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PLA Daily on Cyber Security

On May 20, People’s Liberation Daily published an opinion article calling for the defense of China’s cyber security and cyber sovereignty.
"China’s cyber sovereignty is a symbol of its national sovereignty. Cyberspace is also the space for national security. If we don’t occupy the online battleground, others will take it; if we don’t defend our online territory, we will lose sovereignty and even become the bridgehead for the hostile forces’ encroachment and disruption.
"With the assistance of the Internet, computers, and mobile phones, Western hostile forces viciously attack our Party, discredit the founding leaders of the new China, denigrate our heroes, and set off erroneous ideological trends of historical nihilism. Their purpose is to confuse us with ‘universal values,’ create interference with ‘constitutional democracy,’ subvert our governance with ‘color revolutions,’ turn us upside down with the use of negative opinions, and shake up our faith with ideas of ‘separation of the military from the Party,’ ‘separation of the military from politics,’ and ‘nationalization of the military.’
"To strengthen the cyber ideological work is to defend the highest interests of the country and the battle, and safeguard people’s fundamental interests. In the face of this conflict, we will not and cannot afford to retreat; we will not and cannot afford to lose. If we do not pay attention to Internet security and put our hands on the online ideological work, the enemy will pull the masses away and the military will change its nature. One can say that this is the most dangerous battlefield and the most critical battlefield.
"On the journey toward a stronger nation and a stronger army, we shall not only resolutely safeguard our national sovereignty, our security and our interests on a tangible traditional battlefield, but we will also resolutely defend our ideological security and political security on the invisible cyber battlefield."
Source: PLA Daily, May 20, 2015

PLA Daily: U.S. Military Further Strengthens Its Cyber Strategy

On April 23, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced the new “cyberspace operations strategy” of the Defense Department, which was an upgraded version of the first edition published in July 2011. Shortly thereafter, China’s PLA Daily published a commentary authored by Lv Jinghua, a scholar at the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences. The commentary stated that the document was intended to designate the next five-year target for U.S. military strategy in cyberspace. The strategy pointed out the most noteworthy three keywords – deterrence, attack, alliance, which represent the direction of the U.S. military developments in cyber power. 

The PLA article questioned the document, “To achieve a deterrent effect, there should be a clear target. Is the United States’ ability to trace the origin really strong enough to distinguish who is the threat maker? Cyberspace is easy to attack and hard to defend, how can one build the perfect defense that the enemy has no way to attack? If the defense were to fail, then when should one launch retaliatory action? The international community has, so far, not reached a consensus on a code of conduct for cyber warfare, so what is the legal basis for the U.S. cyber troops to take action? Snowden’s disclosure has severely damaged trust in the United States for France, Germany, and its other traditional allies. To establish a network alliance requires sharing extremely sensitive information, such as cyberattack capabilities and plans. Will the mutual trust between the allies and the United States return to such a level?” 
The article concluded, “Cyberspace is a new area shared globally. Maintaining network security needs all parties to work together. If the United States only intends to achieve ‘absolute security’ and irresponsibly develops its cyber military force, the result can only be counterproductive, resulting in the proliferation of cyberspace malware, an intensification of the arms race, and a frequent occurrence of crises. What it brings instead is ‘an absolute unsafe’ condition. Such an outcome will be a serious violation of all people’s common will for the ‘peaceful use of cyberspace.’ It will not only harm people; it will not even be self-serving.” 
Source: PLA Daily, May 3, 2015

Global Times: Russian Media Discussed Defense Procurement from China

Global Times recently referred to Russian media reports that discussed buying naval equipment from China, especially given the situation that the French delivery on Russian naval orders are being questioned. The Russian reports indicated that the Russian naval capabilities are currently weak in the Far East seas. Russia lacks anti-submarine and escort capabilities on the surface. The Russian shipbuilding industry suffered deeply after the Ukraine crisis, since Ukraine withdrew all its operational support. Russia should look to China to seek cooperation, especially in the field of building surface vessels. A strong Far East Russian fleet may benefit China in balancing the US-Japan partnership. The Chinese 054A Frigate may be the right choice for Russia not only because of its advanced configurations and performance, but also because of the deep Russian involvement in its original design. The Russian media called for procuring eight to twelve 054A Frigates for the Russian Pacific Fleet.
Source: Global Times, April 17, 2015

