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Defense/Military - 41. page

PLA Daily Editorial: Be Ready to Fight at All Times

PLA Daily published an editorial article re-emphasizing the importance of building a strong army and being ready to fight at all times. The article was also posted on all the major state media and military websites. 

The article stated, “Today, although the smoke of war has dispersed, the ghosts of militarism still linger. Some Japanese political organizations and politicians go against the tide of history and against peace and justice; they selectively forget the disaster they brought to another country but they always remember their own ‘misfortunate.’ They resolutely deny the barbaric crimes of the Japanese invasion, insist on paying tribute to their war criminals, forcibly lift the ban on collective self-defense, openly distort historical facts, trample on the human conscience, and undermine the post-war international order.” 

The article stressed in bold font that, “Through these phenomena, we can easily see that Japanese militarism’s desire to eliminate China has never died, that is has refused to recognize the defeat in that war, and that it has secretly been gathering strength in an attempt to stage a comeback. Without vigilance and precautionary measures, there is still the risk of a repeat of this tragedy of history.” 
“At present, China is at the critical juncture of becoming big and strong. Some Western countries are unwilling to see the rise of China, doing everything possible to contain and suppress China, repeatedly squeezing China’s strategy for development, and bringing the focus of international strategic competition toward the Asia-Pacific region. Thus the likelihood of disturbances and war taking place on our doorstep has increased.” 

Source: PLA Daily, August 18, 2015

Global Times: China and Russia Conduct Joint Naval Exercises in the Japanese Sea

Global Times reported on August 15 that the Chinese Naval fleet left the Qingdao Naval Base for Russia to participate in this year’s second China-Russia joint naval exercises in the Japanese Sea. The exercises involve 23 surface vessels, 2 submarines, 15 airplanes, and 8 helicopters. The Chinese fleet includes 7 surface vessels, 5 airplanes, and 6 helicopters. These are from the Chinese Naval North Sea, the East Sea, and the South Sea fleets. All of the Chinese vessels are active main warships. This year’s first China-Russia joint exercises took place in the Mediterranean Sea in May. The key exercises included joint anti-air, antisubmarine, and anti-warship exercises, as well as joint defense and joint disembarkation. The joint naval exercises are based on the China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and Cooperation Relationship. The exercises are not aimed at any third party or in response to any regional situation.
Source: Global Times, August 15, 2015

Global Times: Chinese Navy Held Military Exercise in the South China Sea

Global Times recently reported that the Chinese Navy conducted a large scale military exercise in the South China Sea region. It involved over one hundred military vessels, tens of airplanes, “some” information warfare power, and missile troops from the “Second Artillery,” which is the Chinese military branch that manages long-range missiles and nuclear weapons. The exercise was aimed at winning a regional naval war under information-age conditions. The key challenges included overall system architecture, information sharing, joint attacks, comprehensive defense, logistic assurance, command and control, as well as integrated monitoring and early-warning systems. According to officers from the Naval Exercise Department, this exercise was the Navy’s most advanced one of this type and covered the widest areas of sea, land, and air.
Source: Global Times, July 28, 2015

BBC Chinese: Chinese Military Audit Discovered Numerous Financial Issues

BBC Chinese recently reported, based on Chinese media coverage, that the Chinese authorities conducted a wide scale military audit starting in February. They discovered numerous financial problems. The key issues include blocking the proper distribution of military funds, reducing the released funding level, and the misappropriation of funds. Other findings include opening inappropriate bank accounts, spending without a budget, forging invoices, and expanding capital investments without approval. The Chinese military system is one of the key areas for Chinese President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption movement. In the past couple of years, many high ranking military officials have been captured, including one top level general. In the nineties, the Chinese military was prohibited from engaging in civilian business transactions. However, in recent years, many military officials have, once again, gotten deeply involved in civilian businesses. 
Source: BBC Chinese, July 2, 2015

Global Times: South China Sea Fleet Called Reserves for Exercise

Global Times recently reported that the Chinese Navy’s South China Sea Fleet called the reserves from several provinces to participate in a joint naval military exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to test the reserves’ rapid response capabilities. The exercise focused on shooting down incoming enemy aircraft and on precise attacks against deep-sea submarines. Additionally, the exercise included the scenario of a lawful inspection on a commercial vessel which forcibly attempted passage. Tank landing ships were also involved in the exercise. A naval officer responded to media inquiries on the timing of the exercise. He stated that this exercise had nothing to do with the current South China Sea situation or with international relations – it was just a routine exercise. However, he added that, as China improves its naval defense power, the value of demonstrating deterrent capabilities is obvious.
Source: Global Times, June 20, 2015

