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China News: China to Build Super Computer Domestically

China News, a state owned and internationally oriented Chinese news agency, recently reported on the plan to build a “Thousand Trillion Level” super computer based on the domestically made FT-1500 CPU. The computer, named “Tian He II,” is scheduled to be built in 2011. The “Tian He I” super computer, built in 2009, was No. 5 in the world and No. 1 in Asia. It made China the second country after the U.S. that could build “Thousand Trillion Level” computers. The new project will focus more on high performance multi-core CPUs, secure and versatile CPUs, as well as embedded CPUs.

Source: China News, March 3, 2010

Xinhua: China to Launch Space Aircraft

Xinhua recently reported on China’s plan to launch a new space craft named “Tian Gong I” in 2011. Called the “Object Space Aircraft,” it will eventually be reconstructed into a manned space lab where astronauts can spend short periods of time. The grand plan of Chinese Manned Space Missions is divided into three steps. The first is manned space shuttles, which has already been accomplished. Step two is a space lab, which requires four key technologies. It is on going. Step three is building a space station. The four key technologies required by step two are: (1) a space walk; (2) docking; (3) replenishment of supplies; (4) creation of a life sustaining system.

Source: Xinhua, March 3, 2010

Culture Ministry on Monitoring Internet CafÚs

Both government and business should work toward prohibiting people under age from visiting Internet Cafés, said a Culture Ministry official in response to proposals at the current sessions of the National People’s Congress and the People’s Political Consultative Conference. 

Zhang Xinjian, a deputy director in charge of the marketing division of the Ministry, discussed a three-point solution: streamlining the management of Internet Cafes with government administration and corporate operation; hiring social workers as voluntary supervisors; using technology to strengthen the surveillance system and develop monitoring software. 
Source: Xinhua, March 5, 2010

China’s GAPP Reforms Publishers and Newspapers

In an interview with China Central Television (CCTV), Li Dongdong, Vice Chief of General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP), discussed media reform. He said all of the country’s 580 publishers have finished the reform. Within three years, GAPP is to transform the 1,943 newspapers and 9,821 periodicals through merger, restructuring, and suspension. 

Source: CCTV, March 3, 2010

PRC Ministry of Culture: Improve the Cultural Product Content Inspection and the Monitoring Systems

According to Beijing Youth Daily on February 17, 2010, the Department of Cultural Marketing, which is under the PRC Ministry of Culture, recently issued the “Department of Cultural Marketing’s Key Jobs in 2010” to each cultural marketing administrative and law enforcement division. The document lists 9 key jobs for the Department of Cultural Marketing in 2010. The development of “Online Games Regulations” and the drafting of “Mobile Phone Entertainment Regulations” are among these 9 key jobs. In addition, improviing cultural product content inspection and monitoring systems are also included as key jobs.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily, February 17, 2010

Beijing Birth Control Commission: News on Possibility of Allowing Birth of Second Child Unfounded

On January 25, 2010, two Xinhua reporters interviewed the chief of the Beijing Municipal Population and Birth Control Commission regarding a news report on the possibility of allowing the birth of a second child in a family. The Birth Control Commission chief said that the news was unfounded. The journalist responsible for reporting the news has made an apology.

Source: Xinhua, January 25, 2010

Google Incident and U.S. Internet Strategy

Global Times, under the Chinese state’s daily news Renmin, recently published an article on the Google incident. The report stated that the US State Department has been behind the scenes “throughout the event.” It is a reflection of the US strategy of promoting U.S. political, commercial, and cultural values using the U.S. Internet’s competitive advantages in technology, capital and market areas. The report calls the US strategy “coercive selling in the name of ‘universal values.’” The U.S. carefully picked the “Google excuses” of hacking and censorship. The author believed that hacking is happening every day and censorship is also present in the States, France, Germany and India, etc. The conclusion drawn by the article is that, Google is just one chess piece of US Internet hegemonism.

Source: Global Times, January 22, 2010

Foundation Laid for Chinese Large Aircraft Growth Facility

On January 12, construction begam om Minhang, Shanghai, for a Chinese Large Aircraft Development Facility. Project completion is earmarked for 2013. The building will have 300,000 square meters, and the cost will amount to RMB 3.23 billion.  

The primary mission for this center is research and development for the production of a 150-seat passenger aircraft C919 engine. It is projected that engines for 250-seat level aircraft will also be built in the future at that facility. It was reported that China is the third country, after the U.S. and France, that has the know-how and expertise to assemble world class aircraft engines.

Source: Xinhua, January 12, 2010