PLA General Political Department to Develop Team of Cadres with Absolute Loyalty to the Party

Xinhua published an article which reported that Xi Jinping, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, approved a notice that the PLA General Political Department issued on April 19. The title of the notice was, “Opinion to Develop a Political Team of Cadres That Will Demonstrate Absolute Loyalty to the Party, Has a Strong Capability to Fight in Wars, and Displays a Good Work Style and Image.” According to Xinhua, the Opinion directed that all levels in the political department within the PLA should focus on “strengthening the ideology work to build a strong Party spirit; strictly abide by the political rules and requirements; display devotion to the Party; and ensure absolute obedience to the Party Central Committee’s directions, to the PLA General Political Department, and to Chairman Xi.” 

Source: Xinhua, April 19, 2015

People’s Daily: China’s Air Force Exercises in the Far Sea Will Be Routine

After China’s Air Force recently performed training exercises in the West Pacific ocean over the Bashi Channel [the body of water between Taiwan and the Philippines archipelago] for the first time, People’s Daily interviewed Chinese military expert Major General Yin Zhuo. Yin said that, in the future, the Chinese air force training in the far sea will certainly be routine. It will conduct co-training with the Navy, so it will truly become a joint operation between the two forces. 

Yin said, "In the future [China’s Air Force] may also go to the open sea (for exercises). It will go through the northern airspace, through the Miyako waterway, or the Osumi Strait airspace. These airspaces are international public airspaces. For the Chinese Air Force to fly in these airspaces is entirely consistent with international law; no country has the right to interfere."  

Source: People’s Daily: March 31, 2015

PLA General Political Department Revised Guideline on Recruiting of Party Membership within PLA

Xinhua reported that Xi Jinping, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently approved a revised guideline on the development of Party membership work within the PLA. The PLA General Political Department then published the guideline. The article said that the guideline had been revised so that it would be tailored specifically for the PLA. It provided more “strict, concrete and scientific” requirements on recruiting qualified Party memberships. It also emphasized developing members based on quotas and discouraged new members from submitting false claims.

Source: Xinhua, April 12, 2015

PLA Used Its Online Purchasing Website for Its First Online Purchase

Xinhua reported that, on April 7, the PLA announced that five manufacturers won the bidding, totaling 90 million yuan (US$14.48 million), to supply general and maintenance equipment to the PLA. The article said that these were the first purchase orders that the PLA received since it launched its military equipment purchasing website in January. The site is at The PLA claimed that it saved close to 12 million yuan (US$1.93 million) compared to the list price. The purchase order consisted of items such as containers for maintenance equipment and tools, gas masks, carrier cases, and army field lighting. The article said that the PLA equipment purchasing website was launched on January 4. On February 25, the PLA General and Maintenance department made a public announcement on the website calling for bids. On March 19, the public bidding was held at Ordnance Engineering College in Shijiazhuang City of Hebei Province. Over 20 manufacturers submitted bids and 5 of them, including some privately owned companies, won the bidding.

Source: Xinhua, April 12, 2015

People’s Daily: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Commented on U.S. Planes Landing in Taiwan

People’s Daily recently reported that, on April 1, two U.S. military airplanes landed at Tainan Airport in South Taiwan due to a technical emergency. The spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hua Chunying, later commented at a press conference that China had made a solemn representation to the U.S. government, asking the United States to be prudent and properly handle the relevant issues in order to avoid similar incidents in the future. According to Taiwanese media, two of the U.S. Navy’s F-18 fighter jets made a request of the Taiwanese air traffic authorities that they make an emergency landing. Later, after obtaining permission, they landed at a local air force base. Taiwanese military officials said that the U.S. Navy will send out repairmen in the future. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not explain the reasoning behind their statement.
Source: People’s Daily, April 2, 2015