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The PLA General Political Department Tells all CCP Members to Study “The CCP History, Vol. II”

According to China’s People’s Liberation Army Newspaper, the PLA General Political Department issued a notice on January 26, 2011, telling all PLA Party committees and political organs to organize CCP members and cadres to study The Chinese Communist Party History” Volume II. The second volume covers 29 years of Party history, from October 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was established, to December 1978, when the 3rd Plenary Session of the Eleventh CCP National Congress was held.

The notice emphasizes that “studying volume II of the CCP’s history is an important political task, which must be done urgently and well.” The purpose is to “further strengthen the Party’s absolute leadership over the army.” It calls on all the PLA personnel to “walk on the socialist path with Chinese characteristics with more firmness, confidence and determination.”

Source: Jiefangjun Bao (The PLA Newspaper), January 27, 2011 

China Uses Leaders’ Foreign Visits to Obtain Trade Orders

The China Economy website reported that, “Over the past two months, after China’s leaders visited foreign countries, China signed treaties and contracts worth about US$100 billion.” During Hu Jintao’s visit to the U.S., the Ministry of Commerce sent two delegations, in seven groups, to tour the U.S. China (Ed: which directly or indirectly controls all companies in China) signed 14 bilateral treaties and many commercial contracts. The total amount negotiated in the U.S. amounted to about US$60 billion. Last December, Wen Jiabao brought over 400 businessmen to India and Pakistan, where they signed contracts worth US$20 billion. In early January, Vice Premier Li Keqiang’s visited Spain, Germany, and the U.K., and signed contracts with those countries in the amounts of US$7.5 billion, US$8.7 billion, and US$4.7 billion respectively.

Source: China Economy website, January 24, 2011

CRN: The U.S. has Never Respected China

China Review News (CRN) published a commentary right after Chinese President Hu Jintao completed his visit to the U.S. The author maintained that the U.S. has long held a biased view of China. The U.S. has taken China’s every step to improve as a threat to the U.S. national interest. President Obama has revived the Cold War mentality to continue policies that restrict China’s international breathing room, using such excuses as “communism,” “dictatorship,” “human rights,” and “democracy.”

The commentary also accused the U.S. of being a troublemaker on the issues of Tibet, Taiwan, North Korea, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea. For the U.S. to support the new Nobel Peace Prize winner was seen as its latest interference in China’s domestic legal system. The commentary suggested Hu’s visit to the U.S. is one more attempt on China’s part to build a healthy partnership. The author expressed the hope that U.S. extortion would stop.

Source: China Review News, January 22, 2011

Ministry of Public Security Carries out the Big Visit Campaign

The Public Security Bureau throughout China has started a “Big Visit” campaign. According to the Ministry of Public Security, Beijing started the campaign last November. Many provinces and cities, including Tianjin, Shanghai, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Hebei, and others, started a full-scale campaign in January 2011. “Police officers visit companies, schools, organizations, entertainment sites, and residential neighborhoods to talk about security and safety issues and address people’s needs.”

Source: The Ministry of the Public Security website, January 19, 2011

Li Yuanchao on Training Cadres on a Large Scale

The twelfth National Cadres Training Conference was held in Beijing on January 21, 2011. Li Yuanchao, head of the CCP’s Central Organization Department, made a speech on how best to conduct large scale training for cadres. Li pointed out that the training should continue strengthening the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and should focus on the goals and tasks of the twelfth five-year plan. Li called on those conducting the training to use the CCP’s 90th anniversary as an opportunity to inculcate cadres in a better understanding of the Party’s nature and to enhance the cadres’ thoughts about Party nature.

Source: Xinhua, January 21, 2011

CNS: New Confucius Statue Erected in Tiananmen Square

China News Service (CNS) reported on January 12, 2011, that a new 17-ton bronze statue of Confucius was erected in front of the north gate of The National Museum of China. The statue is 9.5 meters tall. Throughout Chinese history, up until the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese people considered Confucius to be a “sage.” Lu Zhangshen, Director of the National Museum, said that he considers Confucius to be “the business card of Chinese Culture.” Lu also believes that the statue “matches the museum’s cultural orientation.” Several tourists told the reporter that they hope to see more instances of traditional Chinese culture brought to modern life.

(Ed: According to Wikipedia, "during the Cultural Revolution, Confucianism was frequently attacked by leading figures in the Communist Party of China…")

Sources: China News Service (CNS), January 12, 2011                                                                    Wikipedia:




China’s Minister of Public Security Urges the Armed Police to Follow the CCP’s Commands

According to People’s Daily on January 7, 2011, the chief of China’s police, Meng Jianzhu, urged the country’s armed police to “unswervingly uphold the Party’s absolute leadership and ensure that most police officials and policemen will, at critical moments, resolutely follow the commands of the CCP Central Committee, the State Council, the CCP Central Military Commission, and Chairman Hu Jintao.”

Meng Jianzhu, China’s Minister of Public Security and the highest level political commissar in China’s Armed Police Force, made the remark on January 7, 2011, at a plenary meeting of the CCP Committee of the Armed Police Forces. He called on the armed police to “greet the 90th anniversary of the CCP’s birthday with excellent performances in dealing with emergent security incidents. …”

Source: People’s Daily, January 7, 2011

In Honor of Its 90th Birthday, the CCP Directs the Nation to Eulogize Its History

On January 1, 2011, Qiushi, a magazine of the CCP Central Committee, published an editorial about recognizing the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the CCP, which will be on July 1, 2011. The editorial says that the Party’s leadership is the fundamental guarantee for achieving the goals laid out in the economic and social development plan for the next five years.

The Committee directed the nation to: “Use the 90th anniversary of the CCP’s birthday as an opportunity to enthusiastically eulogize the Chinese Communist Party’s glorious history and great achievements, and to vigorously propagandize the important significance and newest accomplishments of modernized and popularized Marxism in China.”

Source: Qiushi, January 1, 2011