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East Day: China’s Central Television Confirmed China’s Aircraft Carrier Plan

Shanghai based news network East Day recently reported that the authoritative Chinese Central Television (CCTV) broadcast a new TV documentary program that revealed the actual number of aircraft carriers China has in its plan. The total count on its road map is six. The first two ski-jump takeoff mid-sized models have been constructed. The next two will be conventional power large size models with catapult take-off capabilities. However, the catapult mechanism is still being considered. It is very likely that it will use an electromagnetic catapult. The last two carriers will be nuclear powered large size models reaching a level above the U.S. Nimitz class with partial Ford class capabilities. In the long-term road map, by around the year 2049, China will build another four world-class carriers thus giving the Chinese Navy up to 10 aircraft carriers. The TV documentary also mentioned that China has tested the electromagnetic catapult technology thousands of times and it has achieved the deployment quality for launching different types of aircraft. The Navy has also placed a large number of orders for the J-20 carrier fighter jets. The J-31 V2 version has been undergoing intense flight tests. The status of the nuclear power system for carriers is still unclear, although China has the mature technology to power nuclear submarines.

Source: East Day, November 20, 2017

Global Times: Russia Delivered S-400 Missiles to China

Global Times recently reported that Russia’s latest air defense missile system, the S-400 “Growler” (NATO name: SA-21) was a huge success and has been threatening the U.S. Patriot air defense missile’s market share even among U.S allies, such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia. According to the U.S. magazine The National Interest, the efficiency of the Russian S-400 has been “a game changer in the Middle East.” The S-400 can destroy any missiles within a range of 40 to 400 kilometers. It is designed to shoot down long-range reconnaissance aircraft. With the help of special radar, an S-400 can detect stealth fighter jets as well. There is no Patriot model that can match S-400’s capabilities. China was the first country that reached a deal with Russia for a supply of the S-400 supply; not long-ago Russia delivered the first shipment of that deal. This recent delivery was enough of a supply to equip several regiments.

1. Global Times, October 28, 2017
2. The National Interest, “Russia’s S-400 Is a Game Changer in the Middle East, October 17, 2017


CRN: Xi Jinping Set Six “Must-Do” Requirements for High Ranking Military Officials

China Review News (CRN) recently reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping attended an important meeting with high ranking military leaders immediately after the new generation of the Communist Party’s Central Military Commission (chaired by Xi) was formed. Xi delivered a speech at the meeting setting six “must-do” disciplines for all high ranking military officials. The top requirement is loyalty to the Party and obeying the Party’s commands. Next to the top must-do comes the strict capability to win battles and wars. The third is to have passion for military reforms and innovation. As the forth must-do, Xi asked for scientific coordination and management. Next, he also wanted to push strong discipline and toughness in administration. Lastly, the speech demanded military “leadership by example,” and with high spirits. Xi’s “new era” military strategy focuses on strengthening military power. The improvement plan will take a top-down approach and start with high ranking generals. Political loyalty is repeatedly emphasized as the key competence for all members of the military leadership team.

Source: China Review News, October 29, 2017

Global Times: PLA Had Its First Combat Exercise in Djibouti

Global Times recently reported that the Chinese military operating at China’s first international military base, located in Djibouti, conducted its first combat exercise on September 22. This was the first time in the Chinese military’s history that a foreign-resident range was use for a live ammunition exercise. It is also considered as a warning to “those who attempt to challenge China.” The Chinese troops have been stationed at the base since August 1. The Global Times report also mentioned that Japan planned to conduct an armed evacuation exercise three days later in Japan’s Djibouti military base not far away. Japan established its base in 2011.

Source: Global Times, September 23, 2017

Xinhua: Third Generation Beidou Global Positioning Will Offer Global Coverage

Xinhua recently reported that China’s state-owned AllyStar Technology just announced it had completed its development of the third-generation chip for Beidou, the Chinese global positioning system. The new chip has full Chinese ownership of its intellectual properties. It enables high precision on the below-meter level for global positioning. The Beidou network does not have global coverage. China plans to launch four new Beidou-3 satellites this year. The project aims to establish global coverage by the year 2020 to compete with other systems such as the U.S. GPS system. The newly delivered chip moves this plan one major step forward towards reality.

