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US-China Relations - 129. page

A Communist Capitalist Sues President Obama

The Chinese-owned Ralls Corp. has added President Barack Obama as a defendant in a lawsuit alleging the U.S. government exceeded its authority in blocking the firm’s planned wind farm projects in Oregon near a Navy base. In an amended complaint, Ralls Corp. said Obama “acted in an unlawful and unauthorized manner” in citing national security grounds to order it to halt construction of four wind farm projects near the Naval Weapons Systems Training Facility in Boardman, Oregon.

Two senior managers with the Chinese SANY Group, a private company and the largest construction machinery manufacturer in China incorporated Ralls Corp. in the United States. According to BBC Chinese, it’s believed that SANY has a military background, which may be related to its founder Liang Wengen, who had three years of experience in a Chinese military enterprise. There is no doubt that Liang, who, in 2011, was listed as China’s richest man, is a private sector entrepreneur with close ties to the government. Liang joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2004 as the chairman of SANY. In 2007 and 2012, he became a representative of the 17th and 18th Congress of the CCP. Liang is said to be a likely alternate member of the Central Committee of the CCP, a group of 370 of the most politically powerful people in China. SANY is said to have an unwritten rule that anyone who wants to be promoted to a management position must submit an application to join the Party. Liang once said, “It was not until I started my own business that I realized that one can only fulfill his ideals by connecting himself to the cause of the Party.”

[Editor’s note: Foreign investment in U.S. companies is reviewable by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). CFIUS recommended denial of the investment from China because the wind farms are all within or near the restricted air space of the naval training facility.]

Source: BBC Chinese, October 3, 2012

Why Japan Dares to Be Aggressive on the Diaoyu Islands Issue

A Xinhua article offered an interpretation of Japan’s aggressive actions on the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands issue, saying that Japan is acting in concert with the U.S. strategic plan to contain China. The article further explained, “From the perspective of the geo-military strategy, Japan is the most important partner in the United States’ return to Asia. The Diaoyu Islands issue is a chess piece in U.S. hands. Japan has an ulterior motive in its act to ‘nationalize’ the Diaoyu Islands. Its purpose is to test China’s reaction to Japan’s cooperation with the U.S. plan to return to Asia. For some time now, the United States, along with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and other countries has been holding frequent joint military exercises in the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea, with the goal being to strengthen its strategic encirclement of China.” 

Source: Xinhua, September 30, 2012

Xinhua: Syria Accuses U.S. and Its Allies of Backing Terrorism

On October 2, 2012, Xinhua published an article titled “Syria Accuses the U.S. and Its Allies of Backing Terrorism.” According to the article, Walid Al-Moualem, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Syria, accused the United States, France, and their allies of clearly "using money, weapons, and foreign fighters to induce and support terrorism in Syria." Walid Al-Moualem made this statement on Monday, October 1, 2012, at the general debate during the 67th session of the UN General Assembly.

Walid Al-Moualem said, "Instead of seeking to contribute to the settlement of regional and international disputes by peaceful means, some well-known countries continue to deal with those crises by pursuing new colonial policies, based on political hypocrisy."

Source: Xinhua, October 2, 2012

New layer…

International Herald Leader: Within 10 Years, the U.S. Dollar Will Completely Collapse

On September 6, 2012, the International Herald Leader, a newspaper under Xinhua News Agency, published an article titled “Within 10 Years, the U.S. Dollar Will Completely Collapse.” According to the article, “The so-called economic recovery in the United States, which is based on an increase in the national debt, is a false recovery.” The article predicts that “China’s economy will overtake the U.S. economy and become the world’s largest economy. The internationalization of the Chinese yuan will further improve Chinese people’s living standards.”

Source: International Herald Leader, September 6, 2012

Huanqiu Editorial: Let Hillary Understand China’s Determination to Defend its Territory

China’s state media Huanqiu published an editorial in which its tone was one of lecturing Hillary Clinton and the U.S. about the recent territorial disputes between China and it’s neighboring countries. Below is a partial translation of the editorial. 

