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China’s Should Be the World’s Main Voice on the Issues of Philosophy and Social Science

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article by Zhang Xiping, Director of the Overseas Chinese Center of Beijing Foreign Language University. Zhang discussed how to have academic studies of China’s humanities and social sciences "go global." Zhang said, “Today the world’s media are still controlled by Westerners. If we do not actively spread our culture, we will never have an opportunity to demonstrate our development, culture, and ideology.” Zhang explained that “language education is the foundation, cultural exchange is the avenue, media communication is the means, and philosophy and social science are the nucleus. This is how the world’s dominant countries have spread their culture and ideology. … Once the results of China’s research in humanities and the social sciences start to influence the world, the level of China’s soft power will elevate, … and it will help China’s strategic development.”

The article also mentions The Dynamic Database for Overseas Dissemination of Chinese Culture, granted by the National Philosophy and Social Science Planning Leading Group and established as a special project of the National Social Science Foundation. It has four components: the study of the strategy of "going global," China’s national image in international media, overseas China studies, and “China as a part of the world’s ideology and culture.”

Source: Qiushi Journal, January 6, 2011

Hu Jintao Calls for Strict Enforcement of Political Discipline

Communist Party Secretary General Hu Jintao spoke about priorities at a conference of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The priorities include strengthening the monitoring and inspection of how the Party’s major decisions are implemented. “We must strictly enforce the Party’s political discipline, resolutely safeguard the Party’s focus on unity, and unswervingly walk the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” He also called for re-enforcing mechanisms to penalize and prevent corruption.

Source: Xinhua, January 10, 2011

Xinjiang Party Leader: Resolutely Suppress Terrorist Activities

Zhang Chunxian, Party Secretary for the Xinjiang Military District, stated that military forces stationed in Xinjiang must resolutely suppress terrorist activities. Zhang made the remark at the end of a two-day conference of the Xinjiang Party Committee. “All Party members and military servicemen must fully understand the complexity of the Xinjiang stability issue and must act in concert with the directives and decisions of the Party. … They must be in total control of safeguarding stability. They must improve emergency response systems. … They must resolutely suppress terrorist activities.”

Source: People’s Daily, January 12, 2011

Party Propaganda: Tighten Control of the Media in 2011

Shortly after a national conference of the Party’s propaganda chiefs adjourned, a guideline for news reporting in 2011 was passed down through the chain of command. According to the guideline, news reporting should lead public opinion; among other things, it should “eliminate doubt and confusion, and resolve conflicts.” Only central government level media are allowed to report on major disasters and incidents. Reporters outside the region of the disaster or incident may not file reports. The media cannot challenge the relocation of residents. Nor can the media report on suicides, self-mutilation, or massive social unrest in connection with the relocations. “We must strengthen the control of metropolitan media and make sure that the reports do not direct public attention toward Party committees or the government.”

Source: Baidu, January 12, 2011

Qiushi: Enhance Leadership Building in Central State-Owned Enterprises

Qiushi Journal, a bi-weekly magazine published by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, recently published an article discussing plans on how to enhance the leadership building effort in Central State-Owned Enterprises. These are national level companies whose management control is directly authorized by the State Council. The article made suggestions: (1) Use strategic planning to ensure smooth paths in upgrading careers; (2) Establish an innovative system to maximize the use of talent; (3) Create an honor and recognition mechanism in a structured manner; (4) Perfect personnel training to provide a sustainable supply of talent; (5) Build a comprehensive benefits and support system to attract and to keep talent.

Source: Qiushi Journal, January 1, 2011

National Conference on Foreign Propaganda Work Held in Beijing

The national conference on foreign propaganda work (international communication work) was held in Beijing on January 4-5, 2011. Wang Chen, Director of the CCP Central Committee’s International Communications Office and the State Council Information Office, emphasized that (China) should face the world in a more open manner; it should also take advantage of the important strategic opportunity to promote the development of foreign propaganda work in order to improve the nation’s cultural soft power and create a favorable international media environment. It is expected that 2011 foreign propaganda work will coordinate both the domestic and international situation, more proactively disseminate China’s voice, emphatically enhance the development of China’s international communication capability, and improve the competitiveness and influence of Chinese culture.

Source: Xinhua, January 6, 2011

Qiushi: Using the Internet as a Tool to Spread Marxism

Qiushi published an article discussing how the Internet can be used as a tool to popularize Marxism. “Whenever information on Marxist theory is published on the Internet, it can appear instantly across the country and around the world. … It can be presented in the form of text, audio, image, and video. … Thus it enhances the appeal of education and arouses the audience’s interest in learning more [about Marxism].” The 4th plenary session of the 17th Congress of the Communist Party called for action to “sinicize, modernize, and popularize Marxism.”

Source: Qiushi, December 29, 2010

Communist Party History Is Now Online

Since January 1, 2011, China’s major portal and news websites have been running a special column, "Today in Party History," as part of the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). “Today in Party History" will systematically publish the Party’s milestone events compiled by the Party History Research Center under the CCP Central Committee, with the goal “to further affirm the confidence and determination to follow the Chinese-style socialist path.” It appears on the CCP official website,, and other major portal websites such as and

Source: Guangming Daily, January 2, 2011