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Down with Communist Party: Protesters Support Police Killer

More than 1,000 protesters gathered in front of a Shanghai court on Monday in support of Yang Jia who is appealing against his conviction for stabbing policemen. Confronting the police brutality against individuals who attempted to enter the close-door trial, hundreds roared out slogans such as “down with Communist Party”, “down with Fascism”, and “long lived Yang Jia.”

From 9 am to noon, more than 100 protesters were arrested by police, who were stationed outside the court to prevent the people from talking about their views of the case or taking interviews from many journalists present among the crowd.

Yang Jia, 28, was sentenced to death last month for killing 6 policemen as a revenge for being wrongfully mistreated overnight in October 2007 on suspicion of stealing a bicycle. Grassroot Chinese people have shown overwhelming supports for the young man as police being Beijing’s iron fist against ever growing massive domestic social unrests.

Source: Epoch Times, October 14, 2008

Milk Scandal: Beijing’s Olympic Food Supplier on List

Beijing Sanyuan Foods Company, Ltd. (北京三元食品股份有限公司), a listed dairy producer in China, was chosen by Beijing Olympic Committee as the sole supplier of food and beverage for both the Summer Olympic and the Paralympic. For weeks, Sanyuan was the only listed diary producer that has avoided being associated with China’s milk contamination scandal.

On October 7, melamine was reportedly found in Sanyuan’s product by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, said the Guangdong based newspaper Yangcheng Evening News. The content of the toxic chemical was found to be as high as 10.58 mg/kg in the milk powders manufactured on August 7 by Sanyuan’s subsidiary in Qianan, Hebei Province.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News, October 7, 2008

Mainland Rights Website Shutdown Again

A prominent Chinese Human Rights website “Wei Quan China”,, was shut down again on October 3 since it was last resumed service on September 12. In its open letter published through Boxun, WeiChuan China said that their website has been shutdown minimum eight times in the past six months due to “sensitive information” including three times during the Beijing Olympic. The letter said that the website is civil based. Its contents mostly contain the facts about the dark side of the society. The letter questioned the Chinese authority: “Does the Chinese government allow websites managed by civilians? If our website has ‘sensitive information’, why don’t you inform us first so we can take necessary measures? Please do not violently shutdown our website. Our website will continue to operate as long as the government does not label us as illegal website’.

Source: Boxun, October 3, 2008

First Lawsuit Filed Against Sanlu Toxic Milk Power Producer

Parents of Xiao Tao, a one-year old victim of melamine-contaminated milk powder, have filed a lawsuit against Sanlu for 150, 000 RMB in damages.  Xiao Tao was taking Sanlu milk power ever since he was born in July 2007.  He has been hospitalized in Beijing in serious condition with his kidney, bladder and ureters filled with stones.  His attorney, Mr. Ji Chen from Beijing’s Heng De Law Group, has collected over 90 emptied packages of Sanlu milk powder from Xiao Tao’s home.  Mr. Ji indicated that the final amount of damages sought will be much higher.  On September 22 the family received notice from Henan Zhenping People’s Court acknowledging the filing of the complaint.

Source: Beijing Youth, September 26, 2008

Villagers Beaten and Arrested During Land Seizure Fight

On September 22, a few hundred officers dispatched by City of Guilin (Guangxi Province) Police Department and City Management Administration together with jobless residents hired by the Guilin City Zhang Tai Land Development Corporation went into Chuan Shan Village in Qi Xing District and used force to build a fence so they could seize a piece land. The entire village fought back. According to the villagers, their land was sold to Zhang Tai without their knowledge and their dispute for compensation has not been settled. Dozens of villagers were injured during the fight and two villagers were hospitalized.

On September 23 and 24, police officers blocked the entrance to the village and started to arrest villagers. One villager who fled to another village disclosed that over a dozen villagers have been arrested so far. Only those who signed the agreement to accept land compensation from the city can be released.

The article also shows photos of injured villagers and a video of the events.

Source: Boxun, September 27, 2008

Over Twelve Thousand Infants Hospitalized Due to Contaminated Powder Milk

The Ministry of Health estimated that as of September 21, a total of 12,892 infants were hospitalized. 104 of them are in serious condition. Another 39,965 visited clinics. Of all infants receiving treatment, 81.87% are 2 years old or younger%. 17.33% are those between 2 and 3 years old. Those above 3 account for 0.8%. As of September 15, 2008, about 10,000 infants who had been fed contaminated Sanlu powdered milk were examined. 1,253 have been diagnosed with kidney illness. 2 of them have died. 913 were treated as outpatients. 340 remained in the hospital. As the number of victims sharply increases, sources in Hong Kong media indicated that they received instructions from Communist Party Propaganda Department not to report on the incident.

Xinhua, September 21, 2008
Apple Daily, September 24, 2008

Deputy County Mayor Position Attracts 65 Ph.D. Applicants

In an open job fair to select the deputy county mayor and public deputy commune director in charge of science and technology in Zhenzhou city of Henan Province, Shan Men Xia Municipality planned to hire a Ph.D. graduate specializing in administration of industrial economy as its deputy county mayor. The advertisement attracted 65 Ph.D. applicants to compete for the position. Such results were beyong expectations. In explaining the phenomenon, one author had commented: “For an ordinary person starting at a lower level, reaching such a position would take years of hard work. Whereas someone with a Ph.D. who jumps to the position, not only realizes the dream of ‘being a government officer,’ but also the dream of ‘making money.’ It is really a good deal.”

Source: Xinhua, September 21, 2008

Latest Photos from Sanlu Group Headquarters

A number of photos taken from the headquarters of the Sanlu Group in Shijiazhuang (Hebei Province) were found on quite a few Chinese BBS sites, though some have since been taken down.  The photos showed that the factory was crowded with people, mostly waiting in line to return baby formula. Some photos show banners hanging on the factory buildings with messages such as: "Produce High Quality Dairy Products, Make a Contribution to the Society"; "Focus on Product Quality, Promote a Harmonious Society"; "Quality is under our control, Customers are in our heart"; "Care about Product Safety, Ensure Public Well-being". One photo shows a urine test result of a 6 months old baby boy displaying “positive” test result.

Various BBS sites from China, September 18, 2008