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Renmin Bao: H1N1 Flu Strain Spreading Widely in China

Influenza H1N1, commonly known a Swine flu, is spreading widely in China, according to Renmin Bao. Liang Wannian, the Deputy Director of the Emergency Office, Ministry of Health estimated that the number of infected people in China might have reached several dozen million. The swine flu epidemic is in full breakout and infected people have been found in all provinces. It is also spreading among soldiers stationed in Beijing.

On the night of September 11, Xiong County, Hebei Province an urgent internal order was passed to all towns, townships, and districts, requiring complete silence on the actual numbers of people infected. According to higher-level orders, this is to ensure a great celebration of the 60th anniversary of the communist regime. The order reads that no one is allowed to report any such cases, forbids giving any medical confirmation of the H1N1 flu strain infection; requires treating all infections as regular flu; and all must report less or provide no reports about the H1N1 epidemic (Ed. – this is just as Beijing handled the SARS breakout — complete silence).

Source: Renmin Bao, September 13, 2009

Xinhua: Central Government’s New Arrangement for Stability

Because of the widespread international financial crisis, China has a much greater social stability problem to deal with, especially when there are more and more “sensitive periods.” The following points summarize some of the successful experiences: (1) Trying to solve important issues people have their focus on; (2) Establishing a risk assessment system; (3) Enforcing the responsibilities of leadership on all levels; (4) Enhancing grass roots work at the base level ; (5) Responding quickly on sensitive incidents with press “guidance”; (6) Firmly and artfully fighting the hostile forces’ penetrations.

The current two biggest “tough battles” are maintaining stability in Xinjiang and maintaining the safety of the 60th anniversary celebration. Social stability is now considered the top responsibility of the leaders of the Party and of the government at all levels.

Source: Xinhua, September 7, 2009.

China to Introduce Anti-terrorism Law

China will soon have its own “Anti-terrorism Law” and shall submit it to the People’s Congress for approval upon completion, disclosed by Professor Zhao Bingzhi, Dean of the College for Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University. Zhao said China started the research on anti-terrorism law after “9.11.” The development work of anti-terrorism law was expedited following July 5 Xinjiang incident which was viewed as a “terrorist act” by some Chinese, including Li Wei, Director of the Anti-terrorism research center of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

Source: Xinhua, September 11, 2009

Xingjiang Needle Stabbing Caused by Failed Ethnic Policy

Hong Kong based analyst Li Yi believes China’s policy for ethnic minorities is the root cause of violence in Xinjiang, including the most recent needle stabbing of hundreds.

The CCP’s preferential treatment of ethnic minorities provides a venue for expressing resentment by the Uyhgurs, who dislike the government’s political suppression and economic exploitation.

The Han Chinese feel they are the victims of reverse discrimination. They often feel unprotected by the government during ethnic conflicts.

Many people realized that the botched policy is the culprit and call for the ousting of Xinjiang’s hardline Party secretary, Wang Lequan.   

Source: Apple Daily, September 4, 2009 (URL indirectly from 

Ministry of Public Security Strengthens Society’s Management and Control

On September 8, the Ministry of Public Security held an audio-video conference on Strengthening Society’s Management and Control, requesting that public security organizations at all levels closely follow the meeting spirit of the August 17 conference on Safeguarding Security during the 60th Anniversary Celebration of National Day, to ensure social stability and create a good social environment for the celebration.

The Ministry of Public Security also requested that the 6 neighboring provinces and the City of Beijing become the “moat” for Beijing, providing a safety buffer for Beijing by implementing strict checkups and control processes; that public security organizations at all levels and all other departments and police organizations implement emergency command processes with 24 hour on-duty staff and preparation under real battle conditions.

Source: Ministry of Public Security, September 8, 2009

Xinhua: First Peak of an Aging Society This Year

Xinhua reported that the Tenth Conference of the College of Continuing Education for Senior Citizens from Eighteen Cities was held in Changchun City, Jilin Province. The report revealed that this year is the tenth year since China entered an era of an aging society, and is the first peak annual increase of the senior population, which changed from 3.11 million to 8 million people. With the first generation of the “single child” population stepping into their senior years, China’s “empty nest families” (families without children or whose children do not stay at home) reached around 49%.

Source: Xinhua, August 27, 2009.

Local Transportation Director Killed by Predecessor and Mentor

Four suspects were arrested in the August 17 murder of Li Xingguang, Director of the Hegang City Transportation Department in Heilongjiang Province. After an investigation, it was found that Li’s predecessor and one time mentor, Bai Yuku, paid 300,000 yuan to have Li killed. Bai was unhappy about Li’s lack of support of his personal business interests.

Source: China Youth Daily, September 1, 2009

Public Security Organizations Undertaking Gun Safety Control Review

Xinhua reported that the public security organizations at the provincial, municipal, and local levels are embarking on a large-scale review of gun safety control. This review commenced on August 1 and is under the direction of the Ministry of Public Security. The review will examine the processes of carrying, managing, and storing firearms and ammunition. (Ed: The Ministry of Public Security has recently started a nationwide campaign to crack down on the mafia and vicious forces in China. Some of these underground groups have guns although the government controls their distribution.)

Source: The Ministry of Public Security, August 27, 2009