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US-China Relations - 127. page

China Can Take Advantage of the Limitations of the U.S.

Xinhua published an article in which Huang Renwei, Vice President of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, discussed how China could improve its development by taking advantage of the the United States’ limitations. Huang observed that China’s overall strategic strength is far weaker than the United States. However, the U.S. has limitations in certain areas. It is therefore realistically possible for China to constrain the U.S. by taking advantage of these strategic limitations. 

Huang listed five limitations that the U.S. has: 1) Constantly breaking the debt limit and devaluing the dollar is its biggest strategic limitation. 2) U.S. military power is on a relative decline. Due to substantial pressure from its domestic social security system, the percent of military spending in the fiscal budget is getting smaller and smaller. 3) The United States has cut science and technology spending. Insufficient funding for science and technology and for education will cause the U.S. technology advantage to weaken. 4) In 10 to 20 years time, the U.S. allies system will disintegrate. If The United States cannot provide public goods, which is their biggest need, for its allies, it will be difficult to completely control its allied countries. This will shake the United States’ position of global hegemony. 5) The United States has been using its geopolitical advantage to control the world. In the new geopolitical structure, geo-economic factors have more weight than geopolitical factor. When we put our money into Asian countries and establish an Asian network surrounding China, the geo-economy led by China will supplant the United States ability to dominate using its Asian geopolitical advantages. 

Huang concluded, “If we put these five limitations together, the great advantage of the United States will face enormous constraints. By firmly taking advantage of the U.S.’s strategic limitations, China can obtain a strategic balance against the U.S. with a relatively small effort and gain longer and greater strategic opportunities (for China’s development).” 

Source: Xinhua, December 20, 2012

The U.S. Flies Its First Shipborne UAV in Order to Suppress China

The International Herald Leader, a newspaper under Xinhua News Agency, published an article on December 7, 2012, titled “The U.S. Flies Its First Shipborne UAV in Order to Suppress China.”

The article asserted, “The timing of the U.S. Navy’s test of the X-47B landing on a ship coincided with the completion of the first joint practice of the Liaoning ship and carrier aircraft F -15. Analysts pointed out that the U.S. Navy’s intention was to suppress China’s emerging naval power so as to maintain its leading military position.”

Source: International Herald Leader, December 7, 2012

The Diaoyu Islands Dispute Has Become a Three-Way Battle between China, the U.S. and Japan

Ma Guoshu, Dean of the Guangdong Win-Win Economic Institute, published an opinion article commenting on the defense bill the U.S. Senate passed, which stipulates that Article V of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty applies to the Diaoyu Islands. The amendment notes that, while the United States "takes no position" on the ultimate sovereignty of the territory, it "acknowledges the administration of Japan over the Senkaku Islands." The prevailing view in the media about the bill is that the United States backs Japan and is suppressing China. The author believes that the U.S. move (harbors another insidious motive). While it is helping Japan on the surface, in reality it is to balance both sides and masterfully lay out a plan in order to achieve U.S. control of the Asia-Pacific region.

The author commented that the real intentions of  the U.S.  in the Diaoyu Islands issue are different. First,  the U.S. intends to vigilantly protect the Japanese economy, which is close to the national bankruptcy cliff. Otherwise, the whole "strategic plan of returning to the Asia-Pacific” would vanish like a puff of smoke. Second, the U.S. intends to force Japan into submission – to be transformed into an "Asia-Pacific Israel.” Only in this way can the U.S. effectively prevent China, Japan, and South Korea from forming a "surplus countries alliance" as a hostile force (to the U.S.) and remove the potential problem that can truly threaten the dollar’s global monopoly position. Third, an important option, as a U.S. global strategy, may be to cause the outbreak of a regional war so as to effectively shift the deep domestic crisis of the United States.

Finally, the author concluded, "As the chess game of the Diaoyu Islands progresses, a new pattern in the Asia-Pacific has gradually formed. It is destined to rewrite the established pattern of interests in the China-U.S. game."

Source: People’s Daily, December 5, 2012

China Review News: The Transformation of American Diplomacy Improves China-US relations

On November 28, 2012, China Review News published a commentary regarding U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s speech on the strategic transformation of U.S. foreign policy. Clinton said that the U.S. will change the priority of its foreign policy from counter-terrorism to the economy. The author believes that this transformation will benefit Sino-US relations.

The article stated, “It seems that the United States is jealous of the success of China’s economic diplomacy and is ready to emulate China.” The author proudly claimed that China’s diplomatic strategy has successfully influenced and changed the national strategy of the United States.

Source: China Review News, November 28, 2012

Xinhua Article Suggests Obama Follow Advice from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

Xinhua published an opinion article commenting on why Obama actively plays "luxury diplomacy" in the Asia-Pacific. The article said, “After winning the general election, Obama immediately decided to visit the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The ‘Big Three’—the President, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense—all suddenly gathered in the same region in a period of less than 10 days. It is unheard of in the history of the United States. Why would Obama organize such a ‘luxury diplomatic team’ to visit the Asia-Pacific region?” 

The article gave four reasons: 1) to show "the will to return to the Asia-Pacific;" 2) after he won the presidential election for his second term, domestic political constraints on him weakened; 3) out of a need for the U.S. economy to recover; 4) to consolidate and expand the camp of U.S. allies. 

In its conclusion, the article expressed the main point, “There are people in the international community who cannot bear to see what Obama is doing. The always straight-talking Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suggested on November 12 that, ‘Obama should be committed to the management of his own country and should never try to split and invade other countries.’” The article suggested to Obama, “Regarding these words, President Obama may not want to listen, but it is good advice.” 

Source: Xinhua, November 15, 2012

Qiushi: The U.S. Election Is Not a Good Model for Democracy

Qiushi Journal, a bi-weekly magazine published by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, recently republished an article that called the U.S. presidential election a “money show.” Since the rules now allow Super Pacs, this year’s presidential election “burned” the largest amount of money in history (about $6 billion). The article suggested that the election was a good exposé of the so-called “every vote counts” hypocrisy. The “money election” essentially allowed the rich to control the United States. Meanwhile, 46 percent of the members of the House and the Senate own assets worth over one million dollars. The “capitalization of democracy” actually reflects the fact that Wall Street has hijacked the entire society. The author suggested that the widely established image of the U.S.’s “model democracy” turned out to be a lie. This whole corrupt, money-based “democracy” is the logical result of practicing capitalism. Every candidate tried his best to please the wealthy. "Payback time" is what will follow this election, when important government positions will be awarded to those with special interests. 
Source: Qiushi, November 7, 2012

Chinese Graduate Students Studying in the U.S. Showed Double Digit Growth Each Year for Seven Years

The U.S. Council of Graduate Schools reported on graduate school students from China who have gone to the U.S. to study. The report found that 37 percent of all international graduate students in the United States were from China; the number of students showed double digit growth each year for the past seven years. For the 2011-2012 school year, the number of international students studying in graduate programs in the U.S. for the first time grew by 8 percent over the previous school year. Among those, the number of graduate students from China grew by 22 percent.

The Council reported that the most popular majors for graduate study were business and engineering, which attracted 47 percent of the students.

Source: Xinhua, November 10, 2012

Huanqiu Article Comments on the Real Intention of the U.S. over the Diaoyu Islands Conflict

Huanqiu (The Global Times), which is under the auspices of People’s Daily) published an opinion article that stated that the U.S. is using the conflict between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands in an attempt to control both countries. The article said, “The Japanese right-wing, the government of Japan, and the United States are playing a three-way game in the Diaoyu Islands crisis; each of them plays a different role. The purpose is to provoke China and disrupt China’s peaceful development. Currently, the Japanese right-wing and the Japanese government have both appeared on the stage. How is the United States going to play it? So far, the U.S.’s stated position is unexpected, but it reflects the real purpose of the United States. The U.S. will not act as the mediator of the Sino-Japanese dispute and will maintain a neutral stance. In fact, the United States hopes to see China and Japan maintain a certain level of confrontation, consume each other’s energy, and contain each other. If China and Japan were friendly to each other, the United States would be very unhappy. If China and Japan are in conflict, it will, apparently, be more favorable to the United States.” 

Source: Huanqiu, November 5, 2011