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Defense/Military - 85. page

Hu Jintao: Build a Strong Chinese Air Force

Chinese President Hu Jintao talked about building a strong Air Force in a new historic period. On May 22, he delivered a speech at the 11th Air Force’s CCP Representatives Conference. Hu emphasized keeping “politically right thinking,” describing it as the top priority.

Hu also suggested in his speech that today’s Chinese military needs to stand firm on “core values” which he then referred to as strictly and willingly following the Communist Party’s orders. He also mentioned that the Air Force should be prepared to win local wars under information system oriented conditions.

Source: Boxun, May 22, 2009.

Loyalty to the Party is Required for Senior Military Officers

With approval from its chairman, Hu Jintao, the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Military Commission recently issued “The Order on Further Strengthening the Leadership Behavior for Senior and Mid-Level Military Officers.” The order requires that the senior and mid-level military officers have firm belief in the Communist Party and remain clearheaded politically. It states that the overall requirements are: insisting that the Communist Party manage itself; manage the party strictly; focus on the capability development and advancement of the Party organization in the military; greatly promote the core values of contemporary revolutionary soldiers: "loyalty to the party, love for the people, service to the country and devotion to the mission and upholding honor;” emphasize on improving the leaderships’ party nature (primarily loyal to the party and following party’s direction) and establishing and maintaining fine style of work; and start from strictly executing and maintaining the Party’s discipline and formalizing and executing procedures.

Source: China News, May 17, 2009

International Herald Leader: West’s New Tactic to Stop China’s Aircraft Carrier

The International Herald Leader, under Xinhua News, published an article suggesting that the media in the West is changing its tone. The report indicated that the West is now promoting the “Delay Theory” instead of the “Threat Theory”. It is believed change in tone is just another way to slow the development of the Chinese Navy.

The report also stated the belief that building an aircraft carrier fleet is a good way to stimulate the domestic market. The article also stated that there is no way to stop China from becoming a sea power.

Source: International Herald Leader, May 14, 2009. 

Details of the “Cross-2009” Military Exercise

Xinhua reported on May 5 that the military will perform the “Cross-2009” Military Exercise, which will involve  four military area commands. [1] Global Times, a newspaper under Chinese state-owned People’s Daily, published an article to further elaborate on the significance of this exercise: One, it is a joint tactical training practice with participation of four complete army divisions from four military commands, with near fifty thousand soldiers, sixty thousand vehicles and large equipment. Two, the exercise will take place at several training bases at the participating military commands. Recently, each command has established its own regional training base, but a single base is unlikely to accommodate four divisions, so the exercise is likely to be spread among several bases. Three, the announcement mentioned a “large scale of mobility,” implying that the division from each command may travel to another command’s base. Four, it is a study and application of the new military training manual that was adopted last year. Five, the air force and the army’s airmen will also participate in the practice. [2]

People’s Daily also reported that excluding the Nanjing military area command (responsible for military actions against Taiwan) is a goodwill signal sent to Taiwan. [3]

[1] Xinhua, May 5, 2009
[2] Global Times, May 8, 2009
[3] People’s Daily, May 13, 2009

PLA’s Largest Millitary Exercise Taking Place Later This Year

The People’s Liberation Army will conduct a series of cross-region military exercises in the second half of the year that involves four military regions and will take two months to complete.  This is the largest exercise in the history of PLA.

The four military regions taking part in this exercise will dispatch a total of nearly 50,000 personnel; various types of vehicles and large weaponries and equipment count to more than 60,000 in units; the military operation affects more than 50,000 km, the longest motorized travel distance is over 2,400 km. maneuverability will be facilitated with civil aviation, railway transport, and motorized road units.

Source: China News, May 5, 2009

Xinhua: Navy Ceremony Starts the “Era of Chinese Sea Power”

Xinhua News published a digest article on April 23, based on a report by The China Press, a US based publication sponsored by the Chinese government. The article pointed out that the Chinese naval 60-year anniversary ceremony marked a “breakthrough” on the traditional limited “Coastal Waters Defense” naval strategy, which “obviously” does not match China’s status as a rising world power.

China has noticed that its sovereignty over sea waters has been significantly challenged in recent years. As an example, the article referred to recent incidents between China and Russia, Malaysia, Japan and the United States.

Source: Xinhua, April 23, 2009.

Military Talent Gaps

Study Times, a magazine by the CCP Central Party School, recently published an article on the gaps between Chinese military generations.

The article identified three major issues: (1) average military officers’ lack of education, especially in information technology; (2) significant lack of talented officers capable of joint combat commanding in the information systems environment; (3) significant lack of high level technical talents.

The article concluded that the causes of the problems are that the(1)education system is far behind modern day world standards; (2)the military organizational structure does not meet the requirements of today’s challenges;(3) and that compared to profitable civilian organizations, the military does not have enough incentives to attract needed talents.

Source: Study Times, April 27, 2009.

Navy Commander & Political Commissar: No to Nationalization of Armed Forces

In the latest Qiushi magazine, Wu Shengli, Navy Commander and Liu Xiaojiang of Navy’s Political Commissar co-authored an article and firmly insisted that the Chinese Navy shall only follow and advance under the party’s command and leadership. It must firmly resist the influence created by ideologies such as “nationalization of the armed forces and non-party or non-political Army.”

Source: China News, May 2, 2009