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Study Times: Strategic Thinking on the Reliability of Grain Supply

Study Times, a newspaper 0f the CCP Central Party School, recently published an article on grain supply. The article suggested that, to ensure the reliability of the grain supply, the government has to protect and improve comprehensive capabilities of grain production. It is very important to apply tight control over grain procurement, processing and market operation channels to prevent a foreign take-over. To achieve this goal, a few steps must be taken: (1) establish market access control systems on grain processing and seed sales channels; (2) establish central government macro-level industry control to eliminate the possibilities of a local “break-in;” (3) establish large scale grain production groups to grab market share; (4) improve technological creativity to increase competitiveness.

Source: Study Times, July 20, 2009.

Zhou Yongkang Stresses the Need for the Military to Promote Social Stability

Days before the August 1st “Army Day”, Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, and Secretary of the Central Political and Law Commission, spoke at the national conference in recognition of “work to safeguard national defense and the interests of military personnel and their dependents.” Zhou stressed that all political and law agencies and related departments in the military should promote national security and its overall strategic development level in order to effectively safeguard the national defense interest and protect the legal rights of military personnel and their dependents, to enhance national defense, and to promote social harmony and stability.

Zhou warned of the existence of unstable elements such as the enemy forces that are unwilling to recognize the power that China has gained over the years, and would use all kinds of means to interfere and destroy. He referred to the “July 5” Xinjiang Riot as an example.

Source: Xinhua, July 22, 2009

Huanqiu BBS: US Spends Millions to Pay Chinese Internet Spies

To counter claims by western medias on the, “China poses an Internet threat theory,” Quanqiu carried an article on its BBS sites denying that China could pose any Internet threat and counterclaiming that China has been the victim of cyber attacks by foreign countries. It also claimed that US intelligence agencies spend tens of millions of dollars every year to support a group of “Internet traitors” from China to infiltrate and instigate rebellion against China.

The article said, “Most of these Internet traitors are either losers or those without a stable income.” “They regularly visit various Chinese BBS sites and receive a fixed income from the US. … Intelligence agencies from the US or Japan hired them to publish articles to attack the Chinese government or spread rumors against us… Their topics target the government system, value concepts, or social morality. Many (democratic activists) carry extreme views against China.”

Source: Quanqiu, April 14, 2009

China to Launch Trainings for Grass Roots CCP Members

The Central Committee General Office released the document, “The 2009-2013 education training initiative for CCP party members.” The initiative covers five years of training for the grass roots party members.

The primary training topics include, “constantly placing education about the theory of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics as the top priority;” party guidelines, basic principals, history, policy, and tasks; rules and laws; party regulations and styles; and business knowledge and technical training skills. It will focus on a few programs that target the countryside Party secretaries, new party members, college graduates taking countryside leadership positions, and party members who are facing employment challenges.

Source: China News, July 26, 2009

Xinhua: China Warns of Tension if Obama Meets Dalai Lama

Global Times warned the Obama Administration that there would be severe consequencies if Obama meets with the Dalai Lama when he visits the US between the end of September and mid-October this year. Global Times quoted Shi Yinhong, a professor at the School of International Studies, Remin University of China (previously known as People’s University of China) and the Director of the American Studies Center: “The meeting between German Chancellor Angela and Dalai brought about 6 months of tension in Sino-German relations and the meeting between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Dalai brought about 4 months of tension in Sino-French relations. If Obama neglects the warnings, it will lead to at least 2 months of tension in Sino-US relations.”

Source: Global Times, July 20, 2009

Xinhua: US Walking on Socialism’s Path

Xinhua reported a saying circulating among Chinese on the Internet: "In 1949, only socialism could save China; in 1989, only China could save socialism; in 2009, only China can save capitalism." The article suggested there were many socialist factors in Obama’s reform measures. “The bankruptcy protection of GM and the reform of financial institutions reflect socialist characteristics. The government and the unions became General Motors’ largest shareholder. Therefore this company, the symbol of the spirit of American capitalism, becomes a ‘state-owned and collective enterprise’ (the form of enterprises existing in China under the theory of socialism – Ed.). The reform of US financial institutions is also like this. The U.S. wants to change the Federal Reserve into a ‘super regulator,’ to comprehensively strengthen the supervision of large financial institutions. It also plans to set up a new department of consumer financial protection, giving it more power than the current regulatory authority. This approach is consistent with Marx’s theory… Obama’s health insurance reform is more socialist than the nationalization of enterprises and the strengthening of supervision. Its purpose is to provide all Americans with affordable health insurance and the means is to establish governmental public medical insurance to compete with the private insurance industry."

Source: Xinhua, June 25, 2009

Study Times: Improving the Tank for New Warfare

Study Times reported that because of the new military revolution and the rapid rise of the helicopter, which is called the tank’s ‘natural enemy,’ the former “King of Land Warfare” (the tank) is facing severe challenges. Tanks need to be re-adjusted. First, lighten tanks to increase their flexibility. Second, be invisible to minimize the probability of opponents’ detection. Third, extend the range to realize the over-the-horizon precision strike. Fourth, integrate to enhance the tank’s comprehensive combat capability.

Source: Study Times, July 6, 2009

Communist Party Leaders Serve as Presidents of the Courts

According to a survey released by Xinhua, half of the presidents of the provincial supreme people’s courts lack training in the law. Many of them are leaders of local governments, the Party or the People’s Congress. This happens because the Communist Party controls the entire judicial system. Appointing Party officials to the position of president of the provincial supreme courts is a demonstration of the party’s leadership over the administration of justice. Wang Shengjun, President of the National Supreme Court, is also the Party secretary of the National Supreme Court. In that capacity, he doubles as the Chief Justice. Wang recently stated in his article in the Party’s Qiu Shi journal that Chinese courts must uphold the supremacy of the cause of the Party, the people’s interests and the Constitution.

Source: Voice of America, July 21, 2009