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The Next U.S. War Target

Xinhua recently republished an article by PLA Life Magazine, authored by popular military commentator, Zhang Zhaozhong, on who will be the next U.S. war target. The article started with the story that the CIA helped Saddam Hussein obtain the ruling power and pushed the war against Iran. Then, after a failed war against Iran, the U.S. tacitly agreed to Saddam’s plan to invade Kuwait as a trap. The Bushes attacked Iraq to sustain control of the region by having a pro-US government. The war in Afghanistan afterwards was to completely remove Russia’s influence and to “put a knife in China’s back.”

The author considers Obama’s peaceful look to be a “political smoke bomb.” The article looked back into U.S. history and concluded that there was no US president that never had a war. Therefore Obama will not be an exception. Zhang predicts the U.S. will not let Iran be the strongest military power in the Middle East.

Source: Xinhua, April 6, 2010

Xinhua Published Five Commentaries on Local Government Land Sales

From March 28 to April 1, Xinhua consecutively published five commentaries against local governments on selling land to increase income. The key points of the commentaries were: (1) land-selling based local finance policies are an overdraft that’s not sustainable; (2) local governments must change the mentality of real estate speculation; (3) the entire government real estate approval process should be transparent to avoid corruption; (4) land monopoly causes vicious competition and pushes land prices up; (5) the high profit and immediate contribution to GDP (which is a major measurement of a government’s performance) discourages local government’s willingness to control housing price.

Source: Xinhua, April 4, 2010

People Video Communications Enters the Mobile TV Market

People Video Communications, under state daily news Renmin, announced the availability of online video services for mobile phones. The Mobile video services include forums, news, laws, movies, TV series,  entertainment, and more. The services contents are based on the People’s Daily newspaper. The 24-hour broadcast platform also serves as an integration point of movie and TV distribution channels, entertainment agents, interactive entertainment and value-added mobile services. The Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party also sent representatives to the announcement ceremony.

Source: Renmin, April 9, 2010

Boxun: China’s Investment in the Balkans is for Positioning itself in International Politics.

Boxun ( and, an independent online Chinese news source, published an article based on information from Associated Press on April 5, 2010, titled, “Europe Exclaimed: China Swept the Entire Eastern Europe with a Trump in Hand.”1

The article reported that “the Chinese government’s approach is very simple. It just starts from economic cooperation. The trump in hand is the money.”

The article further pointed out that “China’s investment in the Balkans is not for money but for positioning itself in international politics. China sends a strong signal to the world through (its involvement) in the Balkans that … China is no longer a regional power but a real world power. China is on the way towards world hegemony. The Balkans is only a geographical location on its schedule.”

1. Ed. Note: The original article from Associated Press could be found.

Source: Boxun, April 5, 2010

People’s Daily: Russia sold 15 sets of the new S-300 missile systems to China

According to People’s Daily on April 3, 2010, “Russian Al Yilmaz Aetna’s president said that its factory has delivered 15 sets of the new S-300 missile systems to China with a contract valued at more than 2.25 billion U.S. dollars.”

The People’s Daily article reported that “The S-300 missile (NATO code-named Sam -20) covers a range of more than 150 km with a maximum flying speed at over 2 kilometers per second. … Based on information from the West, it can shoot down cruise missiles and aircraft.” The article pointed out that “the West is worried that the latest export-oriented S-300 missiles may also have “anti-stealth” capability.”

Source: People’s Daily, April 3, 2010

NDDaily: Historic Photos Modified for Political and Artistic Reasons

On April 5, 2010, China Gate ( reprinted a news article from NDDaily (, a Chinese newspaper in China, on Zhang Dali’s historic photo exhibit called “Zhang Dali: A Second History,” which is in the Guangdong Museum of Art from March 27 to April 18, 2010:

According to the article, Zhang’s photo exhibit presents over 130 sets of historic photos with multiple photos of the same scene. They are modified with erased figures and replaced backgrounds for political and artistic reasons. Zhang Dali said: “What we see or know is actually ‘the second history.’ The ‘first history’ was intentionally or unintentionally covered.”

Source: China Gate, April 5, 2010

China Has Launched 36 Satellites for 14 Countries

On April 7, China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC), China’s flagship organization authorized by the government to provide satellite in-orbit delivery (IOD) services, commercial launch services and aerospace technology applications invited customers from countries including the United States, France, Germany,  the Philippines, and Hong Kong to the city of Xichang (which has a spaceport located about 64 km to the northwest) to commemorate the 20 year anniversary of China’s international space launch services. 

According to China News Service, to date, China has used 7 models of “Long March” rockets to launch 36 commercial satellites for 14 countries. 
Source: China News Service, April 8, 2010

Wang Cheng Asks for Stronger Asia Voice

“Asia media should strengthen communications and cooperation,” said Wang Cheng, Director of the State Council Information Office at the Asia News Network’s (ANN) 2010 annual meeting on April 9 in Beijing. ANN is a “network of national daily newspapers published in Asian cities. It was organized to provide avenues for cooperation and to optimize coverage of major news events in the region.” The Editor-in-Chief of China’s official English newspaper China Daily is on its Executive Board. 

Wang emphasized the fast growth of information technology and Internet based new media, suggesting Asia’s traditional media should catch up. In particular, Wang called for a greater voice from all Asia’s media combined. “National media should grasp the direction of regional cooperation, strengthen reporting on other Asian countries, enhance coverage of international affairs, and gain a greater voice for Asia, which should send more and have a stronger voice of its own.” 
Source: China News Service, April 9, 2010