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Government/Politics - 237. page

Xinhua: The Dalai Lama Orchestrated the Self Immolation Incidents in Sichuan

According to Xinhua, the Public Security Bureau of Sichuan Province arrested two suspects from Ngawa County. One suspect was a monk from Kirti Gompa temple who "admitted" that he received direct orders from the Dalai Lama Group, which persuaded eight civilians to commit self-immolation, resulting in three deaths. The police in Sichuan stated that they will “conduct further investigations and severely punish those criminal actions that incite, instigate, and coerce innocent civilians to conduct self-immolation.”

Source: Xinhua, December 9, 2012

Xi Jinping Calls for a Powerful Strategic Missile Force

On December 5, 2012, the new Communist Party General Secretary and Central Military Commission Chairman, Xi Jinping, met with representatives of the Second Artillery Force of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). During the meeting, Xi ordered the Chinese military to build a powerful and technological missile force. He told those present, “The Second Artillery Force of the PLA is the core of the strategic deterrence forces, the strategic support of China as a major power, and an important cornerstone for safeguarding China’s national security.” Xi stressed the need to uphold the Communist Party’s absolute control of the military and to ensure the absolute loyalty of the military to the Party.

According to China’s Ministry of Defense, the Second Artillery Force is a strategic force under the direct command and control of the Central Military Commission. It is mainly responsible for deterring other countries from using nuclear weapons against China, and for conducting nuclear counterattacks and precision strikes with conventional missiles.

Xinhua, December 5, 2012.
China’s Ministry of Defense

Senior Party Official Investigated for Corruption

On December 6, Xinhua announced that the Communist Party Central Commission for Discipline Inspection confirmed that Li Chuncheng, the Deputy Communist Secretary of Sichuan Province, is being investigated for “suspicion of serious discipline violations." The one sentence announcement did not offer details. Later Xinhua published a follow-up commentary which stated that the anti-corruption campaign is unfolding from the central government to local governments. Huanqiu, which is under People’s Daily also published a commentary. It stated that official media tend to categorize reports on corruption as being “sensitive” and that in every case in which official media delay or maintain a low profile when handling the publication of such reports, it creates the appearance of a cover-up. Li is the first senior party official to be investigated for corruption since the new Party General Secretary, Xi Jinping, took over from Hu Jintao in November.

Xinhua, December 6, 2012
Xinhua reprinted by Guangming Daily, December 6, 2012 Huanqiu, December 6, 2012
Huanqiu, December 6, 2012

Shortage of Donated Organs Continues in China

Nanfang Daily reported that an organ donation and transplant cooperation project under China’s Ministry of Health recently held its 10th forum in Kunming. According to the report, in 2010, the Ministry of Health established a pilot project for organ donations. In 2011, it expanded to 19 locations. Since then, 480 operations were conducted on the donors, with 1,294 organs donated, thus saving the lives of over 1,200 people. Experts attending the meeting agreed that the shortage of organs for transplant continues to remain a major issue at present.

[Editor’s Note: On December 2, 2012, three American doctors created a petition at to petition the Obama Administration to “investigate and publicly condemn organ harvesting" as people in China are "killed on demand to fuel China’s lucrative organ transplant industry."]

Nanfang Daily, December 4, 2012

Xinhua Commentary Calls for Harsh Measures to Crack Down on Corruption

On November 30, 2012, the Disciplinary Committee of Shandong Province launched an investigation of Shan Zhende, Deputy Director of the Shandong Province Department of Agriculture, based on a statement he wrote to his mistress promising that he would divorce his wife and marry her. This incident took place one week after Lei Zhengfu, the District Party Secretary in Chongqing, stepped down from his post due to a sex tape scandal [Editor: according media reports, Lei was fired after tapes showing him with an 18-year-old woman, allegedly hired to bribe him, went viral].

Xinhua published a commentary quoting statistics from the Central Disciplinary Committee that showed that 95 percent of problem officials have mistresses. The commentary stated, "We can’t simply rely on the (issue of) mistresses to crack down on corruption." It called for harsher anti-corruption action and a disciplinary system that prevents Party officials from being misguided.

Source: Xinhua, December 2, 2012

Xinhua: Over 1.1 Million Participated in the National Civil Services Exam

Xinhua reported that, on November 25, more than 1.12 million people all over China participated in the National Civil Service Exam to compete for 21 thousand government job positions. This is the largest government position exam ever organized. The number of people taking the Exam increased by 150 thousand over last year. Cheating is a big problem for the exam. The State Bureau of Civil Services required everyone who took the exam to sign a “Statement of Good Faith.” Also, a large national database was established to track wrong-doings on an individual basis. Experts expressed the belief that there are three main reasons that this exam has become such a heated competition: (1) Unemployment pressure is still high across the nation. This year alone there are seven million new college graduates joining the job market. (2) The Civil Service Exam system is relatively open and transparent. It demonstrates more fairness than other channels. (3) Government work is more reliable, relaxed, and reputable than other types of work.
Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2012

Beijing Times: More Work Needed to Encourage Mainland Chinese to Consider Donating Organs

Xinhua carried an article, which had originally been published by Beijing Times, stating that more work is needed to encourage people to consider donating their organs. The general public’s perception needs to change at the same time that fair and just procedures are implemented.

According to Huang Jiefu, China’s Vice Minister of Health, China is building an organ donation system. It is also considering putting together a stimulus plan to provide the donors and their family members with a certain level of economic compensation, including waiving hospital and funeral charges, aid, tuition discounts, and a reduction in taxes.

The article further stated that it will be difficult simply to relying on financial incentives to encourage more people in China to consider organ donation. It pointed out that the key factor that prevents the Chinese people from donating organs is that they are deeply influenced by China’s traditional values. One’s body is given by one’s parents; (the dead should) retain their intact body and reach peace until they are laid to rest. Another concern that people have is a lack of transparency about the distribution of organs as illegal organ trading is reputed to be taking place. The article concluded that it is imperative that people’s thinking changes, while an open and fair donation system is also needed.

According to statistics, each year in China, one million patients are on a waiting list for kidney transplants, 300,000 for livers, and 200,000 for hearts, lungs, and other organs. However there are only 13,000 patients who undergo organ transplant surgery each year. The article stated that here is a severe shortage of organs being donated.

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2012

Ministry of Health: China to Reduce Reliance on Organs from Executed Prisoners

China’s Vice Minister of Health, Huang Jiefu, announced that China will set up a voluntary organ donation program and, within two years, will be able to reduce its reliance on organs from executed prisoners. “China has become a major country in organ transplants, second to the United States. However, China has a ‘soft rib’ – long term reliance on organs donated by executed prisoners,” Huang said.

Huang acknowledged that “there are some deep issues relating to organ transplants that are yet to be resolved, including confusion about organ sources, a lack of donated organs, an illegal organ trade, and transplant tourism.”

Huang stated, “The Party’s Central Committee is determined that China, as a major political and civilized power, will change this situation.”

[Editor’s Note: Several sources have reported that a large number of organs have been harvested secretly, with security forces and military-medical personnel conducting the operations. While the Ministry of Health announced it will reduce its reliance on organs from executed prisoners, it has no authority over operations that take place in military hospitals.]

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily (Nanfang Dushi), November 22, 2012