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Xinhua: Several Countries Criticize the U.S. for Issuing Human Rights Report

Xinhua recently reported that the Brazilian, Cambodian, Algerian, Sudanese, and Vietnamese governments, as well as human rights activists, criticized the United State for issuing its Human Rights Report. They suggested that the U.S. is interfering with other countries’ internal affairs to achieve its political goals – under the rosy human rights name. These countries also accused the U.S. of having its own poor human rights record and blamed the U.S. for the exaggerations in the report.

Source: Xinhua, April 10, 2011

BRICS Development Banks to Open Local-currency Credit Lines to Each Other

On April 14, 2011, the state development banks of the five BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – signed a framework credit-line agreement to open credit lines to each other in their national currencies. This represents the latest concrete step developing nations have taken to reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar.

China Development Bank (CDB) plans to issue around CNY10 billion of yuan-denominated loans this year to other BRICS nations. Most of these loans will fund oil and gas projects. CDB is in talks with Brazilian state-owned Petrobras regarding further loans to the oil company. China and Brazil reached a $10 billion oil-for-loan deal in 2009, under which Petrobras agreed to supply crude oil to China Petrochemical Corp. for 10 years in exchange for funding from CDB. BRICS countries are moving towards mutually trading each others’ currencies, following Russia’s launch of yuan trading in Moscow at the end of 2010.

Source: Wall Street Journal, April 14, 2011

Study Times on U.S. Policy in the Middle East

An article in Study Times, a Central Party School’s voice, points to the quagmire in the U.S.-Middle East relationship. “The U.S. strategy in the Middle East has a big loophole: a double standard toward the Arab countries and Israel, which will ultimately have serious consequences. U.S. Middle East strategy is critically reliant on its allies, who are exactly the regimes involved in the recent waves of protest. After the regime changes, a number of those in the U.S.’s Middle Eastern alliance have expressed dissatisfaction about the U.S. abandoning Mubarak.” “But now more and more voices in the U.S. believe that the U.S. is paying a ‘security cost’ for this alliance, because it created a strong anti-American sentiment, and thus created its own enemies.” “Arab leaders have come to understand that in times of crisis, they cannot save themselves by having good relations with the U.S. and peace agreements with Israel. The change has become more favorable to Iran’s strategic position in the region.” “There are indications that whoever has a close relationship with the U.S. will have a volatile political situation. After Mubarak stepped down, Egypt allowed Iranian naval vessels into the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal, as a signal that it was distancing itself from the U.S. and Israel.”

Source: Study Times, April 11, 2011

Cultural Performances Draw in Overseas Chinese

Since 2009, the State Council’s Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs, a government agency that seeks to engage overseas Chinese, has organized an annual New Year’s performance, “Cultures of China, Festival of Spring” in 49 cities on six continents, with an overseas audience of 1.75 million. Programs have included patriotic songs, ethnic dances, and acrobatics. 
The President of the New York based U.S.-China Cultural Exchange Association, Luo Man, said after watching the performance, “I have been immersed in the diverse culture of the U.S. for a long time, but my feelings always belong to the land where I was born and raised. This emotion is cast in blood and cannot be changed.”

The programs are designed to boost China’s global image, while winning the hearts of overseas Chinese. “As China’s economic and overall national power rises, so do the prejudices, misunderstandings, and mistrust of international society. When facing a complicated external environment, we must actively react to guide international society to form an objective and comprehensive ‘image of China.’” 

Source: Qiushi, April 1, 2011

People’s Daily: The West Should Abandon the Mindset of Leading the World

An opinion article on the People’s Daily website questions the purpose of Western countries’ military action in Libya. “The original idea of UN Security Council resolution 1973 was to stop violence and protect civilians." However, one wonders at the Western countries’ purpose. “Help the opponent obtain a military opportunity by striking the government’s army. This has led the conflict in Libya to escalate. Is this stopping the violence?” “Some Western countries directly fund and arm the opponents to achieve their goal of ‘overthrowing Gaddafi.’ Is this consistent with its emphasis that ‘the purpose is not to overthrow Gaddafi?’"

“In fact, behind the slogan of protecting civilians’ interests is protecting Western countries’ interests. … including economic interests and … Western leader’s mindset of leading the world from their bones.” “From their action toward Libya, … it seems there is a ribbon to bind them together, i.e. Western countries leading world affairs.”

The article concluded: “the future direction of Libya is not only to test how long Gaddafi can last, but also to test whether Western countries’ mindset toward the world will change.”   

Source: People’s Daily, April 1, 2011

China’s Vice President Promotes Peaceful Resolution of the African Crisis

Xi Jinping, the Vice President of China, met with Liberian Foreign Minister McIntosh in the People’s Hall in Beijing on March 30, 2011. Xi said the Chinese government is "highly concerned about peace and the security situation in Africa, and along with African countries, including Liberia, would like to actively promote a peaceful resolution of the crisis.”

Source: Xinhua, March 30, 2011

Hu Jintao Meets with Sarkozy, Calling for Ceasefire in Libya

When French President Sarkozy visited Beijing on March 30, 2011, Hu Jintao told him, “If the coalition’s military actions are harming innocent civilians, creating a greater humanitarian crisis, this violates the original intention of the UN Security Council resolution.” “We have always maintained that every country’s independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity should be respected, and have opposed the use of force in international affairs. … The ultimate solution lies in dialogue and other peaceful means.” 
Hu further stated, “China supports all political efforts that are conducive to easing the current tension in Libya. We call on all parties to call an immediate ceasefire, seek a peaceful solution, and prevent more civilian casualties as soon as possible, to restore stability in Libya.”

Source: Xinhua, March 30, 2011

People’s Daily Critical of Color Revolutions in Africa

People’s Daily published an article on Libya titled “Social Unrest: the Wrong Path for a Country and a Tragedy for the People.” The article said, “From the end of last year through this spring, a number of countries in Eastern and Northern Africa have suffered from continued political instability and social disruptions, having a negative economic impact on their people. Moreover, Libya is now trapped in a vortex of war.” The article concludes that the Chinese people should treasure their current “harmony and stability.” “Every one of us should do our utmost, achieve more development under this stability and continuously reap happy fruits during our development.”

Source: People’s Daily, March 23, 2011