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Why Are PLA Special Forces in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily reported on November 16, 2019, that the special forces of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have shown up in Hong Kong. Among the PLA soldiers stationed in Hong Kong who went to the street to clean up road blocks, quite a few wore shirts with Chinese characters of “Special Warfare Eighth Company (特战八连)” and “Snow Maple Battalion (雪枫特战营)” emblazoned on them.

The PLA West War Region established the “Snow Maple” unit in 2000, as the PLA’s first anti-terrorist special warfare force. The unit is called the “Sirius Commando,” with the “Special Warfare Eighth Company” as its core. {1}

People have been questioning whether the PLA special forces are connected to the over 200 “unexplained deaths” of Hong Kong youths since Hong Kong started the Anti-Extradition movement in June. {2}

On November 13th, Hong Kong Security Secretary Li Jiachao stated that, based on preliminary statistics, from June to September this year, there were 256 suicide cases in Hong Kong, an increase of 34 cases from the same period of last year; and 2,537 cases of dead bodies, an increase of 311 cases over the same period of last year. {3}

A Chinese person using the name “Yin Hui” (which might be a fake name to hide his identity) said that he was a police Captain in a city in China and escaped out from China about half year ago. After studying the pictures of the “floating corpses of protesters” in Hong Kong, he concluded that the PLA special forces used a special killing technique called Dim Mak. {4}

Mr. Yin came to an online commentary “Lu & Jiang Review” program as a special guest multiple times to talk about Hong Kong. {5} {6} {7} {8}

On November 15, Mr. Yin revealed, in on an online program, that he received information that the CCP transported 30 high-tech sniper rifles and 5,000 shock exposure bombs {to HK}. He believed those sniper rifles must be for the PLA special forces to use since HK police do not know how to use them.

On November 19, Mr. Yin and hosts Mr. Lu and Mr. Jiang discussed multiple reasons why the CCP sent those PLA special forces to Hong Kong:

1. To crack down on the democracy movement in Hong Kong.

2. To deal with any emerging private or hidden forces of rebellion.

3. To deal with any potential foreign (e.g., CIA) agents.

4. To monitor and control HK Government officers and police. Another PLA special force, the “Snow Leopard,” is stationed in Guangzhou, very close to Hong Kong. The CCP leaders may suspect a potential relationship exists between the “Snow Leopard” commanders and the HK officers and police. Therefore, they sent the “Snow Maple” unit, which has had experience in cracking down on riots in Xinjiang and destroying East Turkestan, so their soldiers were used to killing and would have less sympathy for the Hong Kong people.

They also concluded that the PLA special forces showing up on the streets had the purpose of warning the Western special forces and the Hong Kong government, and to threaten the Hong Kong protesters. {8}

1. Oriental Daily, November 16, 2019
2. Epoch Times, November 17, 2019
3. Hong Kong 01, November 13, 2019社會新聞/397687/本港今年6月至9月256宗自殺-2537宗屍體發現等個案
4. Chinascope, November 14, 2019

CCP Special Forces Used Dim Mak Technique to Kill Hong Kong Protesters

5. YouTube, November 7, 2019

6. YouTube, November 8, 2019

7. YouTube, November 15, 2019

8. YouTube, November 19, 2019

LTN: Japanese Petition for Law Similar to HK Human Rights and Democracy Act Gained Strong Support

Major Taiwanese news network Liberty Times Network (LTN) recently reported that, after U.S. President Trump put his signature on the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, the Japanese people initiated an online petition calling on the Japanese congress to pass a similar law. A Japanese organization called the Youth Democracy Promotion Agency (YDPA) led the initiative. The petition, with the aim of getting 150,000 supporters, quickly reached over 110,000 in only a short period of time. The petition so far has gained support from 62 current congressmen and seven former ones. YDPA expressed its concerns in a public statement that, although the Japanese Foreign Minister tweeted his worries about the Hong Kong situation, the Japanese government has not yet taken a public stand, let alone taken any meaningful action. Since Japan, like the United States, has special trade and investment agreements with Hong Kong as well, the petition called for a similar Japanese legislative action, following the U.S. lead.

Source: LTN, November 28, 2019

Huanqiu Attributes the Results of the Hong Kong Election to Influence from Western Countries

A November 26 editorial from China’s State media, Huanqiu (Global Times) attempted to attribute the results of the November 24 Hong Kong District Council election to the influence of Western countries.

“In the past week, some Western forces have worked at full steam to assist the Hong Kong opposition in the District Council elections. The Australian media suddenly revealed that ‘an agent who committed infiltration in Hong Kong surrendered’ (the man was a scammer). Also a former employee of the British Consulate General in Hong Kong who was arrested three months ago in the Mainland precipitously claimed to the BBC that he had been ‘tortured’ while in the Mainland. These factors have influenced public opinion in Hong Kong. In addition, the U.S. Congress expeditiously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. All of these targeted the District Council elections.”

“The Western forces and the radical forces in Hong Kong wanted to turn the elections into a political demonstration and deny that stopping the violence and ending the riots is the most urgent task facing Hong Kong at present.”

“It is inconceivable and completely impossible that most people in Hong Kong support violence, support the formation of a political confrontation in Hong Kong, and support Hong Kong in becoming a bridgehead for some American political forces to exert pressure on China. The reason is that this would severely damage everyone’s interests and push Hong Kong into great uncertainty.”

“A number of forces in Hong Kong, including the opposition, must compete for influence within the existing establishment. No one should follow the wicked path of street politics.”

