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Government/Politics - 289. page

Liu Yunshan Calls for Grassroots Ideology Work

In a recent visit to Henan Province, Liu Yunshan, who is the Chinese Communist Party’s senior official and head of the Propaganda Department, asked the Party members to “seriously study the new situations and new issues that their propaganda, ideological, and cultural work is facing." He suggested that the Party "reach out to the grassroots level, care about people’s demands, … allocate more resources at the grassroots level, extend the service network to the grassroots level, and promote the ideological and cultural advocacy work being done at the grassroots to a new level.” Liu also emphasized “enhancing the appeal of the work, building mobile platforms in which people are willing to and can easily participate in, and guiding the masses in serving and educating the people.”
Source: Xinhua, September 22, 2010

People’s Daily on China’s Strategy for Intellectuals

At the beginning of September 2010, People’s Daily published a series of articles on “China’s Strategy for Intellectuals.” On September 18, 2010, People’s Daily and the Research Center of “Three Represents,” which is attached to Remin University of China, co-sponsored a forum called “Revival of Great Power – Strategy for Intellectuals” to discuss the concept, values, features and standards of a “strategy for intellectuals.” Over 60 individuals attended the forum, including representatives of the History Research Center of the Party, the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the China National School of Administration, the State Council Research Office and other State’s departments, as well as representatives of State media.

Source: People’s Daily, September 20, 2010

Study Times: Internet Becoming a Tool for Party Building

Study Times,a weekly newspaper published by the Party School of the CCP, urges local Party branches to take on the challenge of using the Internet for Party building. The paper suggested that the Internet can be a tool for Party propaganda.  For example, the Party branch in Tongxin County, Guizhou Province, invites Party members, wherever they are throughout the country, to have access to a training platform on a Party Building Website and to select the Party courses that would benefit them the most.  The call is out for the Internet to become a “platform leading and influencing factor for mainstream ideology.”  In Dongwan County, Guangdong Province, 12 online Party branches were established to track and connect Party members. Everyone is asked to participate in the online Party study program.

Source: Study Times, September 20, 2010

Qiu Shi: China Will Continue to Be a Developing Country for a Long Time

Qiu Shi, a magazine of the CCP Central Committee, published an article coming out against “The Theory of China’s Responsibilities.” The article referred to the standards put forth by the United Nations and the World Bank, and the author drew five conclusions: (1) China’s per-person average (income) will remain low for a long time; (2) China’s industrial structure and employment structure are still typical among mid-and-low income countries; (3) China is far behind advanced countries in terms of social development; (4) China still has many problems in consumer structure; (5) China’s level of modernization is still weak despite recent improvements. The article believed the media in the West is pointing a finger at China by overstating China’s economic success in order to overload China with unfair burdens.  

Source: Qiu Shi, September 16, 2010

Qiushi Criticizes Western Style Democracy

On September 16, Qiushi, the core publication of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, printed the following article: “Systematic advantages and basic characteristics of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics – Draw a clear line between socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics and Western capitalist democracy.” The article touted “walking our own path” instead of “copying the Western capitalist democracy model,” “real people’s democracy” instead of “dollar democracy in essence,” “a unicameral People’s Congress” instead of “a bicameral system with separation of powers,” and “CCP-led multi-party cooperation” instead of “Multi-party rule in turn.”

The article emphasized the importance of ideological work, which is of “important and far-reaching significance for improving the party’s political sensitivity and discernment, leading cadres and the masses consciously to adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, clarifying wrong viewpoints on the political direction of the buildup of democracy, and resisting the hostile forces’ attempts at Westernization.”

Source: Qiushi, September 16, 2010

China to Send More Cadres in the Judicial System to Tibet

According to Xinhua news on September 15, the Ministry of Justice is to increase its assistance to Tibet’s administrative work, including cadres and talent, science and technology, as well as other areas in the judicial system. The proposal was made during the National Judicial Administrative System’s Conference to Aid Tibet.

Wu Aiying, the Minister of Justice, said that [China] should assist Tibetan judicial administrative departments to maintain social stability; and promote patriotic and ethnic unity education in the communities, countryside, schools and temples. Regarding financial aid, Wu called for increasing the funding of Tibet’s judicial work, particularly the funding of prisons, reeducation through labor (detoxification), the financial-planning apparatus, law education and legal assistance. Focal points of the conference were the problems of the shortage of judicial administrative cadres and talent, and the need to implement the training of directors of the judicial bureaus in all 73 Tibetan counties (and cities).

Xinhua, September, 15, 2010

Study Times Promoting Political System Reform

Study Times, a weekly newspaper published by the Party School of the CCP, published an article to promote political system reform. The article stated that Wen Jiabao’s speech in Shenzhen ( sent out a clear and strong message: “Only by insisting on reform and opening up can the nation have a bright future; (China) should advance not only economic system reform, but also political system reform; … (China) cannot go backward.” The article stated political system reform will be under the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

[Ed: The CCP’s Propaganda Department silenced Wen’s speech on political reform. Hu Jintao’s speech at Shenzhen afterwards didn’t echo Wen’s points ( It can be observed that the CCP is split on the issue of political reform and some intense internal fighting may be surfacing.]

Source: Study Times, September 13, 2010

Study Times: Policies to Ensure Political Stability

Study Times, a weekly newspaper published by the Party School of the CCP, published an article by Zhang Yanxin, member of the CCP’s Hebei Province Standing Committee and Political Commissar of the Hebei Provincial Military District, outlining the policies for the CCP to ensure political stability during the economic transition period. Zhang argued that ideology is the foundation of political stability. The CCP should speed up the development of the socialist core value system and insist on Marxism’s unified leadership position.

Zhang also listed problems in economic development, law enforcement, social justice, and corruption in the party, and argued for improvement in these areas.

Zhang further stated that the military is the sword for stability. “The PLA is an armed group to carry out the party’s political tasks and a strong pillar of the people’s democratic dictatorship. In any situation and at any time, it is the important force and strong guarantee for maintaining national political stability.”

Source: Study Times, September 13, 2010