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Spanish Court Indicted Jiang Zemin and His Close Associates

On November 13, Spain’s court indicted five high-ranking CCP officials for crimes of torture and genocide against Falun Gong practitioners. According to AOL UK, the five officials are Jiang Zemin, former head of the Communist Party, who ordered the campaign to “eradicate” the Falun Gong meditation practice in 1999; Luo Gan, head of the notorious “610 Office,” a nationwide secret police task force; Bo Xilai, current Chongqing party secretary; Jia Qinglin and Wu Guanzheng, both members of the Politburo Standing Committee.

The defendants have 4 to 6 weeks to reply and could face extradition if traveling to a country that has extradition treaties with Spain, including China and the US. If convicted, each could face up to a 20-year prison term.

Source: AOL UK,

Additional Source: The Epoch Times, November 19, 2009

Beijing Acknowledges Outbreak of H1N1 Flu

China finally admitted that the H1N1 flu has been spreading throughout China. According to the Beijing Evening, the Director of Beijing City Health Bureau said that in Beijing approximately 400,000 people were infected with the H1N1 flu. Earlier Beijing admitted only to numbers in the lower thousands.

The Guangzhou Daily published an interview with Zhong Nanshan, an Academic at the China Engineering Academy. In 2003, he broke China’s news blockade and told western media that SARS had spread widely in China. Zhong said, “as for the number of H1N1 infected cases reported in China, I don’t believe it at all!”

Experts predicted that the H1N1 flu will infect 130-260 million people in China at its peak and will have an effect on China’s GDP in the range of about 0.5 percent.

[1] Beijing Evening, November 25, 2009
[2] Guangzhou Daily, November 19, 2009

Changes in Provincial Heads on the Horizon

Members of the “League Faction” (Ed: Hu Jintao’s supporters and allies) will serve as provincial heads in several provinces or autonomous regions (ARs), as current heads are close to retirement.

Takunpao republished Mingpao’s latest version concerning political realignment, which may be launched in early December:

– Liu Qi, Party Secretary of Beijing and Wang Lequan, Party Secretary of Xinjiang AR will remain in their posts
– Hu Chunhua, Governor of Hebei will assume the Inner Mongolia AR provincial head position
– Sun Zhengcai, Minister of Agriculture will be provincial head in Jilin
– Wang Min, current Jilin Party Secretary will take the Liaoning provincial head position
– Lu Zhangong, Party Secretary of Fujian will accept the Henan provincial head position.

Both Hu and Sun are 46. They are expected to be rise to the central leadership in Zhongnanhai at the 19th Central Committee in 2017.

Source: Takunpao, November 25, 2009

Study Times: Protectionism in US Trade Policies

Study Times, a newspaper of the CCP Central Party School, recently published an article on the U.S. tendency toward protectionism in today’s trade policies. The article listed supporting cases like “Buy American” (Article 1640), the Chinese tire tariffs, and China steel pipe anti-dumping duties. The article also stated the belief that, as part of its strategy, the U.S. is stepping up the volume on issues like intellectual property protection and the Chinese currency exchange rate. The article expressed concern about “discrimination” against “Made in China,” but it also said trade friction has not yet “lost control”. 

Source: Study Times, November 9, 2009

Global Times: New Shielding Cloth Reduces Electromagnetic Attacking Power by 99.9%

Shielding against electromagnetic weapons is the key to protection of commanding and communication systems in modern warfare. Previously, the Chinese Army did not have the technology in this critical area. In 2001, the Construction Engineering Institute of the Army’s General Logistics Department started research work. With help from the Nonferrous Metal Research Institute, the project team delivered the shielding cloth after six years by utilizing technologies from areas of camping construction, special textile, electromagnetic shielding and environmental control. The distance for information leakage was reduced from 1000 meters down to 1 meter.

Source: Global Times, November 20, 2009

Chinese Broadband Users Pass 100 Million

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently published numbers about the communications industry. The total number of telephone users has reached 1.1 billion, among whom are 0.7 billion cell phone users. Broadband Internet users passed 100 million for the first time. This October, the number of landline users declined by 2.4 million, while mobile phone users increased 9.7 million. Dial-up Internet cusomers declined by 3.4 million.

Source: China News Service, November 23 2009  

Outlook Weekly Publishes Hu Jintao’s Epochal Views

The latest issue of Outlook Weekly magazine, owned by Xinhua, published an article titled “Hu Jintao’s Epochal Views.” Although the full text of the article, already in the print version of the magazine, is not seen on the web, major state media have widely reported this article. 

According to Xinhua, “Hu Jintao’s Epochal Views” is a “complete set of basic views that reflect the trend of the current epoch, promote the development of the epoch, and lead the advance of the epoch.” “It embodies major theoretical innovations of the Chinese Communist Party of the new century and new stage on the issues of the current epoch.” “It is mainly composed of fives aspects: the view of profound transformation, the view of a harmonious world, the view of joint development, the view of shared responsibilities, and the view of active participation.”
Source: Xinhua, November 24, 2009

2009’s Major National Science and Technology Projects Underway

On November 23 and 24, Liu Yandong, a member of the Politburo and the State Council, presided over a meeting to implement the 2009 Major National Science and Technology Projects. Liu emphasized carrying out the “latest requirements” of the Party and State Council in the fields of science and technology, with a focus on assuring national security, leading the world with a roadmap of R&D, expediting innovations in key areas, and fostering new strategic industries. 

Liu said the Major Projects are based on forward-looking strategic decision made by the Party and the State Council. Comprehensive implementation is underway. 

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2009