Source: Huanqiu, November 26, 2019

Malaysia Chinese Newspaper Follows Directives from the CCP

The Central News Agency of Taiwan reported that See Hua Daily News, the largest Chinese language newspaper in Eastern Malaysia, was receiving directives from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

An internal directive from the See Hua Daily News stated that, per a request from the Chinese Consulate in Malaysia, because Taiwan and Hong Kong are China’s territories, news reports and their titles from now on should avoid listing “China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan” in parallel. If these three regions need to be mentioned together, it should be written as “China (including Taiwan and Hong Kong).” The directive was signed by the newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief, Chia Chew Boon.

People criticized the CCP’s interference in Malaysia’s internal affairs.

A high-ranking person from one of See Hua’s sister media companies confirmed that the directive was true, but said the owner didn’t know about it. After it was reported, the owner ordered a withdrawal from the directive.

That person also revealed that the Chinese consulate staff members frequently have meals with the top managers of the Chinese language newspaper in Malaysia and continuously express what direction and position the CCP wants that media to hold. Especially after the Hong Kong protest, the CCP wants Malaysian reports to be close to the CCP’s position.

Source: Central News Agency, November 17, 2019

UDN: China’s First Fully Domestically Made Aircraft Carrier Entered the Taiwan Strait

United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups, reported on November 17 that China’s first fully domestically made aircraft carrier led a fleet to enter the Taiwan Strait. On the same day, an official from the Taiwanese ruling party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which is pro-independence, announced Taiwan’s Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates for the up-coming Taiwanese presidential election. Mainland newspaper Global Times called it “a coincidence” and said military exercises are “normal” and this event had nothing to do with the current regional situation. This aircraft carrier has done a few sea trial-runs already. However, it was still a surprise for many observers that it entered the Taiwan Strait when everyone was speculating at what point it will officially deploy to the Chinese Navy. During the period of time when the carrier sailed through the Taiwan Strait, both the U.S. Navy and Japan sent warships to monitor its entire passage. According to some analysts, the carrier will be based in China’s Hainan Province in the South China Sea. The Chinese Navy now has two aircraft carriers.

Source: UDN, November 17, 2019

A Canadian CSSA Lost Its Student Club Status for Reporting to Chinese Consulate

The Chinese Student & Scholar Association (CSSA) of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada was decertified and its club status was removed because it was monitoring college activities and sending information to the Chinese government.

On February 11, 2019, the university held a forum to support the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. The CSSA, along with another four student associations, called that meeting an “anti-China lecture” and reported it to China’s Consulate in Toronto, CA.

Deutsche Welle obtained the Chinese students’ communication from WeChat, including their reporting to the Chinese Consulate and passing down the Consulate’s direction.

The WeChat records showed some students sent the forum’s video to China’s Consulate, some students went to the forum to create a disturbance, and some posted and sent a threatening request in order to find out the name of the son of the speaker at the forum.

The Chinese Consulate responded by asking Chinese students at McMaster University to report the case to their CSSA.

The student representative assembly at the university decertified the CSSA in September for a full calendar year, during which it will be denied club privileges such as being able to book a room and access to student union funding.

None of four other student associations that signed the February statement has faced disciplinary action. One of them testified in writing that it had signed the statement at the invitation of the CSSA’s then-president.

The CSSA filed an appeal. The university’s student union government rejected the appeal on November 3. It also passed a motion to oppose the CCP or the CSSA for trying to “directly or indirectly intervene in college political activities.”

Source: Epoch Times, November 5, 2019

Epoch Times: Australian Scholar Blocked from Conducting Research on WeChat

According to an Epoch Times report, a Chinese scholar received considerable resistance from his school when he tried to conduct a research project on WeChat.

James Jing, 39, a China-born Australian immigrant, came to Australia over ten years ago. He has been teaching at the Curtin University in Australia for 12 years. He is working on his PhD degree. For his PhD dissertation he chose the topic, “The Study of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Censorship System and Social Media Platform on WeChat.” However, he could not get any help from his professors.

Tencent, the company that developed WeChat, has sponsored several activities and projects at the Curtin University.

Jing felt that his academic life has been ended and that the main reason was the CCP’s influence. “I never thought that the CCP had extended its tentacles to the other side of the ocean.” “Curtin’s censorship and self-censorship (on behalf of the CCP) has created a blockage to certain extent. I think it will restrain the potential of its Chinese scholars.”

Jing also acknowledged that discussing this issue openly may result in consequences for him. Nevertheless, his conscience told him that he must go forward. He said, “I have come to the land of Australia and become an Australian citizen. I need to defend Australian values, just like the national anthem ‘Advance Australia Fair.’”

Curtin University denied that the school has adopted self-censorship.

Source: Epoch Times, November 11, 2019

Chinese TV Series Exported to More Than 200 Countries

Between November 11th and the 14th, the 25th Beijing TV Program Market & Exhibition, which was previously the Capital TV Program Promotion Fair, was held at the Beijing Convention Center. The Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the Beijing Municipal Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television hosted it jointly. TV series now account for more than 70 percent of the Chinese TV programs traded internationally, far exceeding other types of TV programs. Chinese TV series have been exported to more than 200 countries and regions around the world.

In Southeast Asia, Chinese TV series still maintain a strong competitive advantage. At the same time, Chinese TV programs have already been conveyed out of Asia and into Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and African countries and regions. As of now, more than 1,600 Chinese film and television programs have been translated into 36 languages, including English, French, Russian, Arabic, and Burmese and have been broadcasted in more than 100 countries.

Source: People’s Daily, November 15, 2019