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China Ranks No. 1 in Asia in Arms Exports

Huanqiu reported that, according to the website of a Russian think tank, China is now a leading world exporter of certain munitions. Based on the 2004 to 2011 statistics of the Russian think tank, China ranks 10th in the world and 1st in Asia in arms exports. With a total value of $8.73 billion, China’s arms exports surpass that of all other Asian Pacific countries combined. It exports 51.65% of the total value of all arms in the Asian Pacific region.

Source: Huanqiu, December 11, 2012

Xi Jinping: China Must Develop a Strong National Defense and a Strong Army

From December 8 to 10, 2012, Chinese Communist Party leader and military head Xi Jinping conducted an inspection tour of the Guangzhou military base. While addressing the local military leaders, Xi emphasized that “the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The dream is a dream of a powerful nation. To the army, it is also the dream of a strong army.” Xi further stressed that to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, (we) must adhere to unifying the efforts to empower the nation by empowering the army; (we must) strive to develop a strong national defense and a strong military. 

 Source: Xinhua, December 12,2102

Military Expert Discusses the Successful Landings on China’s Aircraft Carrier

On November 27, 2012, in a guest session on People Daily‘s "Empower the Nation Forum," military expert Li Jie exchanged comments with Chinese netizens online. The topic was "China’s aircraft carrier’s first successful carrier landings.” Li Jie touted the significance of the successful delivery of the aircraft carrier and its carrier aircraft to the military, as well as the successful landings on the aircraft carrier. Li said that it had the same strategic significance as the success of "two bombs and one satellite" (the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and a man-made satellite). 

Li also said that “the success of landing on and taking off from the aircraft carrier … not only greatly improved the overall strength of the armed forces, but also enhanced the overall strength of our country. It has actually increased the maritime awareness of all of the Chinese people.” 

Source: People’s Daily, November 27, 2012

China Displays the FB-6A: China Made Version of Avenger Air Defense System

At the 9th Airshow held in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation displayed a variety of missile systems, including the FB-6A, an air defense system claimed to be similar to the U.S. Avenger Air Defense System, but with better missile defense capability.

According to Zong Wenbo, Vice Dean of the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, the missile used on the FB-6A has better air defense capability than the Stinger Missile used on the Avenger Air Defense System. Its price is reasonable and suitable for large volume export. The system has been used in military exercises and can provide air defense capability for the field army.

Source: China Review News, November 17, 2012

China Review News: China Has Developed the CM-506KG Airborne Smart Ammunition Series

China Review News reported on November 12, 2012, that China has developed the CM-506KG Airborne Smart Ammunition Series. Called the “Diamond Back” bomb, it can effectively destroy targets on the ground or in the water as far as 130 kilometers (80 miles) away; it is comparable to a similar U.S. made bomb.

Source: China Review News, November 12, 2012

Mao Omitted from Hu Jintao’s Instructions on the Political Development of the Army’s Ideology

On November 1, 2012, Qiushi, a journal of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article titled, “Scientific Guide to the Political Development of the Army’s Ideology in the New Situation.” The subtitle of the article is the statement, “Study Chairman Hu Jintao’s Important Instructions on the Political Development of the Army’s Ideology.” The majority of the content of the article is nearly the same as similar articles published in the past few years, such as “unswervingly adhere to the party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces.” The big difference, however, is the omission of Mao’s name, ideas, and teaching.

Source: Qiushi, November 1, 2012

Military Expert: China Is only 15-Years behind the U.S. and Russia in Fighter Development

On October 31, 2012, China’s second stealth jet fighter, the J-31, made its successful maiden flight. Commenting on the significance of the event, China’s aviation expert, Yongling Xu, said in an exclusive interview with a People’s Daily reporter, "China has narrowed the gap in the field of aviation technology between itself and foreign advanced countries to about 15 years. With the support of China’s strong national (financial) power, coupled with the ingenuity of the Chinese people, the day that China’s aviation industry catches up with the United States is just around the corner.” 

Source: People’s Daily, November 1, 2012

Ministry of Defense: Major Reshuffle of Military Leaders

On October 25, 2012, the Ministry of National Defense of China updated its official website with a significant reshuffle ahead of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party, which will be held on November 8, 2012. As part of the Central Military Commission, the leaders of all four major military organizations have changed as follows: Fang Fenghui, Chief of Staff of the General Staff Department; Zhang Yang, Director of the General Political Department; Zhao Keshi, Director of the General Logistics Department; and Zhang Youxia, Director of the General Armaments Department.

Source: Ministry of National Defense, October 25, 2012