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China’s Harvesting Organs from the Living Raised as Issue in the 2012 Election Campaign

According to a report from NTDTV (a Chinese language TV station based in North America), during a private fundraising event for Romney’s 2012 election campaign, Falun Gong practitioners raised a question about the many Falun Gong practitioners in China who lost their lives when the Communist regime harvested their organs while they were still alive (so the organs would be fresh). In answering the question, John Bolton, Romney’s foreign policy adviser during his presidential race, responded that the United States should take on the (Chinese) government on this issue. He said, “Such issues will be critical in a Romney administration. … I know he will stand up for this because it is critical to show the world that we pursue not just American interests, but American values.” 

Source: NTDTV, October 16, 2012美大选在即-活摘器官成候选人关注焦点.html.

Xinhua: Eighty Steel Companies Suffered RMB 3 Billion in Total Losses This Year

Xinhua recently reported that eighty large and mid-sized Chinese steel companies suffered losses in sales that totaled RMB 3 billion (around US$ 478 million) in the first eight months of this year. The month of August was the lowest point of the year. The numbers are based on statistics that the China Steel Association provided. As of September, steel prices had dropped for thirteen consecutive months. This was the longest cycle for dropping prices in the past decade. With the planned start of some new infrastructure construction projects, it is expected that the steel market will see some relief in the fourth quarter. Experts hope that the situation will not get worse and that a slight rebound may be possible.
Source: Xinhua, October 13, 2012

Xinhua: Golden Week did not Bring Good News to the Housing Market

Xinhua recently reported that the just finished “Golden Week” holiday season (the eight day Mid-Autumn holiday) did not give the housing market a boost. Golden Week used to be the time when a large number of real estate transactions closed. According to statistics based on numbers from fifty-four major cities across the country, the housing market suffered a seventy percent decline in real estate sales compared to the same period last year. A national survey showed that only 12.5 percent of the 9,000 people questioned were considering buying real estate during the holidays. At the same time, housing developers are not seriously planning on lowering prices either. The government is still insisting on maintaining the current tight policies regulating the housing market. It is expected that the housing market will remain flat. No major fluctuations are expected in the near future.
Source: Xinhua, October 13, 2012

CRN: How to Fight the Exchange Rate War

China Review News (CRN) recently published a commentary that discussed the action plan developed to fight the apparent global exchange rate war. After the United States announced its QE3 plan, Japan, Britain, European Union, India, and Australia all followed suit and announced more liberal currency policies. The commentary offered a five-point plan on how China should handle the situation: (1) Speed up the process of internationalizing the Chinese currency (RMB) in order to establish a better position in the world economy; (2) Improve the reliability of the supply of strategic energy and resource materials, which will help build up the national reserve and lower the pressure of currency appreciation; (3) Construct China’s own new financial marketplace to improve financial risk management; (4) Sell a certain amount of U.S. bonds, which will suffer devaluation after QE3; (5) Expand the scale of importing U.S. high-tech goods, including intellectual property.  
Source: China Review News, October 10, 2012

Qiushi Theory: Continue to Promote the Party’s Development

Qiushi Theory published an opinion article on what the Party needs to do in order to move forward in this historical era while, at the same time, facing domestic and foreign tests and maintaining its long term leadership. The article called for tighter and stricter management of the Party in developing its ideology, organization, and anti-corruption policies, while having the courage to face new challenges in order to maintain the Party’s leadership power over the long term. It also stressed the importance for the ruling Party to be consistent in renovating the Party’s theories to meet new requirements and maintain the Party’s advancement and purity.

Source: Qiushi Theory, October 13, 2012

VOA: Different Nobel Prize Winners Are Treated Differently

Chinese media gave extensive coverage to the praise given to Mo Yan, the Chinese writer who won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature. Li Changchun, head of the Propaganda Department, sent a congratulatory letter to the Chinese Writers Association and stated that winning the prize demonstrated “the consistent improvement of China’s national power as well as its worldwide influence.”

However, Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Gao Xinjian, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature, were both treated in a completely different manner; Chinese media criticized them very harshly. Liu was labeled a "criminal" and is still imprisoned in China. The Chinese media launched scathing attacks against Liu and the Nobel Peace committee. Following Gao Xinjian’s receipt of the award, Beijing attacked him as well. The media stated that Gao had “ulterior motives” and “seriously hurt the Chinese’ people’s feelings.” The head of the Chinese Writers Association at the time told Xinhua that “the Nobel Prise for Literature carries political motives and has lost its authority.” Gao currently resides in France.

Source: Voice of America, October 12, 2012

Over Twenty Thousand Positions Open for Civil Servants in 2013

The annual Chinese civil service exam will start taking applications on October 15. The number of open positions for this year passed the twenty thousand mark, reaching 20,839, up 16 percent from last year. Of those, 70 percent of the quota will be assigned to college seniors who will graduate in the coming year. It is expected that there will be 6.8 million college graduates in 2013.

The civil service exam started in 1989. The number of applicants grew 10 times from 120,500 in 2003 to 1.4 million in 2010. In 2012, the competition Is strong for the top positions. Four thousand applications were received for the top competitive position. At the same time there are over ten positions that have no applicants.

Source: Xinhua, October 13, 2012

Xinhua: See How the United States Muddies the Waters in the Asia-Pacific

Xinhua published a series of articles describing how the United States is creating trouble in the Asia-Pacific region. In the summary, the article listed some of the key points: “Since announcing it would shift its strategic center eastward to the Asia-Pacific, the United States has repeatedly conducted activities in northeast Asia and the South China Sea. 

“Regarding the recent Diaoyu Islands issue, the United States keeps saying it will remain neutral and not choose sides, but it acknowledges that the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty applies to the Diaoyu Islands. 
“In the issue of the Korean Peninsula, the United States ‘approved’ the increase in South Korea’s ballistic missile range up to 800 kilometers, which means that the launch of ballistic missiles from the central region of South Korea will be able to cover the whole territory of North Korea. North Korea reacted strongly … causing experts to worry that it will result in a large-scale arms race in northeast Asia. 
“On the South China Sea issue, the United States continues backing the Philippines and Vietnam to ‘counterbalance’ China.” 
The article concluded that “the purpose of the United States is to muddy the waters in the Asia-Pacific and leave the entire region without peace by stimulating an arms race in the Asia-Pacific countries. Then the United States will have an "excuse" to intervene directly in the Asia-Pacific situation.” 
Source: Xinhua, October 11, 2012