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Defense/Military - 26. page

British Research Showed a Large Number of ISIS Weapons Originated in China

Duowei, a Beijing controlled Chinese media based overseas, recently reported on three years of British research into the sources of ISIS weapons. The research found that around 90 percent of ISIS weapons came from either China or other former communist countries (including Russia). Among all of the weapons that ISIS has, 43.5 percent were made in China. Romania made around 12.1 percent, Russia made 9.6 percent and Hungary made 7.2 percent. ISIS used to claim their weapons were mostly looted goods originally made in the United States. Now it appears that was a lie and only less than two percent were U.S.-made weapons. The British research was based on over 40,000 pieces of weaponry collected from ISIS over the past four years. Its report concluded that China has played a dominant role among the sources where ISIS weapons were made.

Source: Duowei, January 3, 2018

The Second Chinese Naval Carrier Barracks Ship Will Be in Service Soon

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the Chinese Navy’s second carrier barracks ship is very close to completion and will serve the Navy soon. A carrier barracks ship is generally to support an aircraft carrier as part of the fleet. This type of vessel is an invention of the Chinese Navy. It is typically used to support the long testing phase of a new aircraft carrier, or to transport a large number of citizens home from aboard in an emergency such as a rescue mission. China currently has one barracks ship that accompanies the only aircraft carrier in service. The delivery of this second ship signals the near-completion stage of the second aircraft carrier which is fully made in China. The Chinese barracks ships are designed based on civilian cruise ships. A barracks ship travels with an aircraft carrier that is typically in the testing phase. It provides more comfortable accommodations for non-military staff and offers room for special equipment as well as helicopters.

Source: Sina, January 2, 2018

Xinhua: Armed Police Will Be under the Sole Direction of the CMC

Xinhua announced that the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee published the “CCP Central Committee’s December 27, 2017, Decision on Adjusting the Control System of the Armed Police Forces.” The decision stated that, starting on January 1, 2018, the armed police will be under the sole direction of the Central Military Commission (CMC). It will no longer be under both the CMC and the State Council.

Duowei also reported that the armed police will go through a staff cut from 800,000 down to 400,000.


1. Xinhua, December 27, 2017
2. Duowei, December 15, 2017

Xinhua: Beware of Japan’s Ambition to Become a Military Power

Zhang Huanli, a scholar at the Research Center for International Affairs and a former reporter for Xinhua News Agency in Tokyo, said in an interview with Xinhua that all sides should pay close attention to how much Japan’s defense budget has grown year after year.

Zhang said that Japan’s military expenditures have been breaking new record highs. In the past, Japan had unwritten rules that its defense budget should be controlled and be within one percent of its GDP. Since Abe came to power, this restriction has long been broken. In addition, this year Japan also added more defense-related funds through supplementary budgets. This means that by the end of 2018 Japan’s actual defense budget will far exceed 5.2 trillion yen.

“Doing so, Japan, on the one hand, wants to cater to the United States. On the other hand, Japan hopes to show the United States its determination to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance by strengthening its cooperation with the United States in the military field.”

Zhang Huanli pointed out that, In the long run, increasing military spending in Japan will pose a threat to the security of the Asia-Pacific region. So far, the Abe administration has not made a sincere apology for the crimes that led to the war of aggression. To make matters worse, ever year, Abe has offered sacrifices to the Yasukuni Shrine. This disguised visit to the Yasukuni Shrine undoubtedly is a form of recognizing the war of aggression. Countries that once suffered Japanese aggression cannot avoid remaining vigilant to how Japan’s military expenditures increase by the year and to its ambition to become a military power.

Source: Xinhua, December 23, 2017

BBC Chinese: China Continued Expanding Military Construction in South China Sea

BBC Chinese recently reported that, according to documents that the U.S. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published, China continued its expansion of the construction of artificial islands and the military facilities on the islands in the South China Sea. CSIS also released clear satellite photos that show new ammunition depots, aircraft hangars, and radar. The latest equipment effectively made these islands China’s most advanced military bases. For the time being, the facilities are mostly unused; CSIS described them as proof of “slow development of crisis.” It also pointed out that the radar systems are a highlight because they are sufficient enough to monitor “everything in the region.” China dismissed the CSIS “criticism” as “making a big fuss over a minor move,” which was solely for the purpose of self-defense. China also announced that, in 2019, it will launch three optical satellites to establish 24-hour monitoring over the South China Sea.

Source: BBC Chinese, December 19, 2017 China’s Military Reform Reached Two-Year Anniversary recently reported that Chinese lawmakers just passed The Regulations of The People’s Liberation Army Civilian Personnel. This new law is considered a major milestone in the now two-year old Military Reform, which started on November 24, 2015, when the Central Military Commission Work Conference for Reform began. The Reform completely restructured the Chinese military with a focus on modernization, efficiency, and scientific optimization of the command structure. The military reorganized the major theaters of operations, established new forces for rockets, strategic missiles, and strategic support, and eliminated over 200 Division level units, over 1000 Group level units, and over 30 percent of the military officers.

Source:, December 18, 2017

Media Reports Showed Signs of War Preparation in Northeast China

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that Jilin Daily, the official government newspaper of the northeast province Jilin, published a full-page article explaining the nature of a nuclear war and the basic knowledge needed for self-protection. Jilin is the Chinese province that has the longest border with North Korea. When the press asked them, the local government officials replied that this was just the normal military knowledge that civilians should have. In the meantime, the Hong Kong newspaper Oriental Daily reported on its website that a leaked China Telecom internal document indicated its branch in Changbai County of Jilin Province has a detailed plan to establish communication services in preparation for five refugee camps. The setup work is underway and two of the sites had a very poor signal. Changbai County has a 260 kilometer border with North Korea and will be the Chinese county facing the biggest flood of refugees if there is one.

1. Sina, December 6, 2017
2. Oriental Daily, December 6, 2017

Major General Jin Yinan: China Will Not Stand on the Sidelines If Trump Starts a War on the Korean Peninsula

Chinese Major General Jin Yinan was a guest at the military forum “National Defense Space” on The Voice of China {a radio station} talking about the recent North Korean intercontinental missile launch and the US-Korea joint military exercises. Jin stated that China’s “double suspension” proposal {suspending nuclear testing and suspending U.S. military exercises} is still the most effective way to solve the North Korean nuclear issue.

Jin said, “The pressure for war is getting more and more intense, but the reasons for a war show it is not as imminent as those who control the situation may believe. … The double suspension is the best way for both parties to cool down first, lowering the temperature first, and then starting to negotiate. A good initiative is not accepted by everyone at once. With the passage of time, it’s more apparent that the “double suspension” that China proposed is the only clear-cut way to solve the issue of the Korean Peninsula peacefully.”

Jin also repeated Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi‘s statement that, ‘China will never allow anyone to fight at the door of China and will never allow anyone to mess up Asia.” He said, “This is not just because of our attitude, but also because of the maintenance of regional security for which we must be responsible, which is backed by our strength. Therefore, this war is by no means an issue of whether we should stand on the sidelines; it is by no means a matter of persuading the other side not to fight. You (think) you can strike according to your wishes. If you start the war I can tell you that we will never just stand by.”

Source: Wenxuecity, December 7, 2017