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Chinese Publishers Rush to Grab the World Market

In the recent Chinese Publications Export Promotion Planning Conference, the General Administration of Press and Publications was pushing for more copyrighted publications to be exported not only to the major markets of Britain, the U.S., Germany, France and Russia, but also to countries surrounding China as well as Arabic, African, and Latin American countries. The “Go Out” strategy promotes these models: direct publishing overseas; using foreign planning skills for out-going projects; key products bringing along weaker ones; and publishing/printing bundling. In the recent couple of years, the China Publishing Group has already established a network of publishing companies around the globe.

Source: Xinhua, March 26, 2010

Global Times: Google incident overstated by the West

Global Times, one of China’s official websites, reported on March 25, 2010, that the Google incident is overstated in the West and some Western media such as the “San Francisco Chronicle” and “The Wall Street Journal,” are maliciously discussing “how to deal with China.” Chinese analysts believe that, when conflicts occur, Westerners are united by these media to pressure China.

Global Times also reported that the U.S. government’s attitude is actually backing down on this matter except for Secretary of the State Hillary Clinton’s initial pressure on China’s Internet freedom. Now, the Google incident is only Google’s challenge to the Chinese government. Chinese netizens are now becoming calmer and calmer about the Google incident. Those sympathetic voices toward Google are weakening and the words are not as sharp.

Source: Global Times, March 25, 2010

Global Times: The U.S. will lose, if there is a trade war with China

On March 25, 2010, Global Times, one of China’s official websites, published the article “China advises the U.S. regarding ‘Trade War’: the U.S. will be a loser if it challenges (China).”

The article cited Western news reports to present its point, such as the Washington Post’s article on March 22, 2010, (“China’s commerce minister: U.S. has the most to lose in a trade war”); the Reuters’ article on March 21, 2010, (“China vows to hit back if targeted by U.S. on yuan”); an article from the Boston Globe; and another article from Singapore’s "Lianhe Zaobao".

Yuan Peng, director of the Institute of American Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations told Global Times that it would be a lose-lose situation if the U.S. launched a trade war with China.

Source: Global Times, March 25, 2010

Xinhua: CPC Press Spokesman System is important to strengthen Party building.

Xinhua reported on February 25, 2010, that Xinhua had an exclusive interview with the CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department’s press spokesman regarding how to “constantly strengthen the Party’s power in creativity, cohesion and combat.”

“The establishment of a CPC Committee Press Spokesman System,” which is very important to strengthen the  building of the Party, was first proposed in the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee Conference.

Several CPC Central Committee departments have established their press spokesman systems, such as the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the CPC Organization Department, the CPC United Front Work Department, the CPC External Liaison Department, the CPC Party History Research Office, the CPC Literature Research Center, the CPC Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, and the CPC State Archives Administration.

Source: Xinhua, February 25, 2010

Xi Jinping Speaks at Russia’s Chinese Year

While visiting Russia on March 23, China’s Vice President Xi Jinping joined Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin for the opening ceremony of Russia’s “Chinese Year.” 

“The current Sino-Russia strategic partnership has become a mature, stable, and healthy bilateral relationship. The recent year’s humanitarian and cultural exchanges have played big roles in facilitating the strategic cooperation.” said Xi, who is also a member of Politburo Standing Committee. The opening ceremony marks the beginning of Russia’s “Chinese Year,”  while 2009 was China’s “Russian Year,” when over 260 cultural events were held. 
During the visit, Xi also stopped by the Confucius Institute at the Russian State University for the Humanities.
Source: China News Service, March 24, 2010

Hu Jintao Ordered Military to Fight Drought

On March 24, the PLA’s General Staff Department and General Political Department issued a joint directive, requiring the army and armed police force to “resolutely implement the important instructions from President Hu Jintao to spare no effort to support local governments in winning the tough battle over drought relief.” 

One day before, Hu Jintao, President of China and also Chair of Central Military Commission, instructed, “The local garrisons must think what people think, help people meet their needs, and solve people’s difficulties. (They should) closely cooperate with the local party committees and governments to actively join the fight against drought in order to make greater contributions to winning the tough battle.” 
Source: Guangming Daily, March 25, 2010

Ministry of Public Security’s Great Intelligence System

At a recent training session for chiefs of nationwide Public Security Bureaus, the Deputy Minister of Public Security, Zhang Xinfeng, called for a “deep understanding of the significance of the ‘great intelligence’ system for facilitating the reform and innovation of public security work.” He instructed to “speed up developing a ‘great intelligence’ system, and comprehensively improving the capabilities to defend national security and social stability.” 

Zhang pointed out that “a variety of information and communication infrastructures have been built. By storing rich information on the Internet, the police authorities have adopted information technologies in most key areas.”The “great intelligence” system, part of the “Golden Shield Project,” is an integrated nationwide intelligence sharing platform for all public security workers. 
Source:, March 25, 2010

Party Building: Public Security Officials Under Intensive Training

March 20 saw the opening of boot camp training for 472 regional and municipal public security directors at the People’s Public Security University in Beijing. The Minister of Public Security taught the first lecture. The 10 day training will address social stability, the rule of law, and corruption, among other topics. The training was touted as the first since the Communist Party came to power as an important endeavor to safeguard national security and social stability. In 2009, the Ministry of Public Security held similar training for county public security directors to implement a new directive from the Communist leaders to improve party building.

Source: Xinhua, March 22, 2010