Source: Xinhua, September 16, 2017

Central Military Commission Has Changed the Leadership in Two-Thirds of Its Organs

Two years ago, Xi Jinping restructured the Central Military Commission (CMC) by putting 15 organs under it . Since then, the top leaders of 10 organs have been changed. The two most recent appointments are Qin Shengxiang (秦生祥), former Director of the General Office of the CMC, who was appointed as the Political Commissar of the Navy and Song Puxuan (宋普选) the former Commander of the Northern Theater, who replaced Zhao Keshi (赵克石) as the head of the CMC Logistic Support Department. {Editor’s note: In the PLA system, there are two top officials per unit, one is the Commander (or Minister or Director) and one is the Political Commissar. Changes in either position means that Organ had a leadership change.}

The following are the heads of the 15 organs:

General Office: Director replacement to be announced
Joint Staff Department: Joint Chief of Staff Li Zuocheng (李作成) (New)
Political Work Department: Director Miao Hua (苗华) (New)
Logistic Support Department: Minister Song Puxuan (宋普选) (New); Political Commissar Zhang Shuguo (张书国)
Equipment Development Department: Minister Zhang Youxia (张又侠) (Unchanged); Political Commissar An Zhaoqing (安兆庆) (New)
Training and Administration Department: Minister Li Huohui (黎火辉) (New); Political Commissar replacement to be announced
National Defense Mobilization Department: Minister Sheng Bin (盛斌) (Unchanged); Political Commissar replacement to be announced
Discipline Inspection Commission: Zhang Shengmin (张升民) (New)
Politics and Law Commission: Li Xiaofeng (李晓峰) (Unchanged)
Science and Technology Commission: Liu Guozhi (刘国治) (Unchanged)
Office for Strategic Planning: Wang Huiqing (王辉青) (Unchanged)
Office for Reform and Organizational Structure: Replacement to be announced
Office for International Military Cooperation: Hu Changming (胡昌明) (New)
Audit Office: Guo Chunfu (郭春富) (Unchanged)
Agency for Offices Administration: Liu Zhiming (刘志明) (Unchanged)

Source:, September 13, 2017

Central Military Commission Completed Military Restructure and Inspection Tour

Xinhua recently published an article about the restructuring of the Chinese military, following the directives that Xi Jinping issued. After eight months of consolidation, restructuring, and inspection work, the Central Military Commission has completed both the restructuring of the military and an inspection tour. The article stated that the military inspection team visited military sites, universities, and the armed police force. The focus of the inspection work was to determine whether the military follows the rules and political orders; whether they are loyal, whether they have the ability to execute orders, and whether the party organization and the members are performing their roles in the military.

Source: Xinhua, September 10, 2017

Chinese General Comments on U.S. Pacific Commander Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr.

At the time of the USS John S McCain’s collision with a non-military vessel near Singapore on August 21, the “Defense Times” program on China News Radio (CNR) interviewed Jin Yinan, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General.

Jin Yinan commented on Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr., Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command:

“I think all the soldiers around the world have a common trait: do well on you own duties; train well; and prepare well for war.  However, since Harris became the Commander of the Pacific Command, he has been indulging himself in politics. He has been eager to make (political) statements. That’s a big taboo. It means the military is interfering in political affairs. His interest is not on training or management, but rather on showing-off. (He) uses the U.S. power to protect the interests of his mother country – Japan (Editor’s note: Harris is the first Asian American to achieve the rank of Admiral in the U.S. Navy, and the highest-ranking Japanese American). Of course he still needs to protect the interest of his father’s country – the U.S. Harris is a completely political soldier. He has been keen on attending large international conferences and keen on making tough statements at those meetings. Yet he has ignored military management and training. So the time when he serves as the Commander of the Pacific Command is the time that the Pacific Command has the most problems.”

Source: PLA Website, August 24, 2017