PLA Daily: Some Military Leaders Not Ready for Enemy’s Offensive Strategic Cyberattacks

PLA Daily Published an article discussing the Chinese military’s position regarding cyber security and related struggles. Below is an excerpt from the article

Sovereignty on cyberspace highlights national sovereignty. Cyberspace is also the space for national security. If we do not occupy cyber territory, others will; if we don’t guard the space, we will lose that sovereignty. It will even become the front gate for the enemy forces to erode and disintegrate us. 
The Internet has become the main battlefield for ideological struggles. … Whoever controls cyberspace will seize the commanding heights of the ideological struggle battlefield and will control the lifeblood of national security and development in the information era. 
Internet resources are not virtual resources. It is physical resources that are related to national security. In the Internet age, a hostile country can also use advanced cyber technologies to appropriate a nation’s information, data, people, and other key hubs. 
Cyber security has become an important part of China’s comprehensive security. We can say that without cyber security, there is no national security. 
To cope with cyber security, strengthening "defense from the mind (heart)" should become a priority in addition to improving our technology. The Internet is "the biggest variable" that we face. It can also become a "headache" if not handled properly. Especially, online ideological work is related to the [Communist] banner, path, and national political security and is the core position we must fight and defend. One scholar said, "Having the controlling power over the Internet in the 21st century has the same defining significance as the power of controlling the seas in the 19th century and having air supremacy in the 20th century." Western anti-China forces have been intending to topple China using the Internet. Years ago, some Western politicians claimed that, "With the Internet, there is a way to deal with China." "When socialist countries fall into the arms of the West, it will start with the Internet."

On the Internet battlefield, whether we can keep the enemy outside of the door is directly related to the safety and security of our country’s ideology. This is an online media war without the knife and sword but with heavy murderous and killing intentions. 
However, compared to the hostile force’s long dominance in the control of Internet media and their organized, targeted, planned, and systematic implementation of strategic offensive attacks, some of our military leaders have not yet learned "the swimming technique" in the Internet tide. They lack a clear understanding of the on-line media struggle and a consciousness of potential dangers; they lack the sense of responsibility that comes from fighting for the [Communist] Party, army, and nation in the online "territory." 

In the face of this struggle, we cannot lose and cannot afford to lose. If we do not pay attention to cyber security and do not put on-line ideological work in the proper place with firm control, the enemy will take away our people; our army will be in danger of changing color. We can say that we face the most danger in this battlefield and that the key also lies in this battlefield. 

Source: PLA Daily republished by Xinhua and People’s Daily, May 20, 2015

PLA to Conduct Military Exercises Near China Myanmar Border

Huanqiu published an article reporting that a PLA spokesperson from the Chengdu military base announced that the PLA will conduct combined air-ground operation military exercises starting on June 2. The exercises are to be held in the region where the Myanmar government’s bombs fell and where Chinese citizens were injured. The article stated that this will be the first exercise since the fighting took place in Northern Myanmar in February.

Source: Huanqiu, June 1, 2015

PLA Daily: Chinese Navy Commanders Should Not Act Rashly

On May 19, 2015, right after U.S. Secretary of State Kerry’s visit to China, the People’s Liberation Army Daily issued a commentary stating that Navy commanders should not cause trouble, show signs of weakness, or act rashly. 

"Right now and for a long time, actions to maintain sovereignty and maritime rights and interests are highly political and strategic. So are the actions to protect the safety of strategic maritime passage and the safety of overseas Chinese and their interests. How to act in line with the overall situation of national political diplomacy has become a high political and strategic requirement for Navy commanders at all levels. … At all times and under any circumstances, the front-line commander must especially bear in mind and carry out firmly and actively that he must maintain orderly movement including advance and retreat, and must not speak and act carelessly or act rashly, in order to ensure that China’s national strategic intent is reached and achieved.” 

Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily reprinted by, May 19, 2015