“Before her visit to China, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed that she was going to talk to China about the South China Sea and other territorial disputes in East Asia. Talk about what? Talk about the sovereign ownership of the Nansha and Diaoyu Islands? Impossible. Talk about the road map to resolve the territorial issues in East Asia? Also impossible. 
“The only thing the two sides can talk about is ‘grand principles,’ but there is not much room for that either. Hillary will probably reiterate the ‘peaceful settlement’ principle, to which China will not object. She will also ask China to involve ASEAN in the talks on the South China Sea issue, but China will never accept (this idea). China’s principle is to deal with the specific disputes with countries in a one-on-one negotiation. (China) has long denied these so-called ‘multilateral negotiations.’  
“There is not much China and America can discuss. In other words, it is useless to talk. The South China Sea and the Diaoyu Islands dispute have now become so prominent. The root cause behind the scenes is the United States. The United States encouraged and instigated countries that have territorial disputes with China with its ‘return to Asia’ to undermine the environment surrounding China’s development and to harass and inhibit China’s rise. 
“China very much hopes that the United States will not intervene in the South China Sea dispute, and very much hopes that the United States truly remains neutral in the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, but no matter how hard and earnest China tries, it is impossible to move Hillary. 
“China and the United States have formed a huge (mutual) distrust. It is unrealistic to break it through conversation. China and the United States judge each other by their actions. 
“Hillary Clinton has been trying to challenge China’s legitimate core interests in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, but she understands that when facing China’s firm determination to safeguard its national interests, the United States needs to choose its most favorable reaction. That’s enough. China should not let the US have any doubts or other misjudgments regarding its determination.” 
Source: Huanqiu, September 5, 2012

People’s Daily Warns the U.S. to be Clear-Minded on Three Issues

Jia Xiudong, a distinguished Research Fellow from the China Institute of International Studies, wrote an article for China’s state-run media, People’s Daily. It was a commentary article that sent a message to the U.S. while U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was visiting China. 

In the commentary, Jia said, “Clinton’s visit seems to be somewhat ‘sudden,’ but considering the importance of Sino-U.S. relations and the urgent need to deal with a series of international and regional issues, it is reasonable for President Obama to send a senior official to visit China at this critical moment during the election year.” “Clinton is not coming here to quarrel with China; nor is China hosting the (American guest) to confront the United States. … Now that (Clinton) comes here to communicate with us, the United States should be very clear on some China-related issues, so as not to waste the opportunity.” 
The article listed the following three (China-related) issues: First, China is is not challenging the current international order. Second, don’t challenge China on issues related to its core interests. (The author listed six core interests, including territory, sovereignty, security, unification, stability, and development.) Third, the U.S. is doing itself more harm than good by sowing discord among China’s neighboring countries. 
Source: People’s Daily, September 5, 2012

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: U.S. Politicians Should Stop Accusing China

China News recently reported that the spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on some of the points that Mitt Romney made in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. The spokesman suggested that U.S. politicians, regardless of their party affiliation, should maintain an objective and rational attitude when commenting on Chinese affairs. He asked the U.S. politicians to stop using empty charges to accuse China and to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs. He emphasized that mutual respect and win-win cooperation should be the basic tone when developing the relationship between the two countries. These principles are in line with the core interests of both sides and will bring peace and prosperity to the Asia-Pacific region, as well as to the entire world.
Source: China News, September 1, 2012

International Herald Leader: Water Lilies û the U.S. Overseas Military Bases in Asia

The International Herald Leader, a publication under the state’s Xinhua News Agency, published an article on August 17, 2012, pointing to the expansion of U.S. military bases in the Asia Pacific region. The article said, “Over the past decade, the Pentagon has quietly transformed its overseas military bases. Compared to its military fortresses during the Cold War era, the new generation of small-scale bases and garrisons is limited in number, but like water lilies quietly surfacing in the pond, frogs can use them as a springboard to jump for prey in the distance. During its strategic shift to Asia, the Obama administration has been trying to multiply the Pentagon’s ‘water lilies’ throughout the whole region.”

The article mentioned a few hot spots where the “water lilies” will be grown or strengthened: Thailand’s U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airfield, Vietnam’s Cam Rahn Bay, the Philippines’s Subic Bay and Clark Air Base, Tinian Island in the Northern Mariana Islands, South Korea’s Jeju Island, and Australia’s Cocos Islands and the port of Darwin, as well as small-size military bases in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei.

The article concluded that the goal of establishing these mushrooming military bases around Asia and the Pacific is to isolate and contain China.

Source: International Herald Leader, August 17, 2012