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CCTV and CNTV Combining Web Sites

China Central Television is merging its web site with China Network Television’s CNTV.CN. The new website will point to CNTV.CN. All CCTV video content was copied to CNTV since it was founded last year. Now Network TV has online channels for news, the economy, sports, entertainment, movies, TV series, and documentaries. Network TV will include all CCTV videos plus various other content sources such as province-level satellite TVs and international programming. The new web site strategy is centered on “interactive audio visual media” and will provide a “public web video service platform.” Although CNTV is considered “national class,” its management team admits that the network is still behind the private sector.

Source: Netease, May 5, 2010

State Council Pushing for Real Name User Registration on Internet

According to China Review News, the Information Office of the State Council has admitted that key news websites and major commercial websites have effectively eliminated the function that allowed anonymous blogging following news threads. This is the first time that it publicly confirmed that it is actively exploring and promoting a real name user registration system for online blogging, BBS, and other interactive services. Regarding the State control of the Internet, currently Ministry of Information Industry is responsible for development and administration of the Internet, Ministry of Public Security is in charge of monitoring and enforcement, and propaganda department is leading other information dissemination departments to exercise control over content.

Source: China Review News, May 4, 2010

Chinese Netizens Reach 404 Million

The first quarter in 2010 saw an increase of 20 million Internet users in China, with the total reaching 404 million. About 191 million use online social networking services. As of Feb. 25, IPV4 addresses amounted to 235 million, the second largest in the world. There were over 3.22 million websites at the end of 2009, up 12.3% from a year ago.

Source: Xinhua, April 23,

China to Merge Phone, TV, and Internet Networks by 2015

According to the “2010 Mass Communication Bluebook” released by the Chinese Social Science Academy, the State Council Standing Committee decided to merge the business scope of the three network industries – telecommunications, broadcasting (radio and TV), and the Internet. Telecommunication companies will be allowed to be involved in production and broadcasting of TV/radio programs; while TV/radio networks may also begin operation of some basic or value-added telecommunication business. The Committee also planned the stages of the merge: 2010 through 2012 would be the trial period; 2013 through 2015 would be the promotion of the merge on a larger scale to promote certain competition and to set up corresponding institutions and regulatory bodies for the merged business models of the three networks. 

Source: People’s Daily, April 22, 2010

Xinhua: Websites in Yunnan must log onto Yunnan Police Networking System and be monitored

According to Xinhua on April 16, 2010, the Yunnan Province Public Security Department has made a decision requiring all websites and network units in Yunnan province to log onto the “Yunnan Public Security Office Network Record Management System" ( between April and September 2010 in order to be registered for being monitored constantly. All Internet users are asked to identify the Public Security icon and only use the websites monitored by the cyberpolice.

According to a Xinhua reporter, the number of Internet users in Yunnan province has reached 8.44 million.

Source: Xinhua, April 16, 2010

People Video Communications Enters the Mobile TV Market

People Video Communications, under state daily news Renmin, announced the availability of online video services for mobile phones. The Mobile video services include forums, news, laws, movies, TV series,  entertainment, and more. The services contents are based on the People’s Daily newspaper. The 24-hour broadcast platform also serves as an integration point of movie and TV distribution channels, entertainment agents, interactive entertainment and value-added mobile services. The Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party also sent representatives to the announcement ceremony.

Source: Renmin, April 9, 2010

NDDaily: Historic Photos Modified for Political and Artistic Reasons

On April 5, 2010, China Gate ( reprinted a news article from NDDaily (, a Chinese newspaper in China, on Zhang Dali’s historic photo exhibit called “Zhang Dali: A Second History,” which is in the Guangdong Museum of Art from March 27 to April 18, 2010:

According to the article, Zhang’s photo exhibit presents over 130 sets of historic photos with multiple photos of the same scene. They are modified with erased figures and replaced backgrounds for political and artistic reasons. Zhang Dali said: “What we see or know is actually ‘the second history.’ The ‘first history’ was intentionally or unintentionally covered.”

Source: China Gate, April 5, 2010

Wang Cheng Asks for Stronger Asia Voice

“Asia media should strengthen communications and cooperation,” said Wang Cheng, Director of the State Council Information Office at the Asia News Network’s (ANN) 2010 annual meeting on April 9 in Beijing. ANN is a “network of national daily newspapers published in Asian cities. It was organized to provide avenues for cooperation and to optimize coverage of major news events in the region.” The Editor-in-Chief of China’s official English newspaper China Daily is on its Executive Board. 

Wang emphasized the fast growth of information technology and Internet based new media, suggesting Asia’s traditional media should catch up. In particular, Wang called for a greater voice from all Asia’s media combined. “National media should grasp the direction of regional cooperation, strengthen reporting on other Asian countries, enhance coverage of international affairs, and gain a greater voice for Asia, which should send more and have a stronger voice of its own.” 
Source: China News Service, April 9, 2010