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Over 70% of Guangdong’s Untreated Wastewater Discharged into Rivers

Companies in Guangdong dumped twelve billion tons of untreated wastewater in 2008. According to the Nanfang Metropolitan Daily, 9.1 billion tons, or 75.8% of the total wastewater spilled into rivers. The above information was based on the recently released “2008 Guangdong Province Water Resources Public Report” published by the Bureau of Water Resources of Guangdong Province. Guangzhou City was ranked first regarding wastewater discharged into the surrounding areas and rivers. The four worst polluters in Guangdong Province, besides Guangdong were companies in Dongguan, Shenzhen, and Foshan.

Source: Nanfang Metropolitan Daily, August 12, 2009

Xinhua: Kim Jung-Il Expressed a Willingness to Strengthen Friendship

Xinhua News reported immediately after the face to face talk between Kim Jung-Il and former US President Bill Clinton that, Kim Jung-Il said there was “no change” in the policy of strengthening and developing the friendship between North Korea and China. It was reported that Kim said so after viewing an old Chinese stage play by North Korea’s National Troupe of Stage Play. He suggested that the friendship with China was established by the previous senior leadership of the two countries, which made it very valuable.

Source: China News Net, August 13, 2009.

Xinhua: Break-Throughs in the News and Publishing Industry

Xinhua recently reported that the National News and Publishing Bureau Directors’ Conference was a major milestone in the industry. The Conference concluded with five areas fot break-throughs: (1) Deepening the reform of state-owned organizations to introduce creativity and a market orientation; (2) Improving privately owned publishing houses with needed controls for “healthy development”; (3) Speeding up development in the digital publishing area; (4) Strengthening the “Go Out” strategy for penetrating the international market; (5) Optimizing the publishing administrative environment by standardizing the “reporting order,” cleaning up the newspaper and magazine market, and establishing a “blacklist” of undisciplined reporters.

Source: Xinhua Net, August 11, 2009.

Legal Evening News: 300,000 2008 College Graduates Unemployed

China Youth recently republished an article by Legal Evening News on the unemployment rate for 2008 college graduates. The report revealed that the popular majors such as Law, English, Management and International Trade were among the top unemployment categories for the past two consecutive years. Civil Engineering had the highest employment rate, and the Medical field had the lowest income. Experts suggested that this situation was largely because, a few years ago, universities had been setting up majors solely by following the trend.

Source: China Youth Online, August 12, 2009.

Confucius Institutes in Australia

The Chinese Language Council International, also known as Hanban, recently set up a Confucius Institute in the University of New South Wales in Australia. Other universities in Australia that have Confucius Institutes include the University of West Australia and Sydney University. The next potential one to set up a Confucius Institute is the University of Wollongong, which is in discussion with a university in Beijing.

At the end of April 2009, the Chinese Language Council International had established 326 Confucius Institutes in 81 countries around the world.

Source: Central United Front Work Department of Chinese Communist Party, August 12, 2009

CCP in Tibet Autonomous Region Launches Patriotic Education Activities

The Party organizations in the Tibet Autonomous Region launched a series of patriotic education activities. The theme also incorporates the study of scientific outlook on development, strengthening the party’s work at the grass roots level and anti-separatist education.

Patriotic education activity consists of 50 projects covering 9 areas. It is divided into three stages to implement, which started in April. Examples of activities include: an education program on China’s modern history to praise the fundamental changes under the party’s leadership; organizing groups of monks and nuns who are considered "patriotic" and who "abide by the law" to give lectures at temples; exhibiting collectibles to showcase the reforms over the past 50 years; and an introduction of “red songs” for people to sing to express their love for the party, the country and their socialist beliefs.

Source: Xinhua, August 15, 2009

Guangzhou Daily: China Rubber Industry May Recommend Anti-Sanction Measures

Cai Weiming, general secretary of the Tire Branch of the China Rubber Industry Association disclosed that the association might recommend increasing tariffs on imported agricultural goods from the U.S. or set limits on imports as anti-sanction measures.

President Obama has until September 17 to decide whether to impose protectionist measures on Chinese made tires.

Source: China News, August 13, 2009

Chinese Economy: Campus Satellite System to Play Major Role in Military Exercise

In the current “Stride-2009” military exercise, China’s Campus Satellite Navigation and Positioning System will play an important role, reported Chinese Economy. In past exercises, there were quite a few incidents of information leakage due to communicating via non-secure methods, such as mobile phone or maritime satellite. The Campus system has resolved the communication security issue to a certain extent. Besides sending instant messages, it will also be used for time servicing and positioning.

The PLA’s general departments also set specific requirements on the electronic-magnetic environment and application of testing of new equipments. A set of self-developed new arms, such as the psychological operation team’s loud-voice broadcasting vehicle, will be tested in the field.

Source: Chinese Economy, August 11, 2009