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36,000 College Graduates to Serve as Village Officials in 2010

On Aprl 29, the Central Propaganda Department issued the “Notice on Quotas of College Graduates for Village Official Positions for 2010.” The notice increased the target number of college graduates who will serve as village officials to 200,000 for the period from 2008 to 2012, with 36,000 in 2010. So far there are 159,000 college graduates working in villages, with 24% holding party or village official titles. The order also asks local authorities to keep these college graduates there after their term is over.

[Ed: In 2008, to solve the unemployment problem for college graduates and strengthen control in rural areas, the Central Propaganda Department started sending college graduates to serve as village officials. Their salaries are subsidized by the central government and their terms at the village are two or three years.]

Source: Xinhua, April 29, 2010

Xinhua Authorized to Announce the State Secrets Law

On April 29, The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets. This law has six articles and fifty three clauses. State secrets are divided into three classes of Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential, with an expiration time of no more than thirty years, twenty years, and ten years, respectively. The law will take effect starting October 1, 2010.

(Chinascope Notes: Many believe there is a high probability that government officials will use this law to restrict human rights.)

Source: Xinhua, April 29, 2010

Xi Jinping: Strive to Master the Marxist Position, Viewpoints and Methodology

On April 1, 2001, the website of www.QSTHEORY.CN, the CPC Central Committee’s theory website, published Xi Jinping’s article titled, “Further Study the Socialist Theoretical System with Chinese Characteristics and Striving to Master the Marxist Position, Viewpoints and Methodology.” Xi Jinping is China’s Vice President, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee and Principal of the Central Party School. The article is based on Xi Jinping’s speech given at the Central Party School Spring Semester Opening Ceremony on March 1, 2010.

Xi Jinping requests the Party officials to “intentionally apply the ideological weapon of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to transform both the objective world and the subjective world,” and “truly unite most of the masses around the Party and the government.”

Source: www.QSTHEORY.CN, April 1, 2010

Corruption has increased in the colleges and universities across China

On May 3, 2010,  the website of reprinted an article from Beijing News ( regarding the increasing corruption in the colleges and universities across China.

For example, the number of the corruption cases among colleges and universities in Beijing has doubled in the past three years. Nearly 50% of the corruption cases are related to college admission and personnel hiring.

Last year, two top leaders at Wuhan University, the former Party Deputy Secretary, Long Xiaole, and the former Executive Vice President, Chen Zhaofang, were arrested for taking huge bribes. Guangdong Zhanjiang Normal College President, Guo Zeshen, was detained for financial problems. President Zhang Jiangang of Wuhan University of Science and Engineering and other people were forced by the Party to confess their infrastructure funding corruption in a specified place at a specified time. 

Source:, May 3, 2010

Head of United Front Work Department: Efforts to Build Up Non-party Personnel

Du Qinglin, the head of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCCCP) spoke at a conference in Shanghai, emphasizing the importance of working with non-party representatives. “(It) is an important job that matters for the overall situation, a strategic task with profound influence, and a pressing, realistic topic.” Du called for an “in-depth study of these people’s growth pattern, deep understanding and an accurate evaluation of their characteristics.” 

The United Front Work Department is a function of the CCP’s Central Committee that aims to form political alliances with non-party entities so that they will accept the CCP’s absolute leadership and participate in its causes. 
Source: Website of United Front Work Department, CCCCP.

China to Push for Soft Power Overseas

Cai Wu, the Minister of Culture, discussed preferential policies to encourage and support the export of Chinese culture products and services. These would include marketing, technology and customs services. “China’s culture products and the dissemination of the international competitiveness of power have yet to be further enhanced.” Cai stated that for every show the State sends overseas, China imports 10 shows, and that the annual total income from all shows sent to and performed oversees is less than that of a popular overseas circus. Chinese companies are encouraged to establish an overseas presence by investment or by setting up branches. Minister Cai indicated that the State will support hosting various expos, participation in arts and film festivals, and booking shows.

Source: Huanqiu, April 28, 2010

Song Wenyu: More than 20 provinces have set up special funds for culture industries

According to Xinhua on April 22, 2010, the People’s Bank of China in conjunction with the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration of Radio Film and Television, the General Administration of Press and Publication, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly issued a “Guidance on Financial Support to Culture Industries’ Revitalization, Development and Prosperity.”

Song Wenyu, director of the Culture Division at the Ministry of Finance, told Xinhua that currently more than 20 provinces around the country have set up special funds for culture industries. The special funds will be used to build national culture industry bases, nurture state-owned large enterprises and support reconstruction of culture organizations – changing non-profit culture institutions into profitable culture enterprises.

Source: Xinhua, April 20, 2010

About the Chinese Model

Xu Chongwen, a senior research fellow at the State’s Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published a criticism of “four misconceptions” of the Chinese model. His article is summarized below.

Misconception 1: The term was first coined by foreigners with the ulterior motive of containing China’s expansion. Not true because Deng Xiaoping used the term back in 1980 when discussing the Russian October Revolution. 
Misconception 2: The term “model” means example or demonstration for others to follow; hence one should be cautious when using the term. Wrong because it contradicts Deng Xxiaoping who held countries should independently seek development paths and models suited to their own situation. 
Misconception 3: The Chinese model is the "Beijing Consensus" for the reference use of other countries. Disagree because Joshua Cooper Ramo’s Beijing Consensus was coined to mean opposition to the Washington Consensus. The Chinese model is to develop China based on its own situation and China has no intent to promote it the same way that the Washington Consensus has been promoted.
Misconception 4: It is too early to talk about a Chinese model. This is without grounds. Hu Jintao has set forth the theory on building a harmonious society. No one should use it to deny that the achievements of the Chinese model have already been well recognized.

Source: The Party School of The Chinese Communist Party, April 13, 2010