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Red Flag Manuscript: The Key to China’s Political Security Is the Communist Party’s Leadership

Red Flag Manuscript published an article on the relationship between political security and political system reform. “Political security is an important component of national security. … It is the fundamental symbol of national security and the supreme goal of China’s national interest. Only when political security is ensured, can there be the security required for China to seek and safeguard the economy, science and technology, culture, society, ecology and other areas. … The key to ensuring political security and the realistic path to success in China’s political system reform lies in expanding citizens’ participation in politics, upholding the rule of law, and increasing the level of institutionalization of participation in politics, all under the leadership of the Party.”

Source: Red Flag Manuscripts reprinted by Qiushi, August 10, 2011

Party Official: New Dynamics of the Gaming in the South China Sea

Gao Zugui, a Professor at the Party School of The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), wrote that China should find a common ground with its neighboring countries and with the United States in order to contain the tension in the South China Sea. Gao believes the urge of the neighboring countries to leverage external forces to resolve the dispute in the area meets the United States need to find an opportunity to re-instate its dominance in Asia, thus leading to the current tension in the South China Sea. “If China can expand the common interests or concerns that it shares with the ASEAN countries, including the South China Sea, and tries to prevent escalation of the conflict, it may be possible to limit the space the United States is interested in using. If China can expand its common ground with the United States related to more important interests and concerns, it may be possible for China to push the United States toward exercising restraint on the issue of the South China Sea.”

Source: People’s Online, August 22, 2011

Chinese Scholars on South China Sea Strategies

{Editor’s Note: The International Herald Leader recently published an exclusive report covering the "South China Sea Situation and the Media’s Responsibility Forum," a July 13 event jointly hosted by Yunnan Provincial Television and the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. [1] The Chinese scholars invited to speak at the forum suggested strategies for multiple ways that China could use to deal with its South China Sea disputes with other countries: taking a hard diplomatic position with military backup, guiding international public opinion to favor China, and using "marauding pirates" as grounds to enter the disputed waters and assert China’s leadership. The following are excerpts from the article.]

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Xinhua Editorial: The End of the Gaddafi Era Does Not Mean the End of Unrest in Libya.

On August 22, 2011, Xinhua published an editorial about the end of Gaddafi’s Rule. The article criticized the West for taking advantage of the unrest in Libya and constantly conducting air strikes against Gaddafi’s forces even though, since the beginning of the century, Gaddafi had adjusted his foreign policy to be favorable to the West. “As far as the West is concerned, smiling or swords are only tools to achieve their own strategic interests.”

The article pointed out that internal strife has started among Libyan rebels, concluding, “The end of the Gaddafi era does not mean the end of unrest in Libya. The power vacuum caused by the fall of a political regime tends to lead to factional conflicts, which will result in social turbulence.”

Source: Xinhua, August 22, 2011

Be on Guard against the West’s Insistence on ‘China’s Responsibility’

On August 12, 2011, Xinhua’s International Herald Leader published a commentary titled, “Be on Guard against the West’s Insistence on ‘China’s Responsibility.’” The article started with an apologetic statement that a German commissioner for African Affairs made, saying, “China is not responsible for the famine in the Horn of Africa.” The commentary stated that the West has launched a “media attack,” which is a “soft war,” against China for the purpose of driving China out of Africa. “With the rise and global influence of China, the so-called ‘China’s international responsibility’ has become a new weapon and a new means for the West to suppress China.”

The article acknowledged that “China’s responsibility” has misled some developing countries and created obstacles to China’s international cooperation. Therefore, it suggested that China must seize the earliest opportunity to spread the word in its loudest voice that favors China in the international media, so as to win the world’s understanding.  

Source: International Herald Leader, August 12, 2011

The Only Right Strategy to Avoid the Trap of the U.S. Debt Is to Internationalize the RMB

Qiushi Journal, a flagship publication of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee, republished an article from People’s Forum, which was originally published on the Caogen website. The article claimed that the only way to keep away from the pitfall of “the U.S. dollar hegemony” and the U.S. debt is to “create an alternative to replace the U.S. dollar and the U.S. debt.” “If China wants to get away from its over-reliance on the U.S. dollar and debt, the only right strategy is to internationalize the RMB (the Chinese yuan).”

The article explained in detail “the pitfall of the U.S. dollar hegemony and the U.S. debt”:

“The pitfall of the U.S. dollar hegemony and the U.S. debt is the core of the U.S. global strategy (‘the U.S. dollar + the U.S. army’ strategy). Due to the special status of the U.S. dollar, the world’s leading reserve currency, other countries have to accumulate large amounts of the U.S. dollar reserves. Since the U.S. bond market is the most liquid and most secure bond market in the world, other countries have no other choice but to buy large amounts of the U.S. debt. The deficit and debt help the U.S. to raise huge amounts of military expenditures, which lets the U.S. maintain its global military expansion and control the global strategic resources (mainly oil). The control of global strategic resources, in turn, strengthens the U.S. dollar’s reserve currency status. ‘The U.S. dollar hegemony – the U.S. debt pitfall – the military expansion – a control of strategic resources – strengthening the U.S. dollar hegemony’ is the basic logic of the United States as the global superpower.”

Source: Caogen, People’s Forum and Qiushi Journal, August 20 – 22, 2011

People’s Daily: Half of U.S. People not Satisfied with Obama

People’s Daily recently reported on a Gallup poll, which showed that 54% of those responding were dissatisfied with Obama. The poll also showed that Obama’s job approval rating was at 39%, which is a record low for a U.S. President. The report suggested that the poll result was related to S&P recently dropping the U.S. rating to AA+ for the first time in history. The report also referred to a recent Reuters’ poll which indicated that over 70% of U.S. people believe the country is heading the wrong direction. The report mentioned a few other numbers to prove its point: In July, the U.S. unemployment rate remained above 9% and the second quarter economic growth rate was merely 1.3%. Although Obama just started his bus tour in the Midwest to sell his new plan, the report hinted that might just be “a show for his reelection.”

Source: People’s Daily, August 20, 2011

Global Times: U.S. Media Covered Chinese Satellite Mission Failure

Global Times, under the Chinese state’s People’s Daily, recently reported that U.S. media covered the news that China had a satellite launch failure on August 17, 2011. NASA believed that the failure was proof that China’s three launch missions in one week overloaded its capacity. It seems that China is in a hurry to build an orbit satellite group. This was the first time the Long March II C rocket failed. This failed mission was the 146th orbit launch in Chinese space history and the 9th this year. The U.S. website also reported that this was the third launch within seven days. The previous one was on August 15, 2011, from a different space center.

Source: Global Times, August 19, 2011