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Global Times: Former Canadian Diplomat Viciously Attacked China

Global Times, under Chinese state daily news People’s Daily, reported that a former Canadian diplomat suggested that Canadians should not be fooled by Chinese illusion. Former senior diplomat Brian McAdams, an expert on Chinese mafia and spy activities, has been working in the diplomatic field for 30 years in Europe, and the Middle East and Far East.

Now an international consultant, Brian suggested that the West has been fooled by five Chinese “illusions”: (1) Canada benefits from trade with China; (2) China has 1.3 billion consumers; (3) China is embracing democracy; (4) China improved on the human rights front; (5) China is friendly. None of these is true, he believes. As an example, Chinese spying activities in Canada is “startling”

Source: Global Times, September 10, 2008.

Meng Jianzhu: Devote Every Effort to the 60th National Anniversary

Xinhua News reported on August 17 that Meng Jianzhu, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, said in a video conference that the whole police system should treat the safety of the 60th Anniversary event as the number one “political task.” Seriously cracking down on the activities by the domestic and international “hostile forces” was mentioned as important work. Another primary aspect of the mission is to combine the power of the police system and the volunteers across the country to form a tight network to control society. All controls should be carefully divided down to every level until the individuals. This is crucial to ensure the stability of local areas and the capital area.

Source: Xinhua Net, August 17, 2009.

International Herald: Kim Jong-Il’ Message from His Watching a Chinese Movie

“The Guards under the Neon Light,” a movie produced in China in the 1960’s about how the soldiers in Shanghai resisted capitalism’s material allure, has been increasingly forgotten by the Chinese, but it regained its life in North Korea, reported the International Herald. Kim Jong-Il watched the stage play of the same story on August 12, and instructed North Korean play workers to re-cast this play.

The International Herald stated that since North Korea’s nuclear test this year, the relationship between China and North Korea cooled down. Kim’s watching the Chinese play is considered as “North Korea is sending a positive message to China.” In June, Kim also watched the Korean performers’ play of “Dream of the Red Chamber,” a classic Chinese novel. That was also considered as sending the same message.

Source: International Herald, August 17, 2009

College-level Ideology and Politics Teachers Take Tours to Understand Socialist Values

From July 21 to 26, the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Education organized a group of 100 college-level Ideology and Politics teachers from 31 cities to tour Shanghai and Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Their mission was to utilize concrete examples from the tour so as to rationalize the theories related to the socialist path such as “why we should insist on walking the socialist path with Chinese characteristics,” “why we should guard the socialistic core value system,” “how can we demonstrate the superior quality of the socialist system among all the different types of economic ownership.”

The trip “helped the college Ideology and Politics teachers to witness and gain confidence in socialistic theory with Chinese characteristics,” which allows them to “envision the future and strengthened their sense of responsibility.”

Source: Xinhua, August 18, 2009

Training to be Launched for 2nd Generation Private Business Owners who Lack Party Spirit

Concerned over the lack of party spirit among second generation civil enterprise owners, the Organization Department of Jiangsu Province said it will launch a training program which will cover 1000 second generation private business owners over the next two years. The selection criteria for the trainees are those who are 40 or younger, at a minimum have a college education, solid political background, strong management skills, a good public image and potential development qualities. The first wave of a seven-day training class will start with 50 people including Gao Xiaodong, the son of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bosideng, the largest down apparel company in China.

According to the Organization Department of Jiangsu Province, private businesses account for 51.3 percent of the businesses in Jiangsu Province. It said “the training of second generation business owners for them to quickly step up to a leading role has become the biggest wish of those business owners as well as a vital need for the party’s development work in private businesses.”

Source: Guangmin Net, August 18, 2009

Xinhua: Press and Publication Industry “Go Out” Strategy Supported by Bank of China

On August 12, 2009, Liu Binjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the General Administration of Press and Publications, signed The Memorandum of Supporting the Development Strategy of the Press and Publication Industry with Bank of China Chairman Xiao Gang. Under the “Go Out” strategy, the purpose of the memo was to enlarge the coverage of the Chinese news and publication industry in the international community and to enhance China’s influence. This is one of the major industries that the Bank of China has planned to focus on. Li Lihui, Governor of Bank of China, suggested that, as a large stated-owned bank, the Bank of China has a worldwide network and can provide strong support to the “Go Out” strategy.

Source: Xinhua Net, August 12, 2009.

Li Yuanchao: Safeguard Party’s Core Leadership in State-Owned Enterprises

On August 15 and 16, Li Yuanchao, CCP Politburo member and head of the CCP Central Organization Department, visited several major state-owned enterprises in Beijing. He emphasized the importance of advancing Party organization work in state-owned companies and "transforming the Party’s political advantage into the company’s scientific development advantage."

His lecturing tour includes stops at Sinopec, China Unicom, the Beijing Second Commerce Group, and the Beijing Public Transportation Group.  

Source: Xinhua, August 17, 2009

CCP Political & Legal Committees: Complete Pending Cases; Stop the People’s Appeal Trips

China Youth On-line reported that the CCP General Office issued a notice titled "CCP Political and Legal Committee’s Advice on Further Strengthening and Modifying the Reception Work for Appeals."

The document stated that the goal of the "reception work" aimed at appellants is to "Close the Cases; Stop the Visits."  The document emphasizes "solving the issue at the origin and relying on the local level." 

The document indicates the central government’s growing impatience with the numerous appeals and visits to the capital by petitioners with grievances.

Source: China Youth On-line, August 19, 2009