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Global Times: China Should Have Anti-Space War Capabilities

At the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Air Force, Global Times, a branch of the Chinese state news People’s Daily, published an article suggesting that the Air Force should have capabilities to take on a space war just like a nuclear one. The future new Air Force should be able to block a war four thousand miles away. Since China does not have overseas military bases and aircraft carriers, it is especially important that the Air Force has remote deterrent forces. Many powerful countries nowadays can start a war from space. China needs the capability to defend the land, just like nuclear capabilities.

Source: Global Times, November 12, 2009.

Xinhua: Characteristics of Chinese Language Education in France

The French Chief of Chinese Language Education (Inspecteur General de Chinois), Professor J. Bellassen commented in a recent interview that Chinese, as a foreign language, is spreading rapidly in the French education system. Twenty seven out of thirty education districts are offering classes in Chinese. Chinese is number five on the French foreign language education list. Also, Chinese language education methodology is highly standardized today in France. More and more people – not only the parents but the masters of educational districts and schools – are realizing the importance of learning Chinese.

Source: Xinhua, November 10, 2009.

Obama’s Town Hall Meeting Includes Fake Students With CCP Credentials

Not only were the meeting and the script of the October 16 meeting between President Obama and Chinese university students censored, but Chinese participation was also reported to have been staged.

 Chinese netizens discovered that at least two questioners in the audience were not bonafide students. The first “student” Cheng Xi is the Executive Vice Director of the Research Office of the Communist Youth League of Fudan University: The second “student” Huang Lihe is the Secretary of the Communist Youth League of the School of Foreign Languages, Tongji University: [Ed: A search found that this was posted on many blogs and forums in China, although some were later removed.]

A CNN reporter saw a student reciting a question in English from a piece of paper. Liu Yufen, 21, a student from Shanghai Jiaotong University said that he and his fellow classmates went through “training” for a whole afternoon prior to the meeting.

1. website, Nov 17, 2009
2. Google Groups, Nov 16, 2009
3. Epoch Times Taiwan, Nov 17, 2009

Mainland General Proposes Cross-Strait Joint Defense of South China Sea; Excludes U.S. and Japan

On September 14 in Taipei, the state media Huanqiu, the Chinese version of Global Times, reported that a retired lieutenant general from China supported a Mainland-Taiwan joint military defense of the South China Sea.

Li Jijun is a former Vice President of the Academy of Military Science, China’s highest government military research agency. He also once worked as the Director of the General Office of the Central Military Commission of the CCP, the country’s highest military command office. He is currently on a trip to Taiwan, together with Zheng Bijian, a former Vice President of the Central Party School of the CCP and a heavyweight government adviser.

Regarding the Mainland’s missile deployment, Li reemphasized that the missiles are targeting “Taiwan Independence” and foreign intervention. On the regional roles played by the U.S. and Japan in Taiwan, Li pointed out, “(We) don’t allow the U.S., Japan, or any third country to intervene in any link in the cross-strait mutual trust mechanism of military and security forces. … If the U.S. insists on getting involved, let’s wait and see!"

Source: Huanqiu, November 15, 2009

Chongqing: Private Sector Entrepreneurs to Be Trained at Central Party School

Fifty-nine private sector entrepreneurs in Chongqing City were sent to Beijing on November 9, 2009, for a week of training at the Central Party School of the Chinese Communist Party. According to Wen Jieming, the head of the city’s CCP United Front Department, more than 10,000 people from the business community are to be trained in ideology, politics, and economic knowledge within five years. The trainings were said to be planned to take place in party schools in the central, city, and country government levels, as well as in communities and neighborhoods.

Source: People’s Daily, November 10, 2009

Hong Kong and Macao Branches of “People’s Daily” Launched

At the inauguration ceremony of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region bureau of People’s Daily on November 9, the state newspaper’s president Zhang Yannong emphasized the importance of reporting on Hong Kong and predicted the paper’s grand overseas expansion. Two days later, People’s Daily launched its Macao branch.

Source: Xinhua, September 9 and 11, 2009

Xi Jinping: Actively Promote the Development of a Learning-Oriented Marxist Political Party

According to Xinhua, Xi Jinping gave a speech at the Central Party School’s 2009 Fall semester opening ceremony for the 2nd training class. Xi stressed that the development of a learning-oriented Marxist political party is an important and urgent strategic task. The study should focus on Marxism, the Chinese Characteristics of Socialism, and the Socialist Core Value System. Party official’s promotion should be linked to an evluation of the study effort under his leadership.

Xi is the selected successor to Hu Jintao, currently a member of the Chinese Communist Party Standing Committee of the Political Bureau (Politburo), the secretary of the CCP Central Committee Secretariat, and the president of the CCP Central Party School.

Source: Xinhua, November 12, 2009 

Intensive Training of Police Station Chiefs in Heilongjiang Province

According to China News Service, 340 police station chiefs from 13 cities and districts in Heilongjiang Province gathered on November 10, 2009, at the Heilongjiang Province Public Security Police Vocational College to attend a police station chief training class. The training content included the development of public security information technology, the implementation of standardized law enforcement, and the building of a harmonious relationship between the police and the people, as well as improvement of police quality and ability.

The Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department will train more than 1600 police station chiefs across the province by holding four closed-door trainings, each of which will take about 10 days. It will also rotationally train county-level public security bureau heads. The number receiving training will exceed 2400 people, accounting for 4% of the police force in the province.

Source: China News Service, November 11, 2009