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Chinese Internet Scale Tops the World

According to CCTV (Chinese Central Television), by the end of November, the Chinese netizen population reached 360 million – an increase of 20.8%. This number tops the globe. Meanwhile, related statistics show that, by end of June, the Chinese Internet covered 25.5% of the entire population, which is above the global average of 21.9%. The number of Chinese owned domain names reached over 16 million, among which .cn domain names are around 13 million. That makes .cn the largest country domain. According to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chinese broadband users passed 100 million by the end of October.

Source: Global Times, December 15, 2009

China Introduces Five New Internet Domain Restrictions

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently announced five new administrative rules on .cn domain names: (1) Enhancement of the blacklisting mechanism for domain owners; (2) Firming up the requirement on domain owner’s real identity registration; (3) Domains without owner registration will not be resolved (meaning the users won’t be able to visit pages on that domain); (4) If a domain was under government investigation for violating rules, domain resolution for all domains registered by that domain owner will be suspended and the domain owner will be put in the black list; (5) Improving the administration of companies that provide domain registration services.

Source:Xinhua, December 17, 2009

Stability Preserving Office to Intensify Internet News Control

In a recent Internet News Media Training Class held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO), Deputy Director Xia Chenghua of the Stability Preservation Office under the CCP’s Central Committee gave a speech on the Current Status of Preserving Stability and the Requirement for Internet Propaganda. 

Xia listed the categories of unrest that are the main challenges to stability: corporate restructuring, housing demolition and resettlement, rural land acquisition, veterans affairs, abnormal petitions, and criminal activities. The CCP’s Central Committee order: “Treat the veterans nicely to prevent them from being used by enemy forces.” Xia vowed to send “abnormal petitioners” to labor camps and severely punish core members. 
Xia asked to step up Internet news control, viewing the widespread Internet usage as a challenge. Zhai Huisheng, the Party secretary of the All China Journalists’ Association, demanded that the Internet media "adhere to the Party principles." Vice Chief of SCIO’s Internet Bureau, Peng Bo, told commercial websites to "unify their thoughts and emphasize their politics."
Source: Radio France International, December 10, 2009

Minister of Public Security: Internet a Major Tool of Anti-China Forces

In a recent article in Qiushi Journal, publlished by the CCP’s Central Committee, Meng Jianzhu, the Minister of Public Security and a State Councilor, claimed that the Internet has become a major tool of anti-China forces. 

Meng considered current Chinese society to be characterized by intensified conflicts among the people, high incidents of criminal offenses, and complex struggles against the enemy. “The Internet has become an important means used by anti-China forces to infiltrate, sabotage, and amplify destructive damage, posing new challenges to the public security authorities in safeguarding national security and social stability.” Meng demanded strengthened development of six networks so as to achieve full range of control over the dynamic society, including a street-level prevention and control network, a community prevention and control network, a workplace prevention and control network, a video surveillance network, a regional police cooperation network, and “virtual society” prevention and control. 
Source: Qiushi, December 1, 2009

Chinese Broadband Users Pass 100 Million

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently published numbers about the communications industry. The total number of telephone users has reached 1.1 billion, among whom are 0.7 billion cell phone users. Broadband Internet users passed 100 million for the first time. This October, the number of landline users declined by 2.4 million, while mobile phone users increased 9.7 million. Dial-up Internet cusomers declined by 3.4 million.

Source: China News Service, November 23 2009  

2009’s Major National Science and Technology Projects Underway

On November 23 and 24, Liu Yandong, a member of the Politburo and the State Council, presided over a meeting to implement the 2009 Major National Science and Technology Projects. Liu emphasized carrying out the “latest requirements” of the Party and State Council in the fields of science and technology, with a focus on assuring national security, leading the world with a roadmap of R&D, expediting innovations in key areas, and fostering new strategic industries. 

Liu said the Major Projects are based on forward-looking strategic decision made by the Party and the State Council. Comprehensive implementation is underway. 

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2009

Hong Kong and Macao Branches of “People’s Daily” Launched

At the inauguration ceremony of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region bureau of People’s Daily on November 9, the state newspaper’s president Zhang Yannong emphasized the importance of reporting on Hong Kong and predicted the paper’s grand overseas expansion. Two days later, People’s Daily launched its Macao branch.

Source: Xinhua, September 9 and 11, 2009

China to Launch Space Station in 2020

China will launch its own space station in 2020, says chief scientist of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program. According to the plan, in 2010 China will launch a small space laboratory module called "Tiangong 1" with two separate cabins for a lab and resources. Then, the unmanned Shenzhou 8 spacecraft will be launched to dock with Tiangong 1. In 2015 Tiangong 2 and 3 will be launched, leading ultimately to the launch in 2020, Tiangong, China’s own space station. The scientist also confirmed that China is building a new lunar launch site at Wenchang City, Hainan Province, because the Long March 5 rocket to launch the lunar probe will be 5 meters in diameter and can only be transported via waterways.

Source: Chengdu Evening News, November 11, 2009