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US-China Relations - 128. page

China News Week: American Groups, in the China School Camp (Pro-China) or the Anti-China Camp?

China Newsweek published an article that categorized a handful of American organizations into one of two camps: the “China School (pro-China) camp” and the “anti-China camp.” 

The “anti-China camp” includes the following: 1) the U.S. military industrial complex (U.S. military institutions, arms dealers, and its associated consortium); 2) the AFL-CIO; 3) American religious organizations; 4) Human Rights Watch; 5) The National Endowment for Democracy; 6) the U.S. Business & Industry Council; 7) the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Caucus; 8) the U.S. Tibet Committee for Refugees; 9) Radio Free Asia; 10) the United Steelworkers of America; 11) the United Auto Workers Union; 12) the Alliance of American Manufacturing. 
The “pro-China camp” includes: 1) the America-China Society; 2) the National Committee on United States-China Relations; 3) the United States-China Business Council (USCBC); 4) the Sino-U.S. Joint Economic Committee; 5) the Sino-U.S. Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade; 6) the National U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association (USCPFA); 7) the U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce; 8) The Committee of 100; 9). the U.S.-China Association for Promotion of Economy and Trade (UCAPET); 10) the China General Chamber of Commerce – U.S.A.; 11) the American Chinese Federation of Industry & Commerce; 12) Large American enterprises that have a high degree of globalization, such as Microsoft, Boeing, and the giants of the U.S. auto industry. 
 Source: China Newsweek, October 25, 2012

International Herald: We Need to be Ready for the Next New President

The International Herald carried a commentary on the presidential race and the U.S. China policy for the next four years. The article concluded that the U.S. has to face the fact that China is growing stronger. Whoever wins the next presidential election, there will not be any fundamental change in China and US policy. “To a certain extent, the decisive factor in the China U.S. relationship does not simply lie with a certain party or political power. It lies with the increasing civil powers in the social and economic sectors.”

The article stated that the China topic has been the focus of the presidential debate. It is a channel for the candidates to demonstrate their charm and express what their passion has been over the past twenty years. “When Romney claims that he will crack down on China for manipulating currency, the world knows that it was simply part of an election statement. … For Obama, his Asian policy is a complete anti-China product, whether it was the measures he took to intervene in the Diaoyu islands or the South China Sea issue. The candidates have both openly demonstrated their desire to limit China’s growth.” The article also claimed that whether Obama or Romney wins, their belief will not differ much one from the other; it is to protect U.S. values and the country’s national interest.

Source: International Herald, October 17, 2012

Sany Holds Press Conference on Lawsuit against Obama on Wind Farm Sale

Xinhua reported that Sany Group, a plaintiff in a lawsuit against President Obama for blocking its purchase of wind farms near a U.S. military base, will hold a press conference on October 18, 2012, to provide an update on the case. On September 28, 2012, Obama signed a decree banning the sale of four wind farms in Oregon to the Ralls Corp. and its Chinese affiliate, Sany Group, on national security grounds. “As for this incident, Xiang Wenbo (the president of Sany) expressed that ‘hopefully the upcoming press conference will, in addition to clarifying the true facts, allow Chinese to further understand America and international trade, and to learn how to audaciously protect the rights of Chinese companies during the process of globalization.’”

Source: Xinhua, October 17, 2012

China’s Harvesting Organs from the Living Raised as Issue in the 2012 Election Campaign

According to a report from NTDTV (a Chinese language TV station based in North America), during a private fundraising event for Romney’s 2012 election campaign, Falun Gong practitioners raised a question about the many Falun Gong practitioners in China who lost their lives when the Communist regime harvested their organs while they were still alive (so the organs would be fresh). In answering the question, John Bolton, Romney’s foreign policy adviser during his presidential race, responded that the United States should take on the (Chinese) government on this issue. He said, “Such issues will be critical in a Romney administration. … I know he will stand up for this because it is critical to show the world that we pursue not just American interests, but American values.” 

