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Briefings - 1103. page

Supreme Court: Improving Justice Based on Party Development

Xinhua reported on November 6 that Shen Deyong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Supreme Court, emphasized in the Fourth Training Class of Presidents of the Basic and Intermediate Courts that justice work should be based on improving Party development, which is the strongest “political assurance” of the “scientific improvement” of the people’s court system. He required the court presidents to “systematically study” basic Marxism, Socialist Theories with Chinese Characteristics, the core value system of socialism, and the socialist concept of rule of law. He also called for sharing the Party’s cares and worries.

Source: Xinhua, November 6, 2009

Joint Communique of China, India and Russia Released

On October 27, 2009, foreign affairs ministers of China, India and Russia met in Bangalore, India. A Joint Communique was issued afterwards and published in People’s Daily.

The Communique stated that the improved economic conditions of the three countries will facilitate even faster growth. “The strengthened communication of the three countries will benefit improvement of their overall influence, promotion of the democratic process, and development of a multi-polar world.”

The Communique enumerated mechanisms for the three countries to launch talks on global economic management, climate change, trade policy, development, and cooperation.

The Communique asked for a “comprehensive reform” of the United Nations. China and Russia support India’s wish to play a larger role in the UN.

Source: People’s Daily, October 29, 2009

China Develops Supercomputer

China unveiled its fastest supercomputer yesterday, known as a petaflop. At its peak speed, it can do more than one quadrillion calculations per second.

The birth of the supercomputer, named "Tianhe," which means "Milky Way," makes China the second country, after the United States, to build a petaflop computer. This gigantic device can do as many calculations in one day as those done by an ordinary dual-core personal computer in 160 years, said Li Nan, director of the Tianhe Project Office under the National University of Defense Technology, developer of the supercomputer.

The supercomputer has many practical applications, and will be used in seismic data processing, for oil exploration, bio-medical research, development of aerospace vehicles, long-term weather and climate forecasting, financial data analysis and pollution control in the Bohai Sea area.

Source: People’s Daily, October 29, 2009

Wen Jiabao Emphasizes Science and Technology

In a keynote speech to a group of scientists, Premier Wen Jiabao said that China’s science and technology “will surely support and lead the country toward its grand goal of modernization.”

Quotations from Wen’s speech:

“History tells us that science and technology determine a nation’s prosperity and a country’s fate.”

“The world is experiencing an unprecedented financial crisis in this century. Those who can lead the technological innovation will be able to grasp the initiative in development and be the first to recover and prosper. In response to this international financial crisis, the world’s countries are competing with each other to dominate in the economy and technologies. The world will enter an unprecedented era of innovation-intensive and industrial revitalization. We must strive to grow in this competition by leaps and bounds.”

Wen stressed the research in energy, sensor network, microelectronics, optoelectronic materials, nanotechnology, life science, space and ocean exploration.

Source: Xinhua, November 3, 2009

Xinhua: Have the Courage to Make Demands on the United States

According to International Herald Leader, a newspaper under Xinhua, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates stated that the "the cycle of good and bad times" of Sino-US military exchanges over the years needs to be broken.  We hope that the U.S. should have enough common sense to realize that it is the U.S. military that has caused the occasionally good and bad times.

Tell the United States our concerns and pursuits directly. China has clearly put forward the requests on the Taiwan issue and China’s exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea. The U.S. should not stretch its hand too far. On the issue of the Indian Ocean, the International navy should divide it into regions and provide anti-piracy convoy among different countries. Let us see how the U.S. will respond to China’s "cooperative and constructive spirit."

Source: International Herald Leader, November 2, 2009

Xinhua: National Police Chiefs Repledge Loyalty to the Party at Jinggangshan

Xinhua reported that on November 3, 2009, Zhou Yongkang, a member of the CCP Central Committee’s Political Bureau Standing Committee, the secretary of the Central Political and Law Commission, and Meng Jianzhu, state councilor and deputy secretary of the Central Political and Law Commission, Minister of Public Security, led all the Central Political and Law Commission members and the National Police Bureau Chiefs Forum participants to the Jinggangshan [1] Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. They presented flower baskets to the revolutionary martyrs and re-read the Party Oath.

Now, there are over 2 million police and over 3 million political and law personnel all over the country with over 70% being CCP members. How to make all the police officers maintain their belief (in the CCP) has become the primary subject of public security work.

Source: Xinhua, November 5, 2009
[1] Jinggangshan is known as the birthplace of the Chinese Red Army and the "cradle of the Chinese revolution." It is where Mao Zedong and a few fellow Communists set up the first peasant soviet in 1927.

Study Times: News Media Are Not Only the Mouthpiece of the Party

According to Study Times, news media are not only the mouthpiece of the Party but also the Party’s eyes and ears. If what media present are all good news, the CCP Central Committee will be deaf and blind.

For a long time, the opaque information has “taught” the people that the news from the government controlled media has no credibility. In many places, "maintaining social stability" equals "Maintaining stability in newspapers (or on the TV screen)." With the development and popularity of the Internet, SMS and other new communication technologies, the limits of this self-deceiving way of covering up can be seen.

Open and transparent public information can not fundamentally solve any problems, but can discover and diagnose the problems. It can also ease people’s discontent.

Source: Study Times, November 2, 2009

Xinhua: Potential Obstacles in Sino-US Military Exchanges

According to Xinhua, during the meeting with US Defense Secretary Gates, Vice Chairman Xu of the Central Military Commission of the Chinese Communist Party highlighted four obstacles facing the two countries: arms sales to Taiwan, activities of U.S. warships and planes in the Chinese economic offshore zone, legal barriers, and strategic trust in China.

Xinhua concluded with quotes from a Chinese military expert, “Generally, there was no breakthrough in military exchanges to speak of. In the past, whenever the United States needed China to cooperate with its overall strategy, it would make some moves to ease up. Otherwise, they would stir up trouble in Sino-US relations.”

Source: Xinhua, November 2, 2009