese Communist Party’s Inner Party Democracy Development,” attended by more than 40 diplomats from 30 European and American countries. 

After the Fourth Session of the 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the International Liaison Department has been holding briefings for foreign diplomats and journalists regarding the Party’s international activities, China’s political system, and the CCP’s governance. The briefings, according to the department, aim to strengthen the CCP’s external dissemination of the Party’s information. 
The International Liaison Department is a function of the CCP’s Central Committee that works with political parties of other countries, especially communist parties and left-wing parties. 
Source: Website of International Liaison Department, CCCCP.