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Geo-Strategic Trend - 254. page

China and India Army Held Joint Anti-Terrorist Exercise

On December 6, an opening ceremony for China and Indian Army’s joint anti-terrorist exercise was held at Belgaum anti-terrorist training facility in India. More than 200 army personnel and military experts from both sides participated in the ceremony. Qing Xiangyou, the head from Chinese group, said that the purpose of the exercise is to increase the understanding and trust, and develop cooperation from both armies.

Source: Xinhua, December 6, 2008

Xinhua: Europe Is Not As United As France Expects

France did not receive the full support from Europe in its move to meet with the Dalai Lama, says International Herald Leader of Xinhua. “Things have not turned out to be what the naïve France expected – it has encountered the pressure from its partners.” The International Herald Leader reported comments from European officials, the UK’s Guardian and think tank analyst that are negative of the upcoming meeting between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and the Dalai Lama.

Source: International Herald Leader, December 1, 2008

Xinhua: Japan Pursuing Space Diplomacy Is Meant to Compete with China

On November 27, Japan’s Strategic Headquarters for Space Development issued an outline for the future direction of Japan’s space strategy (equivalent to China’s space strategy). “Space Diplomacy” is a new concept proposed by Japan. Specifically, it is to utilize the Japanese government’s economic development aid (ODA) to enhance cooperation with developing countries from the Asian, African, and Latin American regions, strategically provide satellite information and space development technology to these countries in order to gain their understanding and trust.

Currently, under the direction of the Strategic Headquarters for Space Development, Japan has already initiated cooperation in satellite technology with Indonesia, Brazil, and Ethiopia. But from the Japanese government’s perspective, Space Diplomacy can not stop at a few individual countries. It has to expand in scope and form a whole Space Diplomacy System.

The article says that behind the system is a plan to compete with China.

Source: Xinhua, December 2, 2008

Sarkozy Said to be Ungrateful for the Favor China Did Him in 2004

French President Sarkozy’s meeting with the Dalai Lama has drawn attacks by media in China.  One example is an article by China Review News which described Sarkozy as a person who has "changed his face too many times and is ungrateful for the favor that China gave to him in 2004".

In the article, Cai Fangbo, China’s former ambassador to France disclosed that in 2004 when he was ready to run for president, Sarkozy, then the France’s interior minister, requested to have a meeting with Hu Jintao during his trip to visit China. Hu granted the request despite the difference in the political ranking. After Sarkozy was elected, he was said to "have repeatedly expressed his gratitude towards the favor he received".  "But in 2008, Sarkozy has held up the anti-China flag and led the France-China relationship downhill.  China has shown great tolerance to him but he hasn’t returned the favor.  Sarkozy uses tactics to gain political advantage and will eventually loss his credibility” the article wrote.

Source: China Review News, November 30, 2008

Survey Reveals 50 Percent Chinese Internet Users Believe Japan Will Become Militarist Country Again

Chinese Academy of Social Science and’s international channel jointly initiated a survey of “Chinese people’s international views,” on the purpose of understanding how Chinese view some of the international issues and their opinions on Russia, U.S., E.U., and Japan. The survey started on October 1. Up to November 17, there are over 25,000 internet users participated the survey. The result of the survey shows that 50 percent Chinese believe Japan will become a militarist country again in the 21st century.

Source:, November 17, 2008

China and Russia Discuss about Collaboration in the development of Space Station

Vitaly Davydov, deputy director of Russian Aerospace Institute, says that Russia will expand the collaboration with China in the peaceful development of space, but will not transfer technology. He made the comment while he was attending The 2008 China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai,Guangdong Province. Davydov says: “Chinese colleagues are interested in developing space stations in the near-earth space. We are discussing the possibility of collaboration in this area.” Davydov says that Russia will not develop the station together with China, but will provide help by providing certain equipments.

Source:, November 11, 2008 

China and India’s High Level Military officials Exchange Visit

On Nov. 1, Chinese Navy Commander-in Chief Wu Shenli Arrived New Deli for five-day visit. On the same day, India Air Force Chief of Staff Fali H Major also left for China for a week long visit. This is the first time in history that high level military officials from both countries visit to each other. The visit was initiated by India and China actively responded. The main task that Major is trying to accomplish is to explore the possibility of having joint military drill of air force.

Source: Xinhua, November 4, 2008

Xinhua: China Will Not Let Pakistan Go Bankrupt

Xinhua publishes an article highly touting Pakistan President Zardari visit to China from October 14 to 17. The article says that as a “friend at all times,” China didn’t disappoint the Pakistanis. During the four day visit, China and Pakistan signed 12 agreements and one joint statement. President Zardari received promise from China to help resolve Pakistan’s economic crisis. It is said that the “initial aid is US$500 million and more promised for the future.”  The article says that the “economy and trade tour” as defined by Zardari of his first visit to China is extremely fruitful.

Source: Xinhua, October 21, 2008