Source: NTDTV, October 16, 2012美大选在即-活摘器官成候选人关注焦点.html.

Xinhua: See How the United States Muddies the Waters in the Asia-Pacific

Xinhua published a series of articles describing how the United States is creating trouble in the Asia-Pacific region. In the summary, the article listed some of the key points: “Since announcing it would shift its strategic center eastward to the Asia-Pacific, the United States has repeatedly conducted activities in northeast Asia and the South China Sea. 

“Regarding the recent Diaoyu Islands issue, the United States keeps saying it will remain neutral and not choose sides, but it acknowledges that the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty applies to the Diaoyu Islands. 
“In the issue of the Korean Peninsula, the United States ‘approved’ the increase in South Korea’s ballistic missile range up to 800 kilometers, which means that the launch of ballistic missiles from the central region of South Korea will be able to cover the whole territory of North Korea. North Korea reacted strongly … causing experts to worry that it will result in a large-scale arms race in northeast Asia. 
“On the South China Sea issue, the United States continues backing the Philippines and Vietnam to ‘counterbalance’ China.” 
The article concluded that “the purpose of the United States is to muddy the waters in the Asia-Pacific and leave the entire region without peace by stimulating an arms race in the Asia-Pacific countries. Then the United States will have an "excuse" to intervene directly in the Asia-Pacific situation.” 
Source: Xinhua, October 11, 2012

International Herald Leader: U.S. Concerns about Huawei Are Totally without Merit

China’s state’s media, the International Herald Leader (IHL), published an article that its Washington D.C. reporter wrote to rebut the comments U.S. Congressmen made during the recent Congressional hearing on Huawei and ZTE. The reporter stated, “U.S. politicians suppress Huawei and ZTE without any credible evidence in order to curb the rise of China’s strategic industries and to seek the U.S.’s own political interests.”

With respect to comments by the U.S. Congressmen on Huawei’s products proving to be a security risk, IHL, citing senior officials from Huawei and ZTE, stated, “These arguments are totally without merit.” 

On the relationship with the Chinese Government, IHL quoted from Huawei that “[it] has no special relationship with the Chinese Government and has not received any help from the Chinese Government.” “ZTE declared that ‘ZTE is neither a State-owned enterprise nor under the control of the Chinese government.’”

Huawei asserted that the Communist Party Committee at Huawei was established in accordance with China’s Company Law, and that even Walmart and other foreign owned enterprises have Communist Party organizations.

Source: International Herald Leader, September 25, 2012

RFA: Chinese People Are Following the U.S. Presidential TV Debates

On October 5, 2012, Radio Free Asia published an article on news in China about the first U.S. Presidential debate. Since the Thursday before the debate, 400,000 news reports about the U.S. presidential election have appeared on mainland China’s social media. Some netizens have opened “U.S. Presidential Election” microblogs, collecting all of the articles about the election. Sina’s official microblog also opened “Micro Topic,” allowing people to discuss the U.S. presidential election.

Many netizens’ messages show how an atmosphere in which ordinary people in a democratic country participate in general elections has an effect on the people in China. They are having new thoughts about democracy. “Only by achieving democracy in the political process can the administration of government be open and transparent.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, October 5, 2012

Huanqiu Editorial: The U.S. Must Suffer Retaliation for Creating Trouble for China’s Companies

On Oct. 10, 2012, Huanqiu (the Chinese edition of Global Times) published an editorial titled, “The U.S. Must Be Subjected to Retaliation for Creating Trouble for Chinese Companies.” U.S. lawmakers are seeking to block Huawei and ZTE, China’s top network equipment makers, from doing business in the U.S. because of national security reasons.

The Huanqiu editorial asserted, “China needs to be serious about protecting its own enterprises. It should have the courage and the willingness to use state power to retaliate against those countries that make trouble for China’s enterprises. China must take action to let the United States and Europe understand that, if Chinese enterprises encounter trouble in their countries, their companies in China will then become scapegoats. Now is the time for China to show its determination to the United States and Europe.”

Source: Huanqiu, October 10, 2012