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Hong Kong Military Parade Soldiers Responded “Greetings, Chairman”

There was a change at the military parade in Hong Kong. When Xi Jinping greeted the parade block as “Greetings, Comrade,” the soldiers responded “Greetings, Chairman.” In the past, the Communist regime has always used the response of “Greetings, Leading Cadre.”

The soldiers’ new greeting to Xi in Chinese is “主席好.” “主席” can refer either to the title of Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman or the title of President of China. Xi holds both titles.

Lianhe Zaobao gave two interpretations: One was that it showed that Xi had obtained absolute power over the military, so he preferred to be called by his title “Chairman” (of the CMC).

Another interpretation was that “Chairman” is much easier for Hong Kong people to accept than the term “Leading Cadre.” “Leading Cadre” is a word used in Party culture.

Source: Lianhe Zaobao, June 30, 2017

China’s Newly Formed Central Military and Civil Integration Development Committee

On June 20, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee Secretary Xi Jinping hosted the first plenary meeting of Central Military and Civil Integration Development Committee. The mysterious Development Committee was established on January 22, 2017. It is the CCP’s high-level decision-making and coordination body for major issues of military and civilian integration and development. It is directly under the control of the CCP Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee. Xi Jinping heads the committee himself.

According to, military and civilian integration has the purpose of ensuring a powerful military nation. On the other hand, military and civilian integration also means reform, which will touch the interests of some people in the military enterprises. Therefore, military and civilian integration will face resistance from different groups having vested interests.

Source:, June 23, 2017

Chinese Helicopter Crossed Sino-Indian Border before Xi’s Meeting with Modi

On June 4, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) helicopter flew inside India’s Arunachal Pradesh and made a landing. It then returned five minutes later. Both China and India claim this region, but it is currently under India’s control.

The Indian government strongly protested the border crossing and stated that, in the upcoming meeting with Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi would demand an explanation from China’s President Xi.

Xi and Modi then met at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on June 9. It is not clear whether Modi requested an explanation.

An earlier incident occurred in 2014. While Xi was visiting India and was about to meet Modi to negotiate an investment of $20 billion, the PLA army crossed the China-Indian border and camped on the Indian side. Many people think that Xi’s political opponents in China set up the incident.

Source: DW News, June 5, 2017

Xi Jinping Authorized New Medals for the PLA

On June 12, Xi Jinping, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, authorized the issuance of the “August 1 Medal” to the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA’s) staff. August 1 is the PLA’s Army Day.

This is the third time that the PLA will be awarded medals. The previous two times were in 1955 and 1988, by Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, respectively.

Source: Xinhua, June 12, 2017

LTN: Rodrigo Duterte Said China Threatened War over Oil Drilling Redline

Major Taiwanese news network Liberty Times Network (LTN) recently reported that, not long ago, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte signed an agreement with China (for their countries) jointly to develop natural resources in the South China Sea. President Duterte revealed to the media that Chinese President Xi Jinping once warned him that China will take the risk of (going to) war if the Philippines decides to use The Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) ruling to drill for oil in the South China Sea. He described how, when he mentioned that the Philippines intended to drill in the South China Sea, Xi responded, “We are friends, and I don’t want to argue with you. We should maintain a good relationship. However, if you are determined to touch this topic then, no matter what, we’ll take the military approach.

Source: LTN, May 19, 2017

China Consolidates 18 Armies into 13

At a news conference on April 27, Yang Yujun the Spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Defense confirmed that China consolidated 18 of its armies into 13.

The new armies are given the numbers from 71 to 83, which are brand new designations. China’s armies were named up to 70 in the past.

Consolidating the army is part of Xi Jinping’s 300,000 military cut which he announced in late 2014. He also reduced the number of military regions from seven to five.

Source: Sina, April 28, 2017

Chinese Scholar: The U.S. Is Likely to Use Force against North Korea in Three Situations

On April 13, the World Journal published an article citing comments on U.S. action in North Korea. Zhang Liankui, a professor at the Institute of International Strategic Studies of the Central Communist Party School, pointed out that, between now and the end of April, the U.S. is likely to use force to solve the North Korea problem. He listed three situations in which the U.S. might take action: one, North Korea conducts its sixth nuclear test; two, North Korea fires ballistic missiles; three, North Korea has an internal shakeout as a result of the U.S. pressure.

“In the first two situations, since the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier combat group is headed to the Korean peninsula, if North Korea conducts a nuclear test or fires a ballistic missile, Trump will look bad if the U.S. does not take action. The U.S. and South Korea will conduct a joint military exercise with live ammunition until the end of April, so it will be easy to carry out a real military action. After this period, it will not be as easy to re-mobilize the military.”

“Zhang pointed out that the U.S. has long prepared the military. Trump just needs an excuse. If Kim Jong-un misreads the situation and continues taking action, he could trigger a U.S. action to use force.”

April is a “high-risk period” since it has several important dates for North Korea. The next one is April 25th, the Army Day.

Yuan Zongze, Vice President of the China Institute of International Studies, said on April 12, “China does not want to see turmoil in Northeast Asia. Beijing’s bottom line is not to have war or turmoil at its door.”

Source: World Journal, April 13, 2017

Apple Daily: PLA Lifted Readiness Level – Potentially Sending Troops to North Korean Border

One of the primary Hong Kong newspapers, Apple Daily, recently reported that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) Northern Military Theater lifted its combat readiness level to Level Four. At the same time, part of the troops in the Middle, Eastern, Southern, and Western Theaters also lifted their combat readiness to the same level. The 40th Infantry Brigade from the Southern Theater, the 9th Armored Brigade from the Western Theater, the 3rd, the 196th, and the 77th Motorized Infantry Brigade from the Eastern, Middle, and Northern Theaters, respectively, were required to be prepared to deploy to the North Korean border. If the order is given, they may take four to twelve days to reach their designated positions. The number of troops totaled 25,000. Apple Daily reported based on information that the the China Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy released. A third party has not confirmed the information.

Source: Apple Daily, April 11, 2017