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China Planning to Attract 2,000 Top Talent from Overseas

The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and State Council recently issued the “National Mid to Long Term Talent Development Plan (2010-2020).” The plan outlined a “Thousand People Plan” to attract 2,000 talented top-level overseas people to China for innovation or business in 5-10 years. A series of policies were created to support the talent plan, including offering preferential treatment on immigration and permanent residence, tax, insurance, housing, kids education, and spousal work arrangements, appointments to high-level leadership positions, assignments to important research projects, involvment in setting national standards, setting up government awards, establishing an overseas top talent database and a talent demand posting platform, and so on.

“Getting technology is better than getting foreign investments; getting talent is better than getting technology.” To change its economic development model, China must develop its strategic industries. Therefore, developing talent and bringing talent from overseas has become very critical.

Source: Xinhua, June 7, 2010

Public Diplomacy on the Offensive

The Public Diplomacy Division, located under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been advanced to the Office of Public Diplomacy, indicating an elevated importance to the Chinese government. While the staff has increased from a dozen to sixteen or seventeen, the workload has doubled,” said its director, Wei Xin. Its responsibilities include hosting major open house events for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, maintaining the Ministry’s official website and its 204 sub-websites, monitoring online foreign affairs forums, and coordinating public diplomacy at the embassies and consulates. To push the agenda of the Party, China’s diplomatic missions have been aggressively pursuing public diplomacy activities, which include public speeches, op-eds in mainstream newspapers, interviews, forums, and conferences.

Source: Xinhua, May 31, 2010

China on Western Development

The Political Bureau of the CCP’s Central Committee held a meeting on May 28 to study further implementing the Western Development strategy and policy measures. Hu Jintao presided over the meeting. The meeting concluded that the development and stability of the western region of China is critical to different ethnic groups in China and the long-term stability of the country. The meeting stressed that due to its significant strategic position, the western region should receive special policy support from the central government. The policy measures should cover fiscal measures, tax, investment, financial industry, production industry, land, pricing, human resources, ecological construction, and government subsidies.

Source: Xinhua, May 28, 2010

610 Office Document on Court Procedures for Falun Gong Cases

According to a reliable source, China’s 610 Office, specifically created to deal with Falun Gong, issued a top-secret document on how to manage the court trials of Falun Gong practitioners. The document has been sent to local public security bureaus, procuratorates, courts, judicial bureaus, and 610 offices. Highlights of the document are:
1. Get well prepared, including coordinating among all parties; get the family members of Falun Gong practitioners to cooperate; and carefully select the staff, time, and location (relatively isolated and far from downtown) for the court trial.
2. Control the court trial procedures and do not to leave any excuse for criticism, including that the procurator is not to debate on the nature of “Falun Gong” and the judge is not to let the defendant’s attorney debate.
3. Control the court’s security, including limiting the number of the defendant’s relatives attending the trial, and arrange trusted people from the street residence committee, policemen, and the 610 office staff to attend, so as to obtain a 2:1 majority.
4. Control the defendant’s relatives and social connections.

Source: A source in China who requires anonymity.

China Setting New Strategy for Xinjiang

All nine politburo members attended the Central Work Conference for Xinjiang, which was held in Beijing from May 17 to 19. Hu Jintao stressed the importance of economic development and stability maintenance in Xinjiang. Wen Jiabao talked about the economic development plan.

On the afternoon of May 19, Politburo member and Party Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee Zhou Yongkang hosted a conference on implementing the Central Work Conference policies. The CCP Organization Department, the Propaganda Department, the United Front Work Department, the Political and Legal Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, and the heads of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps attended the meeting. Zhou stressed the implementation of stability controls.

1. China Review, May 20, 2010
2. China Review, May 22, 2010

Institute of Marxism: International Socialism in the World Financial Crisis

On May 21, 2010, published an article titled, “International Socialism in the World Financial Crisis,” by the Institute of Marxism, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The following are some points from the article:

The financial crisis has caused “a revival of Marxism” and made the world realize that the “China model will change the world.” We should take advantage of the financial crisis to:
1) Fully expose the facts that the Western development model is unsustainable and that the revival of Marxism in the West again highlights the immeasurable superiority of the socialist development path with Chinese characteristics;
2) Strengthen the education and propaganda of Marxist theory, and the basic experience and theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics so as to further firm up everyone’s confidence in the bright future of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Source:, May 21, 2010

Wenzhou City Openly Hires Party Secretaries

Wenzhou, a coastal city in Southeast China, is to openly hire 25 Party secretaries to be posted in local private companies, according to the city’s Party organization department. The secretaries, paid by the private businesses, will organize and expand the Party branches inside the companies. Ever since the fourth session of the 17th Congress of the CCP in 2009, nationwide private enterprises have been required to set up local Party organizations as part of the regime’s efforts to build up the Party. Usually the secretaries are appointed by superior Party cadres; Wenzhou’s move is an innovation because it is integrating the political process with the market mechanism. 

Source: Zhejiang Online (flagship website of Zhejiang Province), May 19, 2010

Government Employees Subjected to Loyalty Training

Over 6 million Chinese government employees have attended various political training sessions over the past five years. Intensive orientation training of these “civil servants” includes indoctrination in Party tradition, loyalty pledges, and military boot camp. It is rumored that the training has been effective in improving the political awareness of these trainees and their thinking is now in line with the directives of the Communist Party. In recent years, topics such as social unrest and State security have been added to this on-the-job training. Government employees have also taken training overseas. Such training has been institutionalized and without the training, the employee cannot be promoted.

Source: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China, May 17, 2010