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BBC Chinese: On June 4th Taiwan’s Ruling and Opposition Parties Called for Democracy

BBC Chinese recently reported that Taiwan’s newly elected ruling party the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) released a statement on June 4th suggesting people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait had nothing to fear from democracy. Although the Mainland had significant economic growth in recent years, at the same time, political and social challenges are piling up. Both the former Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou and the new president Tsai Ing-wen issued statements asking for the vindication of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre and for the Communist Party to return more rights to the Mainland people; acts which will win true respect from the international community. Hung Shiu-chu, Chairman of the opposition party, The Kuomintang of China (KMT), also stated that the entire Chinese population on both sides of the Strait is looking forward to the common goal of freedom and liberty. June 4th is the 27th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. 
Source: BBC Chinese, June 4, 2016

CRN: Tsai Ing-wen Asked for U.S. Support to Join TPP Negotiations

China Review News (CRN) recently reported that the new Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen met with the U.S. Congressional delegation that was visiting Taiwan. Tsai expressed her appreciation for the official U.S. support in accepting Taiwan as an Interpol (The International Criminal Police Organization) observer. She further asked for U.S. support in letting Taiwan join the second round of the TPP (The Trans-Pacific Partnership) negotiation. Taiwan has a very tight economic relationship with the United States. Taiwan is the ninth largest trade partner of the U.S. and the U.S. is the second largest trade partner of Taiwan. She said joining the TPP is one of her key national growth goals and the new Taiwanese government will seek to participate actively in the negotiation for membership. TPP is a U.S. led trade organization for the pacific region. Most of the world’s economists have the belief that it was designed to contain China.
Source: China Review News, May 22, 2016

Oriental Daily: Former Taiwan Affairs Office Official Stated Not Much Time Left to Reunify Taiwan

Oriental Daily reported that, in an internal forum, Wang Zaixi, former Deputy Director of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, made the following points regarding the Taiwan issue:

The comprehensive powers of the two sides of the Taiwan strait have changed dramatically. Mainland China should have strategic confidence. There are four strategies that it can adopt to handle Taiwan independence: a political split, military deterrence, economic integration, and a diplomatic arrangement.

Wang stated that the Taiwan issue has existed for 67 years. The international convention takes 100 years as a key milestone in determining the authority of an island. "After 100 years, the international tribunal’s decision is not based on who owned the island historically but rather who has effectively controlled the island in the past 100 years." Thus there is not much time left to solve the Taiwan issue. There is no time table for the reunification, but the government should have a sense of urgency.

Source: Oriental Daily, May 22, 2016

Xinhua: China Hopes the U.S. Will Not Take Sides

Xinhua republished a Global Times’ article on China’s media campaign on the global stage on the issue of the South China Sea.

"As the South Chinese Sea Arbitration decision date is approaching, China’s media campaign to rebut those statements from the Philippines and the U.S. that have muddied the truth has reached its peak."

"Foreign Minister Wan Yi said, ‘On the South China Sea issue, any actions that ignore the basic facts, take the side of their own allies, or that deliberately create political issues will not get support from the people. Rather, they will ruin their own reputations and it will come to a fruitless end.’"

"On the same day, Rashid Alimov, the Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, stated, ‘We strongly oppose interference on this issue from any countries outside the region; we also oppose the internationalization of the issue.’"

"On May 19, a U.S. Newsweek reporter asked Deputy Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin ‘whether China has a red line on the South China Sea issue.’ Liu expressed that ‘our red line is wishing the U.S. does not choose a side, in other words, does not support a so-called ally to oppose China.’"

"Recently, several of China’s Ambassadors started media campaigns overseas. The Ambassador to Great Britain, Liu Xiaoming, published an article in Financial Times and also gave a speech at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. China’s Ambassador to Maldives, Wang Fukang, published an article in its mainstream media Sun Online. The Ambassador to Romania, Xu Feihong, published an article in a major local newspaper. China’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Chang Hua, published an article in Gulf Times."

Source: Xinhua, May 25, 2016

Global Times: Zhang Dejiang Met with HK Opposition Members

Global Times recently published an editorial discussing the Hong Kong trip of Zhang Dejiang, who is the Standing Committee Chairman of China’s National People’s Congress. Zhang’s itinerary included a meeting with the opposition members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council. This was the first time the HK Opposition has had a direct face-to-face meeting with a member of the top Communist leadership from the Mainland. The critical message from the Opposition members was their strong dissatisfaction with the sitting Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying; They asked very clearly that the central government replace him. Another topic was to allow Opposition members to enter the Mainland. The whole meeting was calm and peaceful, which was unusual. The Global Times editorial also, unusually, positioned the HK Opposition as “insiders” of the HK established political system. The editorial further commented that the Opposition in the Legislative Council should be considered a part of the “special establishment camp,” which is more welcome as compared to those who ignore the Hong Kong Basic Law. 
Source: Global Times, May 19, 2016

Xinhua: The European Parliament Voted against China’s Market Economy Status

Xinhua recently reported that the European Parliament passed a non-binding resolution rejecting China’s bid for market economy status. The resolution mentioned that some EU companies and labor unions expressed deep concern about the threat of potential unemployment and even some EU companies’ survival after granting China such status. The resolution emphasized that China has to first meet the five major EU standards for a market economy before this status can be granted. Current rules for anti-dumping and countervailing investigation procedures remain. However, China is now the second largest trade partner of the European Union. The Parliament said it cannot violate the WTO (World Trade Organization) regulations and that the European Commission should work with other trade partners to come up with a unified interpretation of the term “Market Economy.” The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded by insisting that its accession agreement to the WTO provides for automatic Market Economy Status after 15 years and that the EU should not continue treating China unfairly.
Source: Xinhua, May 13, 2016

The Paper: The U.S. May Lift the Vietnam Arms Export Ban

Well-known new Chinese news site The Paper recently reported that the U.S. Defense Secretory testified at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, expressing the current administration’s intent to lift the arms export ban on Vietnam. No details are yet available; however this statement was made before President Obama’s planned visit to Vietnam. The United States partially lifted the ban in 2014 to help Vietnam patrol the seas. U.S. officials said then that, in the future, the U.S. might consider selling Vietnam weapons that can be mounted on aircraft. Last year when U.S. Defense Secretory Carter visited Vietnam, he made the promise to provide Vietnam with a US$18 million loan. In the meantime, Tom Malinowski, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, explained that multiple things need to be considered before lifting the ban, including human rights conditions. 
Source: The Paper, April 29, 2016

Further Criticism of the War Mentality

After Wu Jianmin, China’s former Ambassador to France, criticized the idea of having a war against some countries, Yuan Nansheng, the Party Secretary and Vice President of the Foreign Affairs College [a Beijing university for diplomats] and former Consul General of China’s Consulate in Los Angles, published an article to further support the criticism of China’s "angry youth" (referring to people who are ignorant but impulsive) who can jeopardize China’s diplomacy.

Yuan’s article was published in the magazine Sharing the Same Boat. Phoenix republished the article. In his article, Yuan listed several examples throughout China’s history that showed how certain people, who were ignorant of their country’s real situation, out of narrow or extreme nationalism, promoted war with other nations. In the end, they ruined the possibility of reaching a diplomatic solution and brought disaster to their country.

"On the one hand, [we] should realize that this ‘angry youth’ phenomenon represents a certain public opinion that can be used as a diplomatic card; on the other hand, [we] should prevent it from restricting the space of our diplomatic options and blocking us from reaching a reasonable and necessary [diplomatic] compromise."

Source: Phoenix, April 13, 2016