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Geo-Strategic Trend - 230. page

The Eighth Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum Held from May 22 to May 24

From May 22 to May 24, 2011, senior official representatives from China and Arab countries attended the Eighth Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum. Assistant Foreign Minister Saif Muqqadam al Buainain, the Chairman of the Arab side of the meeting, “highly commended” all elements of the Arab-Chinese partnership. He said, “The Forum has become a milestone in the advancement of Arab-Chinese relations, as it provides an appropriate framework and designs effective mechanisms for dialogue and collective action, based on a solid foundation of equality and mutual benefits and interests.” 

So far, the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum, established in January 2004, has held four ministerial conferences and seven senior official level conferences. It has 11 cooperation mechanisms which cover political, economic, cultural, and other fields.

Source: Xinhua, May 23, 2011

Huanqiu: A Chinese Should Be the New Head of the IMF

A Huanqiu opinion piece suggested that ex-chief of IMF Strauss-Kahn’s replacement should come from China as its voting power in the IMF is increasing rapidly. “China’s position in the IMF surpasses European countries, having risen to 6.394 percent; it ranks third, only narrowly behind Japan by 0.07 percent. … The increase in China’s position means China can have a greater voice in policy suggestions, and will have more rights and responsibilities to send senior officers to the IMF. … Recently, many people have criticized the IMF for being too slow to react to the financial crisis and the near collapse of the banking system, and for paying too little attention to the financial development of developing countries. Adding more Chinese elements to the senior positions will be an excellent complement to the IMF’s insufficiencies.” The article concluded that “China does not lack capable personnel for the next IMF chief position. If the current 24 voting executive members understand this and send a Chinese to head the agency, it will show tremendous respect for the rising China.”

Source: Huanqiu, May 18, 2011

Xinhua Opens New Office in NYC’s Times Square

On May 19, 2011, the North American regional headquarter of the Xinhua News Agency celebrated the launch of its new office in Manhattan’s Times Square, in a bid to step onto the stage of world-class media. Zhou Xisheng, Xinhua’s vice president, said, “The launch of our North American regional headquarters will play an active role in increasing Xinhua’s abilities in international news transmission and enhance the influence of its international reports.” Currently, Xinhua employs some 16,000 people, with more than 30 domestic bureaus and over 140 overseas. It has seven bureaus in the United States and three in Canada. 

Ambassador Peng Keyu of the Chinese Consulate-general in New York, Tom Gallo of the U.S. State Department Office of Foreign Missions, and Steve Orlins, the President of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations,  were among nearly 100 guests at the ceremony.

Source: Xinhua, May 20, 2011

Wen Affirms China’s Support for Pakistan

On May 18, 2011, Xinhua reported that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao assured Yousuf Raza Gilani, the visiting Prime Minister of Pakistan, of China’s support. Wen affirmed that “Pakistan has made huge sacrifices and an important contribution to the international fight against terrorism; that its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity must be respected; and that the international community should understand and support Pakistan’s efforts to maintain domestic stability and to realize economic and social development.” Wen stated that China would like to be an “all-weather strategic partner” and will do its best to help the Pakistani government and people get through their difficulties. 

The English China Daily stated that Pakistan has “faced international pressure in the aftermath of the U.S. killing of Osama bin Laden.” “Following the raid, Islamabad was the focus of criticism in the U.S. for its alleged failure to fight terrorism, prompting some U.S. legislators to call for a reduction in financial assistance.”

Xinhua, May 18, 2011
China Daily, May 19, 2011

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Vietnamese Election in Spratly Islands was Illegal

On May 10, 2011, Jiang Yu, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented on the Vietnamese election of a representative from the Spratly Islands to the National Assembly and the local People’s Council. Jiang said that China holds “indisputable” sovereignty over the Spratly Islands and any single-sided action another country takes on the Islands is a violation of China’s sovereignty. She said the Vietnamese election was illegal and invalid, and did not conform to the Declaration of the Code of Conduct on the South China Sea.

Source: Xinhua, May 10, 2011

VOA: CNPC Determined to Drill in Iraq

Voice of America (VOA) recently reported that China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and its partners made a successful bid for part of the development work in the Halfaya Oil Field in southeast Iraq. Halfaya has a proven reserve of 4.1 billion barrels, with a current daily output of 3,100 barrels. The CNPC-led group won the bid for the 20-year development rights of Halfaya last year. The plan is to increase the daily production to 70,000 barrels by the end of this year. David Fridley from the U.S. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory suggested that the goal will be hard to achieve. Even if the goal is realized, the return on investment per barrel is only US$1.4. Many international oil companies gave up on the original bid due to the extremely low profit. The belief is that, even given the low profitability, China was still determined to drill in Halfaya just to secure an international source of oil. Half of China’s oil is imported. CNPC holds 37.5% of Halfaya shares.

Source: Voice of America, May 10, 2011

Global Times: The U.S. Cross-Border Action to Kill bin Laden Is Worrisome

Global Times published a commentary from a Chinese professor of international law criticizing U.S. infringement of Pakistan’s sovereignty in the raid on bin Laden. He argues that the cross-border military action is a violation of Pakistan’s territorial sovereignty and constitutes an invasion. “The cross-border military action cannot be regarded as a legal means to exercise the national right of self-defense.” “International law does not encourage the preemptive nature of such a cross-border military action.”

Source: Global Times, May 11, 2011

Pakistan May Invite China to Study the Wreckage of U.S. Stealth Helicopter Downed in Bin Laden Raid

According to a report from the Shanghai Evening Post, the Pakistani officials claim that they are interested in studying the remains of the U.S. military helicopter that was damaged in the raid on the bin Laden compound, although the U.S. wants it back. Pakistan may invite China to participate in the study. Based on the pictures, aeronautics and military experts believe it is a modified stealth helicopter.

Source: Guangming Daily website, May 11, 2011