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Government/Politics - 291. page

New Public Service Officers Took Oath in Beijing

On August 31, 2010, the CCP Central Organization Department, Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security, and State Administration of Civil Service jointly organized an oath ceremony for new public service officials of the central government. More than 1,000 public service officials took the oath: “To support the leadership of the CCP; to protect national security, honor, and interests; …” They will each participate in one of 11 training sessions from July to September. The training’s main contents include: the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and other public service topics.

Source: Xinhua, August 31, 2010

Wen Jiabao: The Biggest Danger for the Ruling Party is Corruption

In a recent State Council working conference, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao required officials at all government levels to establish the concept of the rule of law and to strictly follow the Constitution and other laws. He emphasized that the biggest danger the current government now faces is corruption, and concluded that the result of it is ineffectiveness in the execution of laws and regulations.

Wen listed four points in his speech at the conference, mainly talking about openness and the democratic processes. The conference included officials in charge of the central government all the way down to the county level. Lawmakers and the court system also sent representatives to the conference.

Source: China Review News, August 27, 2010

SARFT and China Eximbank Struck Deal on Financing Culture Exports

On August 26, China’s State Administration for Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) and China Eximbank signed a Cooperation Agreement on Supporting and Fostering Key Export Oriented Radio, Film, and Television Enterprises and Projects. Under the agreement, over 5 years, China Eximbank is to provide 20 billion yuan or the equivalent in foreign currency financing support for radio, film, and television enterprises, in addition to multiple financial products and services.

Signers of the deal believe that the agreement, as part of fulfillment of the state’s strategy of Chinese culture “going global,” will help enlarge China’s share of film and TV products in the world market, boosting the nation’s cultural soft power.

In 2009, China sold more than 10,000 hours of TV programming to more than 100 countries, with a total export of US$80 million in film and other broadcasting products and services.

Source: Xinhua, August 26, 2010

Ministry of Culture and Agriculture Bank’s Strategic Cooperation

A strategic cooperation between the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the state Agriculture Bank was launched on August 26, at a ceremony where the latter joins the “Culture Industries Investment and Finance Public Service Platform,” a government initiative to help fund culture enterprises. According to Gao Shuxun, the Assistant to the Culture Minister, the central government supports the Bank-Ministry alliance and has become a new model for the financial institutes to support the development of culture industries.

On August 18, the Ministry and Agriculture Bank jointly issued a Notice of Comprehensively Strengthening Strategic Cooperation, which made clear the Ministry of Culture’s policy support of the Agriculture Bank to provide financial services to culture enterprises.

Source: Ministry of Culture website, August 26, 2010

Party Political Bureau Passed ‘Opinions to Exercise Open Management of Party Affairs’

On August 20, the Party Political Bureau passed the “Opinions to exercise open management of party affairs at the party’s grass roots level," thus giving more flexibility and less restrictions.

The meeting emphasized inter-party democracy and called for exercising open management of party affairs, separation of party affairs from management administration and increasing party members’ rights to participate in party affairs.

Source: China Review News, August 20, 2010

Wen Jiabao: Advancing Political System Reform

Wen Jiabao stated “(We) should not only advance economic system reform, but also advance political system reform. Without the guarantee of political system reform, the results of the economic system will be lost, and (China’s) modernization goal won’t be reached.” Wen made this speech when he visited Shenzhen City on August 21, 2010. China News Service reported that Wen’s “political reform” statement has profound meanings behind it.

The Epoch Times pointed out that Wen’s speech exemplified that the discord between the CCP “Reformists” and the “Conservatives” has surfaced amidst an intensified power struggle for the upcoming 18th Party Congress. The “Conservatives,” the majority of whom are the CCP “Princelings,” want to have Xi Jinping as the new President and Bo Xilai as the new Prime Minister. The “Reformists” wish to drive the Princelings out of the power center and endorse Li Keqiang as the President and Wang Qishan as the Prime Minister. Wen’s speech is a strong statement by the “Reformists.” Wen also talked about political system reform during his interview with NHK in Tokyo on June 2.

1. China News Service, August 23, 2010
2. The Epoch Times, August 23, 2010

Jia Qinglin: Apply Patriotic Ideas to Preaching and Learning Islamic Doctrines

Jia Qinglin, a member of the CPC Politburo Standing Committee and the Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, held a forum with religious representatives in Hetian, Xinjiang on August 21, 2010, according to Xinhua.

Jia hopes Xinjiang Muslim representatives will:

  1. Actively promote scientific development;
  2. Further enhance the agreement with the great Motherland, the Chinese ethnic groups, the Chinese cultures and the socialist road with Chinese characteristics;
  3. Do a solid job of interpreting the Koran and standardize the preaching content and formalities. Apply  patriotic ideas to preaching and learning Islamic doctrines;
  4. Ensure that the leadership of religious organizations is firmly in the hands of those who love China.

Source: Xinhua, August 21, 2010

SARA Chief Speaks on Strengthening the Training and Education of Religious Personnel

On August 18, Wang Zuoan, the chief of the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) gave a speech to representatives of patriotic religious leaders in Beijing, “Strengthen the Training and Education of Religious Personnel.” Wang pointed out that most of the religious personnel cannot keep up with the demands of the ever growing population of religious followers in China. The authorities ought to strengthen training and education, implement filing and recording systems, and emphasize supervision and management. In particular, Wang mentioned Hu Jintao’s “hope” for religious personnel – “politically reliable, intellectually knowledgeable, and morally convincing.”

Source: Web site of United Front Work of Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party.