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Defense/Military - 84. page

China Developed a New Pilotless Plane

China News Agency reported that China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, a major defense manufacturer in China, showcased a newly developed pilotless plane. The new plane, Blade, was shown at the 2009 Exhibition of Equipment for Emergency Response and Rescue and Security System Technology on June 16, 2009.

The report did not provide military applicaiton of Blade. It mentioned that it is a multifunction pilotless plane and can be used for aerial photography, aerial survey, coastal patrol, climate and environment monitoring, forest fire prevention and petroleum or electricity pipe line investigation. It is equipped with a 12 Kilowatt engine and propeller. Its speed during patrol is 120 Km/h, with maximum 4,000 meter flying altitude and 3 hours of cruise duration.

Source: China News Agency, June 17, 2009

HK Wen Wei Po: China Facing New Military Encirclement

The Hong Kong based newspaper Wen Wei Po, with a strong Chinese government background, published an article on June 12 discussing the complete military encirclement around China.

The article mentioned the US’ intent to rent the Cam Ranh Bay Base from Vietnam, which would significantly improve control over the South China Sea together with the Guam Base and the Singapore Changi Base. Also mentioned in the report are the two military exercises NATO had in Georgia in May which mainly featured Eastern European counties that reached China’s doorstep. The “East Asia Shadow NATO” of the US, Japan and South Korea now should include Australia and India – closing more gaps in the encirclement.

Source: Wen Wei Po, June 12, 2009.


China News Agency: China’s Military Expenditures Leaping to “the World’s Second” Is Normal

Many Chinese web sites widely published a China News Agency article defending China’s military spending. The article was based on a Hong Kong Wen Wei Po article. It acknowledged that in 2008 China’s military expenditures had leaped to the world’s second. It then argued, “Internationally, ‘people with their own agenda’ will inevitably create a new wave of ‘China threats.’ However, since China’s GDP will soon surpass Japan to become the world’s second-largest economy, wasn’t it normal that its military expenditures correspondingly move to second position, too?” “In fact, right now China’s military expenditures, compared to the China’s national defense and security needs, are far from being adequate.”

Source: China News, June 15, 2009

South Korean Military Networks Attacked 95,000 Times This Year

The Global Times under Xinhua reported that a South Korean Defense Security Command release stated that military computer networks had been attacked over 95,000 times this year, a 20% increase over the same period last year. The attacks fell into the following categories: Hacking 10,450 times, spreading a virus 81,700 times, denial of service attacks 950 times, and web page tampering 1,900 times. The South Korean Defense Security Command indicated that the analysis showed that 89% of the attacks were directed at the servers and homepage of military websites and 11% were attempts to steal military intelligence, thus posing a serious threat. South Korean Yonhap News reported that most attacks originated from China and North Korea. Government defense think tanks believe that South Korea’s "Chinese hacker" speculation is a replica or another version of the "China threat theory," reflecting a "cold war mentality."

Source: Global Times, June 16, 2009

Study Times: Network-Centric Warfare Will Dominate Future Battlegrounds

Study Times, the CCP Central Party School’s newspaper, recently published an article stressing the importance of Network-Centric Warfare (NCW). It claimed that the U.S. DOD is undertaking plans to enhance the NCW capabilities of the U.S. Armed Forces, which includes the plan to establish an NCW Command Headquarters.

The article stated that the fact that NCW changes competition spaces and basic rules is no longer a theoretical argument. It actually was realized under certain conditions and produced encouraging results. Change is unavoidable, and the article suggested applying a new mindset to military reforms.

Source: Study Times, June 8, 2009.

China May Discount J10 Fighter Plane

Eastday Website, the largest portal site in Shanghai, reported that China is likely to sell its J10 fighter plane on the international weaponry market at a discount. The Eastday report is based on a report from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Eastday Website is partially owned by state-owned enterprises. The Rajaratnam School report stated that most of China’s weapon offerings lack technical competitiveness. Its buyers are limited to a few developing countries. To expand its weaponry sales, China may offer its J10 fighter jet at a discount. J10’s performance is similar to Israel’s Lavi fighter jet or the U.S. F-16C. Pakistan and Iran are likely to be the buyers of the J10.

Source, Eastday Website, June 5, 2009

China Shows Its Anti-stealth Airplane Radar

Xinhua republished an article by the Global Times reporting that on April 1, 2009, at the “2009 Fifth World Radar Expo,” China showed photos of the DWL002 passive detection radar system, China’s newest anti-stealth airplane radar system. DWL002 has the following characteristics: high crypticity; a long detection range; a strong anti-interference capability; good mobility; a wide working frequency; flexible signal adaptability; highly precise locationing; and target identification capability.

The article stated that DWL002 radar system is the most advanced anti-stealth airplane radar system in the world. Its main performance measures are superior to radar systems developed by other countries in the same category. This system is likely to be the number one choice for many countries that are facing the threat of (U.S.) stealth airplanes.

Source: Xinhua, May 22, 2009

Study Times: Bottlenecks of Chinese Military

The military reform is lagging behind with serious national defense ramifications, says a Study Time article. According to the article, Chinese military reform is lagging behind in areas such as joint operations, munitions procurement, management of research and development of defense technology, medicare for the military, retirement and settlement of officers, pension and benefits and etc. “Some of the problems have become the bottlenecks of the national defense and army modernization, causing the imbalance of national defense and basic elements of military building.” The article warns that this could potentially “lead to disorders in the entire military system, with serious ramifications if there is a war.”

Source: Study Times, May 25, 2009