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Three Gorges Dam May Cause Earthquakes

Shen Guofang, head of an assessment group for the Three Gorges Dam, acknowledged that the dam can definitely induce earthquakes. 

"It is certain that irrigation dams will induce earthquakes, but the magnitude is generally small. They are primarily microseismic or very microseismic. That is because the deep penetration of the reservoir water along the fault would reduce their resistance to shear. Also enormous pressure from the dam itself and from the water will lead to the formation of certain changes in the geological structure.” 
Sheng dismissed suggestions that the Three Gorges Dam may have caused the Wenchuan earthquake in May 2008 (8.3M) and the Lushan earthquake in April 2013 (7.0M). 
Source: Xinhua, December 18, 2013

Sina Finance: China’s Economy Is Slowing Down

Well-known Chinese online financial news portal Sina Finance recently reported that, although rapid growth has made China the world’s second largest economy, the Chinese economy is suffering its lowest growth rate in over twenty years. Many key western investors have started cutting jobs in their Chinese operations. Examples are Hewlett-Packard (HP), International Business Machines (IBM), Johnson’s, and software services provider Bsquare Corp. According to the Chinese government’s official numbers, foreign investment grew 4.7 percent, while domestic investment growth reached 19.9 percent, as compated to the same period last year. Based on statistics provided by a large Chinese online job market vendor, overall job offers increased by 30 percent. However, at the same time, offers from western companies declined by 5 percent. Interviews of well-known headhunter companies also confirmed that business from international companies has shown a significant slow-down. 
Source: Sina Finance, December 13, 2013

Xinhua: Central Government Economic Work Conference Held in Beijing

Xinhua reported that China’s Central Government Economic Work Conference was held from December 10 to 13. All members of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party Politburo attended the Conference. President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech summarizing the economic work done in 2013. He explained his overall requirements and goals for 2014. Premier Li Keqiang laid out his macroeconomic policies as well as detailed arrangements of the path to the deliverables. The Conference pointed out six focal tasks for the coming year: (1) Firmly ensuring national food security; (2) Vigorously adjusting industrial structures; (3) Pressing hard on debt risk prevention and control; (4) Actively promoting coordinated development among regions; (5) Protecting and improving the livelihood of the people; and (6) Continuously raising the level in implementing the nation’s “Opening-Up” policy. The Conference called for sustaining “steady growth” while implementing adjustments and reforms. The officials in top leadership from all provinces, key cities, central government ministries, primary state-owned companies, and banks, as well as the military attended the Conference. 
Source: Xinhua, December 13, 2013

People’s Daily: 100 Million Chinese Tourists Expected to Travel Overseas in 2014

The China Consumers Association recently published the 2013 Travel and Meal Investigation Report. According to the report, currently, the number of countries and regions that Chinese citizens have selected for traveling overseas has reached 150. In 2012, Chinese tourists spent US$102.1 billion when they travelled overseas. It is expected that the tourist population will exceed 90 million in 2013 and break the 100 million mark in 2014. The report indicated that, when traveling, more and more people favor the self-guided tour.

Source: People’s Daily, December 6, 2013

Trading of Chinese Renminbi Is Increasing Rapidly in Russia

Russian Finam recently released data indicating that, as of November, the trading volume of the RMB at the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) had increased 19 times since April. At the same time, statistics from many Russian banks with RMB-related businesses showed that the Russian public’s recognition and acceptance of the RMB has also risen. Analysts believe that the weakening of the euro and the dollar, the steady growth of Sino-Russian trade, and other factors have been accelerating the process of the internationalization of the RMB. 

Back in December 2010, MICEX started direct trading of the RMB against the ruble and became the first overseas brokerage offering an RMB exchange. In April of this year, the brokerage increased the trading options of the RMB against the ruble, extended trading hours, and added more delivery methods. Trenin, director of the Moscow Carnegie Center, told reporters that, by adjusting the trading rules, the RMB obtained the same trading conditions as the dollar and the euro. Trenin affirmed that, as the liquidity of the dollar and euro is tightening, the average daily trading volume of the RMB has been increasing significantly. Since May of this year, the average daily trading volume of RMB has exceeded 22 million yuan. 

People’s Daily, December 3, 2013

Non-Performing Loans Continue to Grow

According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the total value of non-performing loans has increased for seven consecutive quarters. 

As of the end of the third quarter of this year, commercial banks saw their non-performing loans reach 565.6 billion yuan (US$92.85 billion), an increase of 70.7 billion yuan (US$11.61 billion) since the beginning of the year. This accounts for 0.97 percent of total loans, an increase of 0.01 percentage point compared to the end of the second quarter; the figures show that there has been an upward trend for seven consecutive quarters. 
The total of non-performing loans for 16 banks that are listed on stock exchanges amounted to 460 billion yuan (US$75.52 billion) in the third quarter, an increase of 18 billion (US$2.96 billion) from the second quarter. Of these 16 banks, 14 have seen both their non-performing loan ratio and the value of the loans increase. Meanwhile, the profit growth of the 16 banks has dropped from 17 percent for the same period last year to 13 percent. 
Source: Huanqiu, December 3, 2013

Xia Bin: Urbanization Depends on Further Reforms

Xia Bin, Director-General, Financial Research Institute, Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), People’s Republic of China, wrote that the two key issues affecting urbanization in China are welfare benefits to farmers and urban planning. 

 Xia stated that the Chinese leadership has adopted the strategy that China must accelerate urbanization in order to stabilize the economy. At the minimum, according to Xia, China must carry out reform in these areas: 
1. To accomplish the objective of increasing the welfare benefits to farmers, reform is needed in the household registration system, housing, the medical system, retirement, education, the financial system, and land use; 
2. To accomplish the objective of ensuring the source and efficacy of the funds for urban infrastructure construction, reform is needed in the financial system, land administration, the allocation of resources, the division of power between the central government and local governments, the price mechanism involved in the factors of production, and the overall government administrative system;
3. In order to optimize urban planning, including the creation of new municipalities, a series of policies must be revised.
“In short, we can say China has almost no existing system and policy it can follow without addressing the need for improvement in the areas of reform that must be carried out in order to achieve its urbanization strategy. Therefore, the current strategy to promote urbanization is to promote further reforms. The essence of the urbanization strategy is to accelerate China’s reforms.” 
Source: China Economic Times, December 2, 2013

Due to Local Debts, Shadow Banking, and Property Bubbles, China’s Economy May Crash at Any Time

On December 3, 2013, the Hexun website, a leading financial and securities information website in China, published an article on three major financial risks that China faces. The three major financial risks in China are local government’s debts, shadow banking, and property bubbles. Once one of these 3 financial risks gets out of control, China’s economy may crash at any time.

China’s local government’s debts have been growing continuously in recent years. Currently, local debts have reached around 20 trillion Chinese yuan, which is 40 percent of its total GDP for 2012. Shadow banking in China poses the 2nd biggest risk for its financial system. As China has never publicized any real estate statistical data, there has been a debate as to whether China has a property bubble. However, according to scholars’ research there are 68 million vacant housing units in China. If that is true, then China’s property bubble is very large. Once the bubble breaks, a destructive domino chain reaction may not only crash China’s economy but also lead to wide scale social unrest in China.

Source: Hexun, December 3, 2013