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Meng Jianzhu: Model Cops Can Serve as Examples to Inspire Loyalty to the Party

Xinhua News reported on August 24 that Meng Jianzhu, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security said, when he was visiting a wounded police officer, that model police officers are setting examples of the right political position and maintaining loyalty to the Party. He suggested that the government should take good care of the families of those who have risked their lives to protect the people and the Party, and that it is important to establish a safeguard system for police officers’ careers. That will encourage police officers to better fulfill the mission assigned by the Party and the people.

Source: Xinhua, August 24, 2009.

Defense Minister: Improve National Defense Emergency Response Capability

Liang Guanglie, Defense Minister, recently spoke at the National Defense Mobilization Commission of the Chendu Military Area Command. He stressed that all should hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, persist in relying on the theories by Deng Xiaoping and the “Three Represents” for guidance, further follow through the Scientific Outlook on Development, actively promote national defense mobilization development and be ready to give their all in the work to ensure the safety and stability of national security.

As Liang warned of the rising new non-conventional challenges facing the national defense mobilization work, he also called for all levels to quickly adjust to the challenges. Liang addressed the importance of the geographically strategic location of the southwest region, which is often loaded with military defense preparation tasks. He advised all levels to review their experiences in earthquake relief work from Wenchuan, Sichuan Province and improve defense capabilities.

Source: Global Times, August 29, 2009

Defense Minister: Advancing National Defense Mobilization

Xinhua reported on August 17 that Liang Gunaglie, Minister of Defense Ministry, must press forward with the national defense mobilization during the Lanzhou Military Area Command Defense Mobilization Committee meeting. Liang demanded that all levels must understand the special value of the defense mobilization construction: outside defense and maintaining internal stability. Liang stressed the importance of fighting against the “Three Forces” [“three evil forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism,” a blanket term the CCP uses for anti-CCP people or groups].

Source: Xinhua, August 17

Meng Jianzhu: Devote Every Effort to the 60th National Anniversary

Xinhua News reported on August 17 that Meng Jianzhu, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, said in a video conference that the whole police system should treat the safety of the 60th Anniversary event as the number one “political task.” Seriously cracking down on the activities by the domestic and international “hostile forces” was mentioned as important work. Another primary aspect of the mission is to combine the power of the police system and the volunteers across the country to form a tight network to control society. All controls should be carefully divided down to every level until the individuals. This is crucial to ensure the stability of local areas and the capital area.

Source: Xinhua Net, August 17, 2009.

CCP Political & Legal Committees: Complete Pending Cases; Stop the People’s Appeal Trips

China Youth On-line reported that the CCP General Office issued a notice titled "CCP Political and Legal Committee’s Advice on Further Strengthening and Modifying the Reception Work for Appeals."

The document stated that the goal of the "reception work" aimed at appellants is to "Close the Cases; Stop the Visits."  The document emphasizes "solving the issue at the origin and relying on the local level." 

The document indicates the central government’s growing impatience with the numerous appeals and visits to the capital by petitioners with grievances.

Source: China Youth On-line, August 19, 2009

Supreme Court Deputy Chief Justice: Distrust in Justice System Common Among People

Sheng Deyong, Deputy Chief Justice of the China Supreme Court said, "Currently, some people distrust the justice system, and the feeling is becoming a common sentiment in society. This is a very dangerous phenomenon."

Mr. Shen made the comment at a conference held from August 10 to 14 in Beidaihe, Hebei Province. 

Source: People’s Daily, August 19, 2009

China Youth Daily: A Mafia with Knowledge is the Most Dangerous

(A China News Agency report based on a China Youth Daily article) Refering to the recent arrests and sentencing of several Communist Party officials in Chongqing and Henan, the article states: "The black society (underworld) and the corrupt politicians are getting closer and closer…Yesterday’s murderer can dress up in an expensive suit and become a gentleman; but today’s official with a charming smile may kill his enemy in cold blood tomorrow." Although a person right may now be "a government official sitting on a stage talking about advanced culture," once he is off from work, he may "wine and dine with his buddies in the gangs."

Source: China News Agency: August 19, 2009

Legal Evening News: 300,000 2008 College Graduates Unemployed

China Youth recently republished an article by Legal Evening News on the unemployment rate for 2008 college graduates. The report revealed that the popular majors such as Law, English, Management and International Trade were among the top unemployment categories for the past two consecutive years. Civil Engineering had the highest employment rate, and the Medical field had the lowest income. Experts suggested that this situation was largely because, a few years ago, universities had been setting up majors solely by following the trend.

Source: China Youth Online, August 12, 2009.