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VOA: Chinese Aid to Africa Encourages Corruption

Voice of America (VOA) recently reported that, for the first time, the Chinese government released a policy white book on foreign aid. In 2009, the total amount of Chinese foreign aid reached US$40 billion. Africa received half of that aid. The white book emphasized that Chinese aid does not come with political conditions. However, as Chinese aid has a low transparency, it is often criticized, even among the locals, because of the opportunities for corruption. The fact that the aid results in Chinese rather than local laborers being employed and the low transfer rate of technology have also resulted in complaints. Seventy percent of what Africa exports to China is oil.

Source: Voice of America, April 21, 2011

CASS Held Seminar on the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Soviet Union

On April 24, 2011, Xinhua reported that the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and 12 other organizations jointly held an academic seminar on the fall of the Soviet Union. Over 200 people attended the seminar. The primary topics were “The Reason for the Fall of the Soviet Union,” “The Consequences of the Fall of the Soviet Union,” and “The Outlook for the World Socialist Movement.” Some experts expressed the belief that a deep understanding of the reason for the fall and of its impact are the key to improving the socialist movement. They believe socialism can be realized in the foreseeable future. The participants concluded that the seminar will have a positive impact on the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. It will also help advance the ideological movement of socialism around the globe.

Source: Xinhua, April 24, 2011

China, Russia and North Korea Launch a Visa-free Travel Program

A China-Russia-North Korea visa free tourist program was formally put in place on April 26. A pilot tour group of 21 people started a trip from Changchun, the capital of China’s Jilin Province, traveled through Huichun City in Jilin, Russia’s Slavyanka, Vladivostok and Khasan, and North Korea’s Hancha and Nasŏn, and finally returned to Huichun. With the visa application waived, one can tour these three bordering North East Asian countries within four days.

Source: Xinhua, April 26, 2011

China’s Diplomatic Predicament in Middle East

Xinhua’s International Herald Leader published an article titled “How Can China Get Out of Its Diplomatic Predicament in the Middle East?” The article quotes from an Arab source that China’s Middle East policy is widely viewed by many Arab countries as “sitting on the fence.” It wants to have access to the oil but does not want to give up cooperating on technology with Israel, let alone offending the United States. The article predicts that, as China expands in the Middle East, sending Chinese troops to the Middle East to protect its workers may become inevitable, given times of chaos and the economic loss in the Libya crisis. 

“This is exactly what makes it difficult for China to play an independent role in the Middle East. The West calls China’s economic expansion without security protection ‘putting all of its eggs in the basket of the United States,’ meaning China has put its interest in the Middle East in the hands of the United States.” The article noted that China presently has warships in the Gulf of Aden all year round to ensure its oil supplies. The "Xuzhou" Destroyer entered the Mediterranean during the chaos in Libya, and its air force cargo planes fly over the Middle East. The article concluded that China should establish a long-term strategic vision for the Middle East.

Source: International Herald Leader, April 26, 2011

VOA: Nearly Half of Australians View China as a Military Threat

While Australian Prime Minister Gillard is on an official visit to China for four days, from April 25 to 28, on April 25, the Lowy Institute, a leading international think tank, released a new poll. According to the poll, 44% of the respondents believed that China may become a military threat to Australia within the next 20 years; 87% of the respondents believed that, if China were to start a fight with the U.S., Australia might get involved because it is a close ally of the U.S.; 52% of the respondents said that they would support Australia to fight alongside the U.S. if a conflict explodes between North Korea and South Korea due to a North Korean provocation. 

Although Gillard recently criticized China’s human right record when Jia Qinglin, a Politburo standing committee member and Chair of The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference visited Australia, 58% of the respondents think Australia has not done enough to pressure Beijing on human rights.

Source: Voice of America, April 25, 2011

Li Changchun Calls for African-Chinese Media Cooperation

During a visit to Kenya, Li Changchun, the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda chief, gave a speech at Nairobi University encouraging further cooperation between the media in China and Africa. Li proposed to actively implement the “Forum on ChinaAfrica CooperationSharm El Sheikh Action Plan.” He also suggested strengthening direct interactions between Chinese and African media and promoting cooperation in training, technical support, programming, and resource sharing, as well as technology development.

Source: Xinhua, April 22, 2011

Chinese State Radio Signs Cooperation Agreement with Turkey

The State’s China Radio International (CRI) signed an agreement with Turkey’s national broadcaster, Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), in Ankara “to strengthen overall cooperation in broadcasting.” According to the agreement, the two parties will exchange programs and increase communications and visits. CRI expects that a rapid implementation of the agreement will facilitate cooperation in other fields.

Source: Xinhua, April 19, 2011

China News: Obama Administration Accused of Taking Advantage of Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

On April 8, 2011, China News re-published an article from Wen Wei Po a Hong Kong newspaper whose purpose is to support the People’s Republic of China. The article said that “the true purpose” behind the U.S. aircraft carrier’s “disaster relief” trip to Japan was to ask the Tokyo government for 200 million U.S. dollars worth of supplies for 20,000 officers and soldiers. 

Source: China News, April